Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/09/14/12:33:53
I am trying to update my cygwin from 1.3.22 to latest version. The
problem that I run into is that after selecting which download site to
go through, setup downloads the ini file, which it then tries to parse.
This parsing process seems to hang setup with all CPU power going to
this process.
I later noticed the creation on the setup.log file. Here are it's
2003/09/14 12:21:50 Starting cygwin install, version 2.340.2.5
2003/09/14 12:21:50 Current Directory: C:\tmp
2003/09/14 12:21:50 Changing gid to Users
2003/09/14 12:21:50 Could not open service McShield for query, start
and stop. McAfee may not be installed, or we don't have access.
2003/09/14 12:21:51 Ending cygwin install
I uninstalled McAfee some time ago and now only run Norton antivirus.
But for the sake of this installation, I disabled even that. Looking at
the list of processes running on my machine, I do not see McShield in
the list. Why is the setup process getting confused?
Here's how my setup looks like:
Cygwin Win95/NT Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Sun Sep 14 12:22:25 2003
Windows 2000 Professional Ver 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 4
Path: D:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin
c:\Program Files\Symantec\pcAnywhere\
c:\Program Files\UltraEdit
D:\cygwin\bin\id.exe output (nontsec)
UID: 1000(pxg25) GID: 513(None)
D:\cygwin\bin\id.exe output (ntsec)
UID: 1000(pxg25) GID: 513(None)
513(None) 544(Administrators)
SysDir: C:\WINNT\system32
WinDir: C:\WINNT
HOME = `D:\cygwin\home\pxg25'
MAKE_MODE = `unix'
PWD = `/home/pxg25'
USER = `pxg25'
Use `-r' to scan registry
a: fd N/A N/A
c: hd FAT32 38160Mb 28% CP UN BIGDRIVE
d: hd FAT32 19530Mb 83% CP UN LOCAL DISK
e: cd N/A N/A
f: cd N/A N/A
. /cygdrive user
D:\cygwin / system
D:\cygwin/bin /usr/bin system
D:\cygwin/lib /usr/lib system
D:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\lib\X11\fonts /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts system
. /cygdrive system
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\cpp.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\gcc.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\gdb.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\grep.exe
Found: c:\PROGRA~1\Borland\Delphi5\Bin\grep.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\ld.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\make.exe
Found: c:\PROGRA~1\Borland\Delphi5\Bin\make.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\mv.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\rm.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\sed.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
Found: D:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe
41k 2002/05/14 D:\cygwin\usr\X11R6\bin\cygPropList-0.dll
306k 2002/04/27 D:\cygwin\bin\cyghttpd.dll
551k 2003/04/02 D:\cygwin\bin\cygcurl-2.dll
