Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/09/07/07:00:39
> Which *application* are you seeing this > behavior in? Has it been
> against the new libintl2 or not (I
> thought that there would be no
> upgrading issues, but....just covering > all the bases, here).
> Try recompiling your app with the new
> gettext/libiconv packages installed (and
> don'tforget to install the -devel packages).
I use LyX under cygwin/XFree86. It's at the moment not recompiled under the
actual gettext/libiconv. I'll wait until the developers of cygwin/xfree86
release a version compiled with the actual cygwin.
When I reinstall the old libintl2 (also withe the actual cygwin and
gettext) all works fine.
> I'm stumped. The new versions of libiconv/gettext > pass just as many of
the internal self-tests as
> the old versions testing showed the new
> versions to be no worse than the old. But then, I > never ever use an
alternate character set; high-
> school spanish was a long time ago. I've often
> said that perhaps I'm not the best person to
> maintain these two packages...
I use at the moment the new gettext, libintl, libintl1 and libgettextpo0
versions and the old libintl2 version and all works fine.
I'm stumped too, because I thaught testing means to test it with all
character sets. If you use an internationalized application like LyX, you
can adjust the language so that you can see the menues and button names in
slovakian, spanish etc.
regards Uwe
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