Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/09/01/11:25:22
Welcome to our new SPAM filter. The first time this new system receives
e-mail from an unfamiliar source, it generates this response. Due to the
recent sharp increase in unsolicited e-mail (SPAM), we have been forced
to take this drastic measure and we apologize for any inconvenience it
may cause you.
If you recently sent us an e-mail, please confirm that you are not a
SPAM machine by sending an empty e-mail to this address:
gerti-oim-release-cygwin_40cygwin DOT com-20030901-102508-81250 AT BITart DOT com
Do NOT simply push the 'Reply' button, you MUST use this address.
Your recently sent e-mail will then be forwarded to us, your
address will be known to the system and you will not need to repeat this.
Again, sorry for the hassle.
If you did not recently send us an e-mail, your address was probably
forged by some virus, perhaps from someone else's address book. If this
is the case, simply ignore this message.
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