119k 2002/02/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygjpeg6b.dll
21k 2001/06/20 D:\cygwin\bin\cygintl.dll
22k 2001/12/13 D:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-1.dll
45k 2001/04/25 D:\cygwin\bin\cygform5.dll
26k 2001/04/25 D:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu5.dll
156k 2001/04/25 D:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++5.dll
226k 2001/04/25 D:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses5.dll
15k 2001/04/25 D:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel5.dll
35k 2002/01/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygform6.dll
20k 2002/01/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu6.dll
175k 2002/01/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++6.dll
202k 2002/01/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses6.dll
12k 2002/01/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel6.dll
170k 2002/01/21 D:\cygwin\bin\cygpng2.dll
17k 2001/06/28 D:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory4.dll
108k 2001/06/28 D:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline4.dll
50k 2002/03/17 D:\cygwin\bin\cygexslt-0.dll
152k 2002/03/17 D:\cygwin\bin\cygxslt-1.dll
15k 2002/03/17 D:\cygwin\bin\cygxsltbreakpoint-1.dll
136k 2002/10/17 D:\cygwin\bin\cygexpat-0.dll
41k 2002/01/20 D:\cygwin\bin\cygXpm-noX4.dll
46k 2002/01/20 D:\cygwin\bin\cygXpm-X4.dll
50k 2002/03/12 D:\cygwin\bin\cygz.dll
28k 2002/09/20 D:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-2.dll
54k 2002/01/27 D:\cygwin\bin\cygbz21.0.dll
12k 2003/02/17 D:\cygwin\bin\cygioperm-0.dll
47k 2003/03/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygjbig1.dll
6k 2002/06/24 D:\cygwin\bin\cygcharset-1.dll
326k 2002/06/26 D:\cygwin\bin\cygdb2.dll
380k 2002/07/24 D:\cygwin\bin\cygdb-3.1.dll
487k 2002/07/24 D:\cygwin\bin\cygdb_cxx-3.1.dll
19k 2003/03/22 D:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm.dll
490k 2002/09/21 D:\cygwin\bin\cygguile-12.dll
63k 2002/09/21 D:\cygwin\bin\cygguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-v-1-1.dll
24k 2002/09/21 D:\cygwin\bin\cygguile-srfi-srfi-4-v-1-1.dll
14k 2002/09/21 D:\cygwin\bin\cygguilereadline-v-12-12.dll
488k 2002/07/18 D:\cygwin\bin\cygguile-14.dll
63k 2002/07/18 D:\cygwin\bin\cygguile-srfi-srfi-13-14-1.dll
24k 2002/07/18 D:\cygwin\bin\cygguile-srfi-srfi-4-1.dll
14k 2002/07/18 D:\cygwin\bin\cygguilereadline-14.dll
61k 2003/03/05 D:\cygwin\bin\cygkpathsea-3.dll
32k 2003/04/16 D:\cygwin\bin\cygltdl-3.dll
76k 2003/03/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygform7.dll
48k 2003/03/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu7.dll
284k 2003/03/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses7.dll
31k 2003/03/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel7.dll
168k 2003/02/23 D:\cygwin\bin\cygpng10.dll
173k 2003/02/23 D:\cygwin\bin\cygpng12.dll
25k 2002/07/14 D:\cygwin\bin\cygungif-4.dll
58k 2002/05/07 D:\cygwin\bin\cygbz2-1.dll
929k 2002/06/24 D:\cygwin\bin\cygiconv-2.dll
