Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/02/17/19:46:37
Williams, Gerald S (Jerry) wrote:
>> What about Linux syscalls? Will Cygwin emulation layer match
>> it?
> I just Googled "int 0x80". So THAT'S what you're
> trying to do. :-)
> No, I think your experiment shows that Cygwin is
> not emulating Linux syscalls at that level.
> Nor would I have expected it to.
Why not? c code, translated to asm with -c -S on linux box, can be later
compiled and linked with Cygwin's gcc and works fine. As you see, I have a
good reason to believe that nasm's int 0x80 will work too. So maybe I should
simply look for a nasm -> gcc's assembler translator?
> On the other hand, you can get at DOS functions,
> at least if you build your executable correctly.
> For example, the following:
> ; hello.asm
> [ORG 0x100]
> section .text
> global _start
> _start: mov ah,9
> mov dx, hello
> int 0x21
> mov ax,0x4c00
> int 0x21
> section .data
> hello db 'Hello, World', 13, 10, '$'
That was an easy example. But what if I want to fork? :-)
>> Is there a way I could force Cygwin's ld to work the way
>> Linux ld used to?
> I don't know about that, but you can specify the
> entry point explicitly:
> ld -e _start hello.o
Thanks! Now my hello.asm compiles well, is linked correctly, but still gives
an empty output.
Krzysztof Duleba
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