Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/05/21/01:53:06
Okay, this has been in 'test' for a month now. Has anybody (besides me)
tested it? Anyone? Anyone?
Okaaayyy, one more week and then I'm promoting it to 'curr' -- so if
there's problems, ya'll better find 'em now and not later.
Charles Wilson wrote:
> But I would appreciate testing and feedback. This is an update to
> version 1.11.5 from 1.11.0; there have been lots of changes under the
> hood. cvs-1.11.5 adds the rlog command, as well as a number of
> bugfixes. AFAIK, the server mode is still broken.
> This version actually performs better on the self-tests than the old
> cvs-1.11.0 version did, so that's good. I have not verified the
> interaction of binary/text mounted repository directories with
> binary/text mounted working dirs. (However, since text mounts were
> basically broken in 1.11.0, any improvement in that area is gravy.)
> binary-mounted text-mounted
> repository dir repository dir
> binary-mounted works ? (probably NOT work)
> working dir
> text-mounted ? ? (probably NOT work)
> working dir
> If this works as-well-as the old cvs-1.11.0 release, then I'll upload it
> to sources -- even if it doesn't fix every old problem in 1.11.0.
> To try it out -- NOT ON YOUR PRODUCTION MACHINE -- point setup at
> --Chuck
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Table of contents:
> Notes
> Brief Summary of Test Failures
> Gory Test Results
> Of 123 local: tests and 123 remote: tests,
> (each with many subtests), only the following
> failures were observered:
> local: modules remote: modules
> local: modules6 remote: modules6
> local: binfiles3 remote: binfiles3
> local: errmsg1 remote: errmsg1
> remote: devcom3
> remote: crerepos
> For Extremely Gory Test Results, see the files
> cvs-1.11.5-1.check.localpass
> cvs-1.11.5-1.check.localfail
> cvs-1.11.5-1.check.remotepass
> cvs-1.11.5-1.check.remotefail
> which are in the 'release/cvs/' directory at the URL above.
> --------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------
> (0) All tests run on W2k, NTFS, cygwin=ntsec, binary mounts
> for EVERYTHING, including the build dir, src dir, and
> /tmp.
> (1) I have made no attempt to fix or find any text/binary issues
> in the cygwin port of cvs. It's entirely possible that any
> extant issues have already been fixed in the official codebase.
> It's also possible that bugs still lurk.
> (2) The old cvs-1.11.0-1 cygwin release failed these tests
> (only :local: access was tested):
> join-readonly-conflict (subtest 1)
> modules (subtest 148) failed with a coredump
> errmsg1 (subtest 168)
> binfiles3 (subtest 11)
> rcs2 (subtest 7)
> rcs3 (subtest 5)
> So, the 1.11.5-1 actually performs better than 1.11.0-1; it
> no longer fails the rcs2, rcs3, and join-readonly-conflict tests.
> Of the four :local: failures, three are no change from the
> earlier release. The only "new" failure is modules6 -- but
> that test didn't exist in 1.11.0, so it isn't a regression, per se.
> ===> no regressions from cvs-1.11.0-1 <===
> Further, we now can test pseudo-remote access using the :fork:
> protocol, which mimics all of the remote access code by
> forking a new copy of cvs.exe as a "local server". In that
> case, the only test differences are:
> :fork: fails devcom3
> :fork: fails crerepos -- but that's expected
> (3) coredumping is bad.
> (4) Special 'targets' in the build script. After doing
> conf, and build, you can also do:
> check-local-pass
> check-local-fail
> check-remote-pass
> check-remote-fail
> check-local-pass runs all 119 local tests that I got successful
> results for. Ditto check-remote-pass (117 passing tests).
> However, check-local-fail and check-remote-fail run only the
> few tests that failed in my testing.
> (5) There may be a resource leak somewhere -- while the check-local-pass
> tests run fine, I often got a "No space left on device" error
> while running the check-remote-pass tests (even though I had PLENTY
> of free disk space). These spurious failures would persist -- until
> I rebooted the machine. At that point, I could continue the tests
> from the point of failure, for another 30-40 tests.