22k 2002/06/09 D:\cygwin\bin\cygpopt-0.dll
20k 2002/10/10 D:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory5.dll
127k 2002/10/10 D:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline5.dll
633k 2002/07/22 D:\cygwin\bin\cygxml2-2.dll
2689k 2002/11/16 D:\cygwin\bin\cygxerces-c21.dll
2984k 2003/02/07 D:\cygwin\bin\cygxerces-c22.dll
848k 2003/04/11 D:\cygwin\bin\cygcrypto-0.9.7.dll
176k 2003/04/11 D:\cygwin\bin\cygssl-0.9.7.dll
645k 2003/04/11 D:\cygwin\bin\cygcrypto.dll
165k 2003/04/11 D:\cygwin\bin\cygssl.dll
63k 2003/04/11 D:\cygwin\bin\cygpcre.dll
61k 2003/04/11 D:\cygwin\bin\cygpcreposix.dll
1005k 2003/03/30 D:\cygwin\bin\cygperl5_8_0.dll
281k 2003/02/24 D:\cygwin\bin\cygtiff3.dll
28k 2003/03/22 D:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm-3.dll
15k 2003/03/22 D:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm_compat-3.dll
948k 2003/03/18 D:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll
Cygwin DLL version info:
DLL version: 1.3.22
DLL epoch: 19
DLL bad signal mask: 19005
DLL old termios: 5
DLL malloc env: 28
API major: 0
API minor: 78
Shared data: 3
DLL identifier: cygwin1
Mount registry: 2
Cygnus registry name: Cygnus Solutions
Cygwin registry name: Cygwin
Program options name: Program Options
Cygwin mount registry name: mounts v2
Cygdrive flags: cygdrive flags
Cygdrive prefix: cygdrive prefix
Cygdrive default prefix:
Build date: Tue Mar 18 09:20:11 EST 2003
CVS tag: dontuse-21
Shared id: cygwin1S3
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version
_update-info-dir 00166-1
agetty 2.1-1
apache 1.3.24-5
ash 20020731-1
astyle 1.15.3-3
autoconf 2.54-1
autoconf-devel 2.57-1
autoconf-stable 2.13-4
automake 1.7.1-1
automake-devel 1.7.3-1
automake-stable 1.4p5-5
base-files 1.3-1
base-passwd 1.1-1
bash 2.05b-9
bc 1.06-1
binutils 20030307-1
bison 20030307-1
byacc 1.9-1
bzip2 1.0.2-2
ccache 1.9-1
cgoban 1.9.12-1
chkconfig 1.2.24h-1
clear 1.0-1
cmake 1.6.7-1
compface 1.4-5
cpio 2.5-1
cron 3.0.1-9
crypt 1.0-1
ctags 5.5-3
curl 7.10.4-1
curl-devel 7.10.4-1
cvs 1.11.5-1
cygrunsrv 0.96-1
cygutils 1.1.3-1
cygwin 1.3.22-1
cygwin-doc 1.3-4
db2 2.7.7-4
db3.1 3.1.17-2
dejagnu 20021217-2
diff 1.0-1
diffutils 2.8.1-1
doxygen 1.2.18-1
dpkg 1.10.4-2
ed 0.2-1
ELFIO 1.0.0-1
emacs 21.2-12
emacs-el 21.2-12
emacs-X11 21.2-12
enscript 1.6.3-3
exim 4.20-1
expat 1.95.5-1
expect 20030128-1
fetchmail 6.2.2-1
figlet 2.2-1
file 4.02-1
fileutils 4.1-1
findutils 4.1.7-4
flex 2.5.4-2
fortune 1.8-2
fvwm 2.4.7-2
gawk 3.1.2-2
gcc 3.2-3
gcc-mingw 20020817-5
gcc2 2.95.3-10
gdb 20030303-1
gdbm 1.8.3-1
gettext 0.11.5-1
gettext-devel 0.11.5-1
ghostscript 7.05-2
ghostscript-base 7.05-2
ghostscript-x11 7.05-2
gnugo 3.2-1
gnupg 1.2.2-1
gperf 2.7.2-1
grace 5.1.12-1
grep 2.5-1
groff 1.18.1-2
gsl 1.3-1
guile 1.6.0-1
guile-devel 1.6.0-1
guile-doc 1.6.0-1
gzip 1.3.3-4
indent 2.2.8-1
inetutils 1.3.2-22
initscripts 0.9-1
ioperm 0.4-1
irc 20010101-1
jbigkit 1.4-1
jpeg 6b-7
keychain 1.9-1
less 378-1
