Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/07/23/21:35:23
> Change the permissions of all the .t files:
> $ cd t
> $ chmod 644 *.t
> Then look at the permissions with `ls -l`.
> Should be like this: -rw-r--r-- ... test.t
That was actually the first thing I looked at. For example:
I ran 'make test' as Administrator, saw the errors and looked at ...
Administrator AT billhome/usr/src/ImageMagick-5.5.7/PerlMagick/t/jpeg
$ ll
total 6
-rwx------+ 1 Administ None 1564 Mar 25 09:09 input.jpg
-rwx------+ 1 Administ None 1805 Mar 25 09:09 input_plane.jpg
-rwx------+ 1 Administ None 710 May 6 14:36 read.t
-rwx------+ 1 Administ None 858 May 6 14:36 write.t
I didn't see permissions as an issue here. However, since I'm relatively new
to CYGwin and I'm noticing many peculiarities regarding resolving ntsec
thingy's to POSIX thingy's, I'll give that a second look.
.... looking now ....
Administrator AT billhome/usr/src/ImageMagick-5.5.7/PerlMagick/t/jpeg
$ chmod 644 *.t
Administrator AT billhome/usr/src/ImageMagick-5.5.7/PerlMagick/t/jpeg
$ ll
total 6
-rwx------+ 1 Administ None 1564 Mar 25 09:09 input.jpg
-rwx------+ 1 Administ None 1805 Mar 25 09:09 input_plane.jpg
-rw-r--r--+ 1 Administ None 710 May 6 14:36 read.t
-rw-r--r--+ 1 Administ None 858 May 6 14:36 write.t
Administrator AT billhome/usr/src/ImageMagick-5.5.7/PerlMagick/t/jpeg
$ cd ..
Administrator AT billhome/usr/src/ImageMagick-5.5.7/PerlMagick/t
$ cd ..
Administrator AT billhome/usr/src/ImageMagick-5.5.7/PerlMagick
$ make test
.... and the results are ....
/usr/bin/perl.exe "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0,
'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t t/bzlib/*.t t/jbig/*.t t/jng/*.t t/jpeg/*.t
t/png/*.t t/ps/*.t t/tiff/*.t t/ttf/*.t t/x/*.t t/zlib/*.t
t/blob............t/blob.t is not readable
t/bzlib/read......t/bzlib/read.t is not readable
t/bzlib/write.....t/bzlib/write.t is not readable
t/filter..........t/filter.t is not readable
t/getattribute....t/getattribute.t is not readable
t/jbig/read.......t/jbig/read.t is not readable
t/jbig/write......t/jbig/write.t is not readable
t/jng/read........t/jng/read.t is not readable
t/jng/write.......t/jng/write.t is not readable
t/montage.........t/montage.t is not readable
t/png/read-16.....t/png/read-16.t is not readable
t/png/read........t/png/read.t is not readable
t/png/write-16....t/png/write-16.t is not readable
t/png/write.......t/png/write.t is not readable
t/ps/read.........t/ps/read.t is not readable
t/ps/write........t/ps/write.t is not readable
t/read............t/read.t is not readable
t/setattribute....t/setattribute.t is not readable
t/tiff/read.......t/tiff/read.t is not readable
t/tiff/write......t/tiff/write.t is not readable
t/ttf/read........t/ttf/read.t is not readable
t/write...........t/write.t is not readable
t/x/read..........t/x/read.t is not readable
t/x/write.........t/x/write.t is not readable
t/zlib/read.......t/zlib/read.t is not readable
t/zlib/write......t/zlib/write.t is not readable
All tests successful.
Files=28, Tests=4, 3 wallclock secs ( 0.39 cusr + 0.42 csys = 0.81 CPU)
And again I'm mystified by CYGwin. The files *were* rwx and *owned* by
Administrator and I *was* Administrator ... so what's up? Either things
aren't quite right yet in CYGwin land or I'm about to learn something new
and profound.
I've glanced through Corrina's dissertation on ntsec<=>POSIX issues.
Honestly, I was in no frame of mind to really want to completely understand
it and I'm not sure I really need to. But if you're up on it (or anybody
else is,) and the answer's in there let me know and I'll try to get a good
nights sleep before looking at it.
Or - if you have it your heart - maybe you'd care to school me :)
P.S. Keep an eye out for my upcoming post regarding proftpd and browser
anonymous login.
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