Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/05/09/18:02:53
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Hello Patrick,
Thank you for the details!
I could not resist and was curious about applying your hints on the newest
available components. Here is what I discovered:
After downloading the newest available .zip archives of passivetex and
xmltex from
and extracting your file you sent to the list
I extracted Norman Walsh´s docbook-xsl-1.61.0 stylesheets (available at
to /usr/local/lib/xml/stylesheets/docbook-xsl
and finally executed your script given in
The docbook dtd is in /usr/share/docbook-xml42 due to the previous
installation of Marcel Telkas
<> package.
The command
$ dbxml -t pdf thesis.xml
produces following output:
Making portrait pages on USletter paper (8.5inx11in)
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.14159-1.10b (Web2C 7.4.5)
%&-line parsing enabled.
kpathsea: Running mktexfmt pdfxmltex.fmt
fmtutil: no info for format `pdfxmltex'.
I can't find the format file `pdfxmltex.fmt'!
I guess this is due to the not correctly applied patches to fmtutil.cnf you
mentioned. The file texmf.cnf is successfully patched like the script output
patching file /usr/share/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
Hunk #1 succeeded at 43 with fuzz 1 (offset 5 lines).
Hunk #2 FAILED at 86.
1 out of 2 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to file
patching file /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf
Hunk #4 succeeded at 167 (offset 1 line).
Hunk #5 succeeded at 474 (offset 11 lines).
Since I never dealt with patching I am quite lost here. Could the generated
fmtutil.cnf.rej file contain any interesting output that helps further
patching? I attached it...
Is this something cygwin specific?
The command stated above creates at least a fo file. It looks good at first
glance. On Monday I will check if it is valid and if I can process this
Thank again!
> Andreas,
> to setup an xml toolchain, you need the docbook dtd, the stylesheets,
> libxml2 and libxslt packages. The packages contain xmllint - your xml
> validator - and xsltproc - the processor that applies the xsl stylesheet
> to your xml source to produce your output result.
> For generating PDF output, I use passivetex together with xmltex which
> require the tex packages as well. Note that PDF generation via the xsl
> stylesheets is still in its early days and require a good deal of
> stylesheet customization. You get better results for PDF when you use
> the more mature dsssl stylesheets together with the sgml toolchain. The
> sgml toolchain can also be used on xml source.
> passivetex and xmltex is available via the following link:
> I use the following script excerpt to install the pdf toolchain:
> > update_tex()
> > {
> > #install xmltex and passivetex
> > if [ -d /usr/share/texmf.local ]; then
> > rm -R -f /usr/share/texmf.local
> > fi
> > if [ -d /usr/share/texmf-var ]; then
> > rm -R -f /usr/share/texmf-var
> > fi
> > mkdir /usr/share/texmf.local
> > mkdir /usr/share/texmf-var
> > mkdir /usr/share/texmf.local/tex
> > mkdir /usr/share/texmf.local/tex/xmltex
> > unzip -d /usr/share/texmf.local/tex/xmltex
> > unzip -d
> /usr/share/texmf.local/tex/xmltex
> > cp -f DocbookXmltex.tex
> /usr/share/texmf.local/tex/xmltex/base/xmltex.tex
> > patch -N -u /usr/share/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf
> DocbookCygwinFmtutil.diff
> > patch -N -u /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf DocbookCygwinTexmf.diff
> >
> > mktexlsr
> > texconfig confall
> > texconfig rehash
> > texconfig init
> >
> > #install dbxml script
> > if ! [ -d $HOME/bin ]; then
> > mkdir $HOME/bin
> > fi
> > cp -f $HOME/bin/dbxml
> >
> > if ! [ -L /usr/local/bin/pdfxmltex.exe ]; then
> > ln -s /usr/bin/pdftex.exe