lesstif 0.93.41-1
libbz2_0 1.0.2-1
libbz2_1 1.0.2-2
libcharset1 1.8-2
libdb2 2.7.7-4
libdb2-devel 2.7.7-4
libdb3.1 3.1.17-2
libdb3.1-devel 3.1.17-2
libgdbm 1.8.0-5
libgdbm-devel 1.8.3-1
libgdbm3 1.8.3-1
libguile12 1.6.0-1
libguile14 1.5.6-5
libiconv 1.8-2
libiconv2 1.8-2
libintl 0.10.38-3
libintl1 0.10.40-1
libintl2 0.11.5-1
libkpathsea3 2.0.2-1
libltdl3 1.5-1
libncurses-devel 5.3-1
libncurses5 5.2-1
libncurses6 5.2-8
libncurses7 5.3-1
libpng 1.2.5-1
libpng10 1.0.15-1
libpng10-devel 1.0.15-1
libpng12 1.2.5-1
libpng12-devel 1.2.5-1
libpng2 1.0.12-1
libpopt0 1.6.4-4
libPropList 0.10.1-3
libreadline4 4.1-2
libreadline5 4.3-2
libtool 20020705-1
libtool-devel 1.5-1
libtool-stable 1.4.3-1
libungif 4.1.0-2
libxerces-c21 2.1.0-1
libxerces-c22 2.2.0-1
libxml2 2.4.23-1
libxslt 1.0.13-1
lilypond 1.6.8-2
lilypond-doc 1.6.8-2
links 0.96-1
login 1.8-1
lynx 2.8.4-5
m4 1.4-1
make 3.79.1-7
man 1.5j-2
mc 4.6.0-2
mingw-runtime 3.0-1
mktemp 1.4-1
mod_auth_mysql 1.11-1
mod_auth_ntsec 1.7-1
mod_dav 1.0.3-1.3.6-1
mod_php4 4.2.0-2
mod_ssl 2.8.8-1.3.24-1
more 2.11o-1
mt 2.0.1-1
mutt 1.4-1
nano 1.2.0-1
nasm 0.98.36-1
ncftp 3.1.4-1
ncurses 5.3-1
ncurses-demo 5.3-1
newlib-man 20020801
openbox 0.99.1-3
opengl 1.1.0-6
openssh 3.6.1p1-2
openssl 0.9.7b-1
openssl-devel 0.9.7b-1
openssl096 0.9.6j-1
par 1.52-1
patch 2.5.8-3
pcre 4.1-1
pdksh 5.2.14-2
perl 5.8.0-2
perl_manpages 5.8.0-2
pine 4.55-1
pinfo 0.6.6p1-1
pkgconfig 0.15.0-1
popt 1.6.4-4
postgresql 7.3.2-2
procmail 3.22-7
procps 010801-2
python 2.2.2-7
rcs 5.7-3
readline 4.3-2
rebase 2.2-2
robots 2.0-1
rsync 2.5.6-1
rxvt 2.7.10-3
sed 4.0.7-1
sh-utils 2.0.15-3
sharutils 4.2.1-2
shutdown 1.3-1
squid 2.4.STABLE7-1
ssmtp 2.38.7-3
sunrpc 4.0-1
swig 1.3.19-1
sysvinit 2.84-3
tar 1.13.25-1
tcltk 20030214-1
tcp_wrappers 7.6-1
tcsh 6.12.00-5
termcap 20020930-1
terminfo 5.3-2
tetex 2.0.2-1
tetex-base 2.0.2-1
tetex-bin 2.0.2-1
tetex-devel 2.0.2-1
tetex-doc 2.0.2-1
tetex-extra 2.0.2-1
tetex-tiny 2.0.2-1
tetex-x11 2.0.2-1
texinfo 4.2-4
texmf 20020911-1
texmf-base 20020911-1
texmf-doc 20020911-1
texmf-extra 20020911-1
texmf-tiny 20020911-1
textutils 2.0.21-1
tidy 030201-1
tiff 3.6.0-1
time 1.7-1
tin 1.4.7-1
ttcp 19980512-1
ucl 1.01-1
units 1.77-1
unzip 5.50-2
upx 1.24-1
vim 6.1.300-1
w32api 2.3-1
wget 1.8.2-2
which 1.5-1
whois 4.6.2-1
WindowMaker 0.80.0-2
x2x 1.27-2
Xaw3d 1.5-1
xerces-c 2.2.0-1
xerces-c-devel 2.2.0-1
xerces-c-doc 2.2.0-1
XFree86-base 4.2.0-1
XFree86-bin 4.2.0-3
XFree86-doc 4.2.0-1
XFree86-etc 4.2.0-1
XFree86-f100 4.2.0-2
XFree86-fcyr 4.2.0-2
XFree86-fenc 4.2.0-2
XFree86-fnts 4.2.0-2
XFree86-fscl 4.2.0-2
XFree86-fsrv 4.2.0-1
XFree86-html 4.2.0-1
XFree86-jdoc 4.2.0-1
XFree86-lib 4.2.0-5
XFree86-man 4.2.0-1
XFree86-nest 4.2.0-1
XFree86-prog 4.2.0-1
XFree86-prt 4.2.0-1
XFree86-ps 4.2.0-1
XFree86-startup-scripts 4.2.0-4
XFree86-vfb 4.2.0-1
XFree86-xserv 4.2.0-39
XFree86-xwinclip 4.2.0-8
xinetd 2.3.9-1
xpm-nox 4.2.0-1
zip 2.3-2
zlib 1.1.4-1
zsh 4.0.6-5
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