Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/02/07/09:10:08
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My Cygwin-provided version of Xemacs was complaining upon launch about
not finding things in a reasonable place.
I see that the latest update notes a "workaround". It could, I believe,
be corrected by appropriate entries in
`path.c'. This would still leave our version rather different from the
upstream one, because the "normal" place for things is in
`/usr/local/lib/$EMACSVERSION/$MACHTYPE' -- very much not in the spirit
of the FHS layout.
The most-critical thing to note is that the executable searches among
its "cousins." When we put the exe in
/usr/bin while the lisp remained in /usr/share/$EMACSVERSION, we made
the search fail. A very simple correction,
used in the standard distribution, is to place the executable in
`/usr/share/$EMACSVERSION/$MACHTYPE' and the
lisp where it is in `/usr/share/$EMACSVERSION/lisp' -- then put a link
in `/usr/bin'.
Similarly, the associated binaries could well be in the same directory
with the executable.
And the DOC and whatever data files in `/usr/share/$EMACSVERSION/etc'.
Finally, a `/etc/profile.d/' script to set up $EMACSPATH =>
<path to associated binaries>,
$EMACSDATA => <path to DOC and data files>, and $EMACSLOADPATH => <path
to lisp> should do the trick.
David A. Cobb, Software Engineer, Public Access Advocate
"By God's Grace, I am a Christian man; by my actions a great sinner." -- The Way of a Pilgrim: R.French, Tr.
Life is too short to tolerate crappy software!
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