Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/08/03/16:30:46
David Selby wrote:
> Hello
> Last query for a while, don't want to wear you guys out ... Everything
> is OK, got bash, vim, rxvt working as I want them but I have one last
> problem ...
> I have installed X.
> When I executed "startx" It paused, then booted X, and booted into a
> window manager. All OK
> Problem 1... I decided to change the window manager to openbox
> (apparently related to blackbox?) so I found
> /etc/x11/xinit/xinitrc, deleted the window manager & typed in openbox.
> Stupid in the extreme, I should have #d it out.... what is the default
> window manager for startx ?
> Problem 2... openbox does not want to work. X starts & I get a popup "A
> required .DLL file LIBX11.DLL was not found" ... mmm .... I went to
> windows update, updated my adged 98SE & tried again. Same message. I
> tried starting openbox without startx, assumed it would call startx &
> maybe be happier, zip, just same message again.
> At a guess cygwin is fine, and 98SE is lacking a "DLL?" If this is the
> case Its a windows problem and OT. I will go contact some windows gurus
> ! Before I do that can anyone confirm this is a windows problem ?
No libX11 is an X DLL so that would be Cygwin. See
<> to find which package this is in and
install it.
BTW, this is really a question about X on Cygwin so it should go to
cygwin-xfree. I've redirected the conversation there and reset the
reply-to appropriately. Please use that list to follow-up if necessary.
Larry Hall
RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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