Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/09/17/19:16:45
Larry Hall wrote:
>Hm, I thought I was clear. Let me try again addressing iisreset
>iisreset doesn't work in the scenario you described because it's a Microsoft tool which knows nothing of the Cygwin environment. Cygwin's ssh using
>pubkey authentication doesn't authenticate the user with Windows. So if
>you need certain credentials to perform some operation in Windows, pubkey
>authentication won't provide them.
Ok. I tought ssh offered some mechanism trough cygwin to authenticate as
if under windows ..
That means the 'administrator' account via ssh pubkey is not
'administrator' then ..
>If you need to run iisreset through ssh,
>you will need to use password authentication, which takes the password for
>the user 'administrator' and authenticates for Windows with it. You should
>then be able to use iisreset (if authentication is really the only thing
>getting in the way with pubkey).
yes it is, since it is working with ssh connection (using password on
login) when sshd runs under 'local system'
>I don't know what are the "*some commands*" you're speaking of, but if they
>are Cygwin utilities, then I think the answer is obvious. If they are not
>Cygwin utilities, then I would have to say that they don't require special
>privileges to run. This is actually true for most utilities. But if this
>is still confusing for you, you'll have to provide specifics. However, I
>think you'll find that it's likely that anything that works for you in ssh
>using pubkey authentication falls into one of the two groups of utilities I
and you are probably right.
other commands are for example 'wlbs' (or nlb).
My problem is : I want to execute some remote (but encrypted) commands
using both wlbs and iisreset.
wlbs works fine from remote, but so is not for IISreset.
I thought authentication using ssh and public key would allow me to
perform the iisreset command..
But from what you explained; it is clear that whatever user logs in with
pubkey, it won't be considered as 'administrator'
It looks like iisreset can only be performed *locally* by *local
administrator*, which is dumb in the situation where you are from
remote. Only other remote control would be 'telnet' but hey, ms telnet
can't pertform remote commands.
Last question; if I provided a pubkey in the 'administrator' (cygwin)
environment, who am I for windows ?
Thank you very much.
Next I guess I'll go look for some tip on how to unlock iisreset so it
can be used by whatever admin and not just local ..
>At 02:56 PM 9/17/2003, Olivier ALLART you wrote:
>>Thank you for the details, but then, why *some commands* work and not others ?
>>And more specifically, how can I make *this command* work ?
>>Larry Hall wrote:
>>>I think you missed the fact that pubkey authentication does impersonation,
>>>not Windows-style authentication. So Windows apps won't recognize the pubkey
>>>authentication as providing permissions to run restricted programs. You'll
>>>have to use password authentication if you want Windows to recognize the
>>>user you've become via ssh. You can find all sorts of discussion on the difference between pubkey and password authentication for ssh in the email archives if you're interested.
>>At 12:40 PM 9/17/2003, Olivier ALLART you wrote:
>>>Following Mark J de Jong 's step by step howto (see end of mail for some add-ons), I can now effectively log in with pkey method (that is, no password) using the 'administrator' user name.
>>>'whoami' returns 'administrator', however asking for a command such as IISRESET returns the error 'you are not a local administrator of this machine...', which means the rights management has failed somewhere.
>>>Larry Hall
>>>RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
>>>838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX
>>>Holliston, MA 01746
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