Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/06/09/04:02:53
However, the cygwin-gcc is not a 3.3 and is has some bugs. Since the cygwin
dll source is in large parts c++ i thought some bugs of the `wrong-code'-kind
could creep into cygwin1.dll. Since i do not know the innards of cygwin
very well i recompiled the dll just to be sure, but i dont really know if
this is necessary. I send a small code example that fails with the gcc-3.2
that demonstrates a problematic construct. This is a known gcc-problem and
doesnt strictly belong here, but perhaps someone reading it would be able
to say if this is relevant to the cygwin-dll. Likely that all this has nothing
to do with the original message.
Greetings - Rasmus
// bug-code: gcc-3.2 wont call destructor of D
#include <stdio.h>
struct D {
D () { printf ("D ()\n"); }
~D () { printf ("~D (this=%p)\n", this); }
void use_D (D d) { }
const D make_D () {
return D ();
int main () {
use_D (make_D ());
// end of code
On Sat, Jun 07, 2003 at 01:48:27PM -0400, Larry Hall wrote:
> Rasmus Hahn wrote:
> > BTW i am using cygwin snapshot 20030602 compiled with gcc-3.3 since the
> > out-of-the-box gcc from the cygwin-package is a prerelease and definitely
> > contains bugs that do not allow it to compile my code.
> As previously mentioned on this list, the gcc that comes with Cygwin is
> version 3.2. It is *not* a prerelease of gcc 3.2, despite the "comment"
> in 'gcc -version'. Obviously, I can't speak to the applicability of
> gcc 3.2 to your code or the problems you have compiling with it but I
> wanted to dispel any notion that Cygwin's gcc is somehow an early version
> of the official gcc 3.2 release.
> --
> Larry Hall
> RFK Partners, Inc. (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9889 - FAX
> Holliston, MA 01746
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