Mail Archives: cygwin/2004/01/14/15:05:04
So, you're having trouble installing PHP and Apache under Cygwin on windows??
I've just suffered through some pain in setting this up - the following thread was
useful to me:
More importantly, I actually figured out how to make it work. Here are the changes
you have to make if you really want to go this route. Looking back, I think I would
have been better off installing a vanilla windows version of apache, and the vanilla
windows distribution of PHP - that is what most people do and it seems to work
better. But if you want to go the hardcore route, see below.
1) This was done with Apache 1.3.24-5 and PHP 4.2.0-2.
2) I will assume that apache is already installed and working - even doing that is
non-trivial, but this page is helpful: Just remember that apache
cygwin does not accept windows directory names (i.e. d:/foo/bar) - you have to use
3) There are bugs in the PHP installer, so we have to work around them. Luckily, it
is not that difficult.
so, the steps:
0) Stop your apache server
1) Install the PHP package using the cygwin installer. This will copy the
documentation, but you'll notice that the libphp4.dll is somehow missing! This is the
first bug.
2) To correct this bug, you'll have to edit the script which is stored in
/etc/postinstall - it should be named '' at this point.
3) Open it up, save a backup copy, and replace it with the following:
echo ${libdir}
${prefix}/bin/cygbz21.0.dll ${prefix}/bin/cygcrypto.dll
${prefix}/bin/cygintl-1.dll ${prefix}/bin/pq.dll
${prefix}/bin/cygxml2-2.dll ${prefix}/bin/cygz.dll
${prefix}/bin/cyggdbm.dll ${prefix}/bin/cygssl-0.9.7.dll
echo ${rebase_dlls}
cd ${libdir}/new
${prefix}/sbin/apxs -i -a -n ${module} ${module_dll}
echo ${module} ${module_dll}
${prefix}/bin/rebase -d -b 0x68000000 -o 0x10000
#${prefix}/bin/rebase ${rebase_dlls}
#don't remove module dll
#rm -f ${libdir}/new/${module_dll}
The changes I made were:
1) add ${prefix}/bin/cygssl-0.9.7.dll D:\apps\cygwin\bin\cygiconv-2.dll to the dlls to
be re-based. This I figured out through trial and error
2) uncommented the rebase command that had been commented out, and
commented out the rebase command with bad syntax (no -d -b 0x etc.)
3) commented the line that removes the libphp4.dll
Also, rename the file to apache-php-sh
4) unzip and untar the php distribution - it should be wherever you set Cygwin to
download packages.
> cd {wherever this file is located}
> bunzip2 apache-php-4.3.0-2.tar.bz2
> tar -xvf apache-php-4.2.0-2.tar
Within this tarball, you should be able to find libphp4.dll - drop that in /lib/apache
5) Now, run the post install script:
$ sh
This should now rebase all of the necessary dlls and install the libphp4.dll as a
shared object.
6) Now open up your httpd.conf file and add the following lines:
LoadModule php4_module lib/apache/libphp4.dll
AddModule mod_php4.c
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
7) now take a sample .php page and start up your apache server - it should be
working now. if you want to set up your php as a CGI handler, there are other
resources on the web for that.
I hope this helps someone else out there, and hopefully whoever is in charge can fix
these (relatively) simple problem in the installer script.
karl brown
karl at cs.stanford.edu_nospam
(remove nospam to send)
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