> This did NOT happen in :local: mode; only :fork: mode. It's
> possible the :fork: code isn't closing file descriptors or
> something...
> However, I do not expect that these sorts of errors will crop up in
> everyday usage.
> --------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------
> local: modules (subtest modules-148a0)
> causes a coredump...
> local: modules6 (subtest modules6-1)
> local: binfiles3 (subtest binfiles3-11)
> expected. 'admin -o' is disabled on windows/cygwin
> local: errmsg1 (subtest 168)
> remote: modules (subtest modules-148a1)
> again, causes a coredump
> remote: modules6 (subtest modules6-1)
> remote: binfiles3 (subtest binfiles3-11)
> again, expected. 'admin -o' is disabled on windows/cygwin
> remote: errmsg1 (subtest 168)
> remote: devcom3 (subtest devcom3-9ar)
> remote: crerepos
> ERROR: cannot test remote CVS, because `rsh KHELDAR' fails.
> when testing in remote mode, crerepos uses :ext: instead of
> :fork:. However, even though I had rshd running -- it was
> running as SYSTEM -- which means password entry is required.
> This test expects passwordless rsh.
> --------------------------------------------
> --------------------------------------------
> modules
> modules6
> binfiles3
> errmsg1
> PASSED 119
> version basica basicb basicc basic1
> deep basic2 files spacefiles commit-readonly
> commit-add-missing rdiff diff death death2
> rm-update-message rmadd rmadd2 dirs dirs2
> branches branches2 tagc tagf rcslib
> multibranch import importb importc update-p
> import-after-initial join join2 join3 join-readonly-conflict
> join-admin join-admin-2 new newb conflicts
> conflicts2 conflicts3 clean modules2 modules3
> modules4 modules5 mkmodules-temp-file-removal cvsadm emptydir
> abspath toplevel toplevel2 checkout_repository mflag
> editor errmsg2 adderrmsg devcom devcom2
> devcom3 watch4 watch5 unedit-without-baserev ignore
> ignore-on-branch binfiles binfiles2 mcopy binwrap
> binwrap2 binwrap3 mwrap info taginfo
> config serverpatch log log2 logopt
> ann ann-id crerepos rcs rcs2
> rcs3 lockfiles backuprecover history big
> modes modes2 modes3 stamps sticky
> keyword keyword2 keywordlog head tagdate
> multibranch2 tag8k admin reserved diffmerge1
> diffmerge2 release multiroot multiroot2 multiroot3
> multiroot4 rmroot reposmv pserver server
> server2 client fork commit-d
> REMOTE TESTS: (uses :fork:, not :ext: or :pserver:)
> modules
> modules6
> binfiles3
> errmsg1
> devcom3
> crerepos
> PASSED 117
> version basica basicb basicc basic1
> deep basic2 files spacefiles commit-readonly
> commit-add-missing rdiff diff death death2
> rm-update-message rmadd rmadd2 dirs dirs2
> branches branches2 tagc tagf rcslib
> multibranch import importb importc update-p
> import-after-initial join join2 join3 join-readonly-conflict
> join-admin join-admin-2 new newb conflicts
> conflicts2 conflicts3 clean modules2 modules3
> modules4 modules5 mkmodules-temp-file-removal cvsadm emptydir
> abspath toplevel toplevel2 checkout_repository mflag
> editor errmsg2 adderrmsg devcom devcom2
> watch4 watch5 unedit-without-baserev ignore ignore-on-branch
> binfiles binfiles2 mcopy binwrap binwrap2
> binwrap3 mwrap info taginfo config
> serverpatch log log2 logopt ann
> ann-id rcs rcs2 rcs3 lockfiles
> backuprecover history big modes modes2
> modes3 stamps sticky keyword keyword2
> keywordlog head tagdate multibranch2 tag8k
> admin reserved diffmerge1 diffmerge2 release
> multiroot multiroot2 multiroot3 multiroot4 rmroot
> reposmv pserver server server2 client
> fork commit-d
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