Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/07/03/01:21:16
Well I seemed to have got things installed and running but I'm still
testing. I found a very nice step-by-step in mailing.database.mysql from H.
I've included his post at the end. I would only add to his instructions to
"perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBI'" to install the DBI and
"perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::mysql'" to install the mysql interface. (makes
for a little less typing)
As he mentions, there are errors but most seem to be caused by some
confusion in the way cygwin handles the localhost socket. If you use an IP
address or hostname, connections are made (see the WARNING below.) Actually,
I saw different error msgs than he saw, but I'm working with later versions
as well. After running the perl CPAN autoinstall and having it complain that
there are errors and can't install, I just ran "make install" and it
Inititial tests (mysql.t perl script) seem to show that some things work but
that some things are not ok. I still need to check on that, but it does seem
to be able to connect to a database and complete some tests.
Thanks Hernan.
From H. Gonzalez ...
I've just installed DBD::mysql over Cygwin .
Reading the newsgroups, this seems to be a daunting task.
I managed to get it working it (with some struggle, little hope
and moderate success) and I thought that someone
might be interested.
Here it goes:
- Win2000
- Mysql Server running over windows (3.23.49-nt)
- Cygwin 1.3.3-2
Inside Cygwin :
- Perl v5.6.1 (it comes with cgywin)
- DBI 1.30 (downloaded from CPAN and installed as usual)
To install DBD:mysql, we need the client-side of mysql (libraries),
but in the "cygwin world" . Hence, the first step is to download
and install mysql (without server) in cgywin, apart from the server
(which runs in wht win2000 space).
Preliminary checks:
- Check that the (win2000) binaries are not on the
cygwin path (try to run "mysql" from the cygwin shell: it should
not find the executable)
- Check that the (cygwin) directory /usr/local/mysql DOES NOT EXIST
(we will create it soon)
Check also that the mysql server is listening (port 3306)
and get a [database ; user ; password] to access the DB from host
Lets suppose we have: [ db_test user_test pass_test ] , and that
the Win2000 mysql path is C:\mysql\ ; then, the command
> C:\mysql\bin\mysql -u user_test -ppass_test -h db_test
should connect ok.
(WARNING: use exactly that syntax: here, is not the same
as localhost! you MUST use a TCP connection, not a local socket;
you've been warned)
All the following, is run from the Cygwin shell:
1. Download msyql source ( mysql-3.23.53.tar.gz ) from
2. Untar and configure with these options:
$ ./configure --without-server --prefix=/usr/local/mysql \
3. make ; make install
Now, the mysql client libraries are installed. Let's go to DBD::mysql
4. Download DBD-mysql-2.1020.tar.gz from CPAN ; untar
5. Open Makefile.PL in your editor and edit the line :
open(PIPE, "mysql_config" --$param |");
adding the full path to the command:
open(PIPE, "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql_config --$param |");
6. Configure:
$ perl Makefile.PL --testdb=db_test --testuser=user_test \
--testpassword=pass_test --testhost=
(replace with your own db/user/pass )
7. $ make (there should be no errors)
8. $ make test
Now (and this is the reason I wrote I had a "moderate success")
some of the tests fail:
t/50commit..........ok, 14/30 skipped: No transactions
t/60leaks...........skipped test on this platform
t/akmisc............FAILED test 44
Failed 1/351 tests, 99.72% okay
t/mysql.............Confused test output: test 66 answered after test 66
Confused test output: test 66 answered after test 66
Confused test output: test 66 answered after test 66
Confused test output: test 66 answered after test 66
Confused test output: test 66 answered after test 66
( ........... here a LOT of similar error lines follow.... )
9. You may (as I did) hope that those errors are not important
and go ahead:
$ make install
And that's all.
I'm working with it (using a Movable Type test installation)
and, until now, I've found no problems.
Given the errors in the test suite, I would not
recommend this for data-sensitive work, though.
Hope this helps
Hernan J. Gonzalez
Buenos Aires, Argentina
-----Original Message-----
From: cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com [mailto:cygwin-owner AT cygwin DOT com]On Behalf
Of Bill McCormick
Sent: Wednesday, July 02, 2003 2:08 PM
To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Subject: mysqlc
There are a couple of different issues here:
1. connecting mysqlc client under cygwin bash shell
2. setting up the perl DBD::mysql
I'm running mysql server (win32) and I think mysqlc client should be able to
connect running under cygwin. It runs under cmd.exe; under cygwin it just
hangs. If I don't specify user (under bash) it complains as it should ...
ERROR 1045: Access denied for user: 'Bill AT 127 DOT 0 DOT 0 DOT 1' (Using password: NO)
Now since mysql is totally socket based, I shouldn't have to run mysql under
cygwin (not to mention jump through recompiling hoops to get there.) Running
the Winbloz server should be the path of least resistance ... right?
I'm trying to set up a web development env with cygwin
(apache,php,perl,mysql). Shouldn't be an issue but I'm also running
postgresql for something else. So I'm concerned that if I can't get a simple
command line client to connect and work with mysql, perl and php will have
problems as well under cygwin. Got Apache working, mysql server running
under windows, trying to get the perl DBD set up at the moment ...
perl -MCPAN -e 'install DBD::mysql'
results in ...
Removing previously used /home/Bill/.cpan/build/DBD-mysql-2.9002 Going to build R/RU/RUDY/DBD-mysql-2.9002.tar.gz
Can't exec "mysql_config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line
readline() on closed filehandle PIPE at Makefile.PL line 176.
Can't exec "mysql_config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line
readline() on closed filehandle PIPE at Makefile.PL line 176.
Can't exec "mysql_config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line
readline() on closed filehandle PIPE at Makefile.PL line 176.
Can't exec "mysql_config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line
readline() on closed filehandle PIPE at Makefile.PL line 176.
Can't exec "mysql_config": No such file or directory at Makefile.PL line
readline() on closed filehandle PIPE at Makefile.PL line 176.
Failed to determine directory of mysql.h. Use
perl Makefile.PL --cflags=-I<dir>
to set this directory. For details see the INSTALL.html file,
section "C Compiler flags" or type
perl Makefile.PL --help
Running make test
Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't test
Running make install
Make had some problems, maybe interrupted? Won't install
Under linux I'd do this as root, but since user Bill as administrator
privileges this shouldn't be the issue.
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