Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/07/16/08:59:56
Igor, sorry to bother you.
Thank you.
Luis A. Escobar
Igor Pechtchanski <pechtcha AT cs DOT nyu DOT edu> on 07/15/2003 10:21:19 PM
Please respond to cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
To: Luis A Escobar <luis AT lsu DOT edu>
cc: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Subject: Re: favor
On Tue, 15 Jul 2003, Luis A Escobar wrote:
> Igor, where do I get info (how to use, etc) on the
> jgraph cygwin utility that you just posted?
> Thank you
> Regards, Luis A
The following is directly from the announcement:
If you have questions or comments, please send them to the Cygwin mailing
list at: cygwin at cygwin dot com . I would appreciate it if you would
use this mailing list rather than emailing me directly. This includes
ideas and comments about the setup utility or Cygwin in general.
This means that your question should have gone to the list, so others can
enjoy the benefit of the answer in the archives if they have similar
questions. I'm forwarding my answer there.
Now, to answer your question: most Cygwin packages put the upstream
maintainer's README file in /usr/doc/<package>. Some also contain a
Cygwin-specific README file, as /usr/doc/Cygwin/<package>-<ver>.README.
Jgraph has both.
|\ _,,,---,,_ pechtcha AT cs DOT nyu DOT edu
ZZZzz /,`.-'`' -. ;-;;,_ igor AT watson DOT ibm DOT com
|,4- ) )-,_. ,\ ( `'-' Igor Pechtchanski, Ph.D.
'---''(_/--' `-'\_) fL a.k.a JaguaR-R-R-r-r-r-.-.-. Meow!
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