Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/05/11/01:53:38
On Sun, 11 May 2003, Charles Wilson wrote:
> Elfyn McBratney wrote:
> > Kinda, my other side was working for a production company and I was an
> > editor. Uhm, I did very little work on this and missed a few features
> > here and there in the code. I'm interested in working on it, though.
> >
> > Is there still interest in having a working (the other 20%) cygwin
> > daemon?
> Absolutely. And that will be true regardless of whether cygipc is
> accepted as a package for distribution via the mirror system.
> cygipc sucks. (Even the original author, Ludovic Lange, agrees with
> that). My fondest wish is for it to die. But it's the best (only)
> thing we have -- because it is fully functional, and cygserver is not.
> The fear is/was, as Robert said waaayy back and quoted again today, that
> by making it easy for cygipc to be used by 'the casual cygwin user,' we
> remove any impetus for something better. E.g. nobody would be
> interested in working on cygserver if cygipc was 'already there'.
> So, we decided to keep cygipc available -- but awkward to get to. It
> was a bit of social engineering -- that failed, as cgf pointed out last
> Tuesday in this thread.
> Egor wrote the original cygserver. Robert worked on it, and added most
> of the existing IPC functionality. Conrad took over maintainership last
> July and worked on IPC stuff (plus general cleanup, added some debugging
> features, etc). But he disappeared last September, and nobody has done
> anything since.
> cgf asked (plaintively) about the cygserver status in November. Nobody
> responded. He asked again in January, to little immediate response --
> although you (Elfyn) responded in February -- but again, little happened
> (I'm not being critical; life happens)..
> So finally, cgf said it looks like our social engineering experiment
> didn't work; perhaps it's time to relent and put cygipc into the
> distribution. But that DOESN'T mean that cygserver should be abandoned.
> Remember the mantra: cygipc sucks. If you want to, and have the time,
> PLEASE help finish cygserver -- so we can send cygipc to its
> long-delayed doom.
> Even if we do (temporarily) add cygipc to the cygwin distribution.
OK. After my lazy self has got lib{xml2,xslt} out, and other stuff out
of the way, I'll take a look again (might not be for a while, though).
(too tired to type ;-)
Elfyn McBratney
Systems Administrator
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