Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/02/03/18:15:55
>-----Original Message-----
>From: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com [mailto:cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com] On Behalf Of
>Volker Quetschke
>Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 1:12 PM
>To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
>Subject: Re: Program randomly hangs after upgrading to cygwin 1.5.7
>Hi Rafael,
>> Are you using a win32 native compiled dmake or did you compile a copy of
>> as a Cygwin binary? Either way, did you compile dmake with debugging
>as mentioned earlier in this thread, it is the cygwin binary. See the
>first message in this thread for cygcheck info of dmake, and the
>cygcheck output of my system.
>Thanks for looking at this
> Volker
Just an idea that may be worth trying:
Make something like a /usr/local/bin/tracedmake
strace -o /tmp/dmake-trace-$$ --flush-period=10 dmake $*
And try the build with MAKE=tracedmake, then when a make hangs, you should be
able to see the trace output in the last /tmp/dmake-trace* file for where or in
what process the dmake hangs.
Also if you compile dmake with debugging (gcc -g) you might then be able to
attach with CYGWIN=notty gdb --pid=<dmake-pid>.
If it's stuck inside the Cygwin dll, which is likely, then it would help to
compile the Cygwin dll from CVS, with --enable-debugging, and then you'd be
able to see where things are hanging in gdb with "dll cygwin1".
Also, any thoughts on how a smaller test case could be constructed without
trying to compile the whole of openoffice? Any pattern you notice about the
places where dmake hangs?
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