Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/11/20/16:18:13

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Subject: Strange problem linking Windows DLL - 'Error: 0-bit reloc in dll'
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 16:17:40 -0500
Message-ID: <CB651C1E98631747889D6EBDAA6AA0854132D1@HUB-EXCHANGE.internal.sungard.corp>
From: <Michael DOT Gogins AT sungard DOT com>
To: <cygwin AT sources DOT redhat DOT com>
Note-from-DJ: This may be spam
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I am building a Python 2.3 extension module in Cygwin using gcc version 3.3.1 
(cygming special) with binutils version 2.14.90. There do not appear to be
any unresolved symbols, but I get the error:

Error: 0-bit reloc in dll

This DLL is a port of Solaris code and links in Sybase OpenClient Windows DLLs 
(and other DLLs) via import libraries that I make with strings and dlltool. 
The DLL also links with the X Windows libraries because the ported code 
references those libraries. Note the error report in the middle of 
the X windows import fixups (see link line below). 

I have no problem building a "toy" Python extension on Cygwin using similar rules. 

I also have no problem building, linking, and running tne entire extension 
on Solaris with Sun Workshop.

Other possibly relevant factors include the large size of the tt_wrap.o object 
and the need for repeating libraries on the link line thanks to interlibrary dependencies:

What causes this and what can I do about it? Thanks for any insight you can provide.

g++ -shared --enable-stdcall-fixups --enable-runtime-pseudo-reloc --noinhibit-ex
ec --split-by-reloc tt_wrap.o -Llib -L3sw/LSERV/lib/implib -lLSAPIW32 -L/lib/Pyt
hon2.3/config -lpython2.3 -lSM -lICE -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lXm -lXt -lX11 /usr/loca
l/lib/libsybdb.a /usr/local/lib/libsrv.a /usr/local/lib/libamb.a -lstdc++ -lm -L
Aggregator -lAggregator -LAmbInterface -lAmbInterface -LApp -lApp -LAppWin -lApp
Win -LBrowser -lBrowser -LCallAccount -lCallAccount -LCharges -lCharges DB/libDB
.a -LContentious -lContentious -Ldlist -ldlist -LDsm -lDsm -LDTE -lDTE -LExInter
face -lExInterface -LExposure -lExposure -Lfinance -lfinance -LFmsInterface -lFm
sInterface -LFutureTrade -lFutureTrade -LFXCashTrade -lFXCashTrade -LFXOptionTra
de -lFXOptionTrade -LFXOptionTrade -lFXOptionTrade -LGLI -lGLI -LGui -lGui -Lins
tr -linstr -LInstrument -linstrument -LIROptTrade -lIROptTrade -LMc -lMc -Lmmcas
h -lmmcash -LMMCashTrade -lMMCashTrade mrm/libmrm.a -LObserver -lObserver -LOpen
Client -lOpenClient -LOpenServer -lOpenServer -LOrders  -lOrders -LParser -lPars
er -LProcess -lProcess -LRecord -lRecord -LRep -lRep -LRtf -lRtf -LRtfServer -lR
tfServer -Lrw -lrwtool -Lsettlements -lsettlements -LSocket -lSocket -LSocketCli
ent -lSocketClient -LSocketServer -lSocketServer -LSQLBuilder -lSQLBuilder -LSys
Param -lSysParam -LSystem -lSystem -LTBag -lTBag -LTFO -lTFO -LTFOTools -lTFOToo
ls -Ltpm -ltpm -LTradeAction -lTradeAction -LUAM -lUAM -LUserParam -lUserParam -
LUserTrade -lUserTrade -LView -lView -LView -lView -Lxpm -lxpm -Lzip -lzip -Llib
 -L3sw/LSERV/lib/implib -lLSAPIW32 -L/lib/Python2.3/config -lpython2.3 -lSM -lIC
E -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lXm -lXt -lX11 /usr/local/lib/libsybdb.a /usr/local/lib/lib
srv.a /usr/local/lib/libamb.a -lstdc++ -lm -LAggregator -lAggregator -LAmbInterf
ace -lAmbInterface -LApp -lApp -LAppWin -lAppWin -LBrowser -lBrowser -LCallAccou
nt -lCallAccount -LCharges -lCharges DB/libDB.a -LContentious -lContentious -Ldl
ist -ldlist -LDsm -lDsm -LDTE -lDTE -LExInterface -lExInterface -LExposure -lExp
osure -Lfinance -lfinance -LFmsInterface -lFmsInterface -LFutureTrade -lFutureTr
ade -LFXCashTrade -lFXCashTrade -LFXOptionTrade -lFXOptionTrade -LFXOptionTrade
-lFXOptionTrade -LGLI -lGLI -LGui -lGui -Linstr -linstr -LInstrument -linstrumen
t -LIROptTrade -lIROptTrade -LMc -lMc -Lmmcash -lmmcash -LMMCashTrade -lMMCashTr
ade mrm/libmrm.a -LObserver -lObserver -LOpenClient -lOpenClient -LOpenServer -l
OpenServer -LOrders  -lOrders -LParser -lParser -LProcess -lProcess -LRecord -lR
ecord -LRep -lRep -LRtf -lRtf -LRtfServer -lRtfServer -Lrw -lrwtool -Lsettlement
s -lsettlements -LSocket -lSocket -LSocketClient -lSocketClient -LSocketServer -
lSocketServer -LSQLBuilder -lSQLBuilder -LSysParam -lSysParam -LSystem -lSystem
-LTBag -lTBag -LTFO -lTFO -LTFOTools -lTFOTools -Ltpm -ltpm -LTradeAction -lTrad
eAction -LUAM -lUAM -LUserParam -lUserParam -LUserTrade -lUserTrade -LView -lVie
w -LView -lView -Lxpm -lxpm -Lzip -lzip -Llib -L3sw/LSERV/lib/implib -lLSAPIW32
-L/lib/Python2.3/config -lpython2.3 -lSM -lICE -L/usr/X11R6/lib  -lXm -lXt -lX11
 /usr/local/lib/libsybdb.a /usr/local/lib/libsrv.a /usr/local/lib/libamb.a -lstd
c++ -lm -LAggregator -lAggregator -LAmbInterface -lAmbInterface -LApp -lApp -LAp
pWin -lAppWin -LBrowser -lBrowser -LCallAccount -lCallAccount -LCharges -lCharge
s DB/libDB.a -LContentious -lContentious -Ldlist -ldlist -LDsm -lDsm -LDTE -lDTE
 -LExInterface -lExInterface -LExposure -lExposure -Lfinance -lfinance -LFmsInte
rface -lFmsInterface -LFutureTrade -lFutureTrade -LFXCashTrade -lFXCashTrade -LF
XOptionTrade -lFXOptionTrade -LFXOptionTrade -lFXOptionTrade -LGLI -lGLI -LGui -
lGui -Linstr -linstr -LInstrument -linstrument -LIROptTrade -lIROptTrade -LMc -l
Mc -Lmmcash -lmmcash -LMMCashTrade -lMMCashTrade mrm/libmrm.a -LObserver -lObser
ver -LOpenClient -lOpenClient -LOpenServer -lOpenServer -LOrders  -lOrders -LPar
ser -lParser -LProcess -lProcess -LRecord -lRecord -LRep -lRep -LRtf -lRtf -LRtf
Server -lRtfServer -Lrw -lrwtool -Lsettlements -lsettlements -LSocket -lSocket -
LSocketClient -lSocketClient -LSocketServer -lSocketServer -LSQLBuilder -lSQLBui
lder -LSysParam -lSysParam -LSystem -lSystem -LTBag -lTBag -LTFO -lTFO -LTFOTool
s -lTFOTools -Ltpm -ltpm -LTradeAction -lTradeAction -LUAM -lUAM -LUserParam -lU
serParam -LUserTrade -lUserTrade -LView -lView -LView -lView -Lxpm -lxpm -Lzip -
lzip -o _tt.dll
Info: resolving __XmStrings by linking to __imp___XmStrings (auto-import)
Info: resolving _XtStrings by linking to __imp__XtStrings (auto-import)
Info: resolving _xmFormWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmFormWidgetClass (auto-
Info: resolving _xmLabelWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmLabelWidgetClass (aut
Info: resolving _xmPushButtonWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmPushButtonWidget
Class (auto-import)
Info: resolving _XtShellStrings by linking to __imp__XtShellStrings (auto-import
Info: resolving _applicationShellWidgetClass by linking to __imp__applicationShe
llWidgetClass (auto-import)
Info: resolving _xmFrameWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmFrameWidgetClass (aut
Info: resolving _xmTextWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmTextWidgetClass (auto-
Info: resolving _xmTextFieldWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmTextFieldWidgetCl
ass (auto-import)
Info: resolving _xmScaleWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmScaleWidgetClass (aut
Info: resolving _xmListWidgetClass by linkinError: 0-bit reloc in dll
g to __imp__xmListWidgetClass (auto-import)
Info: resolving _xmArrowButtonWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmArrowButtonWidg
etClass (auto-import)
Info: resolving _xmRowColumnWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmRowColumnWidgetCl
ass (auto-import)
Info: resolving _xmToggleButtonWidgetClass by linking to __imp__xmToggleButtonWi
dgetClass (auto-import)
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [_tt.dll] Error 1

Michael Gogins
Senior Software Engineer
Front Capital Systems 

SunGard Trading Systems 
560 Lexington Avenue
Telephone: 212 317 7455 
E-mail address Michael DOT Gogins AT front DOT com 

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