Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/01/15/08:44:52
I've gotten my local Cygwin installation up to speed for this (openjade et
al.) but I'll probably be working on my Gentoo box at home (seeing as I only
have one Windows at my disposal at home, which does have Cygwin but which
I hardly ever use, I'll do as much as possible on my normal development box..)
I'll try to get things working so I can run `make' properly and will report
back when I've either gotten things going or have run into some really
blocking problem..
On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 10:22:10PM -0600, Joshua Daniel Franklin wrote:
> On Tue, Jan 13, 2004 at 03:46:12PM +0100, Ronald Landheer-Cieslak wrote:
> > I'd be happy to help out with the documentation. As for the documentation
> > build system: what do I need?
> As far as the Cygwin distribution goes, you need to have all the
> normal build tools (gcc,make,etc) and a couple you might not--
> libxml2 and rpm. Before the letters "R" "P" "M" scare people, let
> me digress. Up until now the Cygwin documentation has been built
> either on Linux or with custom Cygwin packages. (Note to you and
> to future list readers, this hopefully will change very soon--maybe
> as soon as we get Nicholas' openjade patches and can get it and the
> various DTD and stylesheets in the distribution.)
> The problem with installing custom packages is that you can get them
> confused with real ones and create a dependency mess as you attempt
> to move from custom to official packages. Right now on Cygwin all we
> have is custom packages for SGML docbook (which is what the Users' Guide
> and API Reference are written in). Nicholas mentioned that he'd been
> using Red Hat's SRPMs, so I thought I'd try that for the transitional
> phase. Just to be clear here, RPM is not becoming an official Cygwin
> installation method, and most RPMs you find on the Web will *NOT* work
> in Cygwin.
> That said, I've put up my hacked-together RPMs at:
> <>
> Note that RPM has many features such as dependency management that I've
> deliberately ripped out of these, so don't get too excited.
> Note also that there is an openjade-1.3.1-1.tar.bz2 there. This was
> packaged about two years ago before there was trouble building openjade,
> so it's quite old, but works for our purposes:
> --------------------------snip---------------------------------------
> # 1. Get the files
> cd /tmp
> wget -m -np -nH --cut-dirs=3
> # 2. Never do this again--it's a very bad idea
> cd /
> tar jxvf /tmp/openjade-1.3-1.1.tar.bz2
> # 3. Install the hacked-together "dependencies" rpms
> rpm -Uhv /tmp/*rpm
> # 4. Install the actual docbook packages
> rpm -Uhv /tmp/docbook/*rpm
> # 5. Remove everything you've installed with rpm with one easy step
> # onces we've got Cygwin packages together--no mess!
> rpm -e $(rpm -qa)
> --------------------------snip---------------------------------------
> Once you've got that, all you should need to do it type "make" in the
> winsup/doc folder of your Cygwin build tree. There are a couple of other
> things you might want to do:
> -comment out (with -- before and after) the "DTDDECL" statement in
> /usr/share/sgml/docbook/dsssl-stylesheets/catalog
> This version of jade just hates the DTDDECL and complains loudly.
> -Change /usr/bin/db2html's shebang to "#!/bin/bash" since it uses
> bash-specific artithmetic syntax.
> -Remove the cygwin-ug/cygwin-ug.html and cygwin-api-int/cygwin-api-int.html
> build targets from winsup/doc/ or just wait a week--see
> <>
> Hope this helps you get going, and let me know if you have any other
> questions. You're welcome to work on most anything, though I think having an
> improved API reference including real compilable examples would be great. The
> API is documented in SGML files in winsup/cygwin/ and a few source files
> ( Grep for "funcsynopsis". Anyone else chime in with other todos?
> --
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