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Nick Ing-Simmons wrote: > Randy W. Sims <RandyS AT ThePierianSpring DOT org> writes: > >>>sub cwd { >>> require Cwd; >>> Cwd::cwd; > > > If you made that > Cwd::cwd(); > > it would work. nope. I already tried that. >>>} >>> >>>1; >>>-----><8----- >>> >>>-----><8----- >>># >>>package MyModule; >>>use Module; >>>use base 'Module'; >>>use Cwd; > > > If you moved that above the use Module line then when > was compiled it would know Cwd::cwd was a function. Tried that too. Removing it does work though, but that's not a solution; it's not reasonable to tell clients that subclass your library not to 'use Cwd'. I'm having a hard time grasping the order in which perl is interpreting this. What is desired is that $p->cwd() call Module::cwd() which should then forward the call to Cwd::cwd(). But no matter how I rearrange things I can't coax the behavior I want. I'm missing something simple here; I know it... >>>package main; >>>MyModule->new; >>>-----><8----- >>> -- Unsubscribe info: Problem reports: Documentation: FAQ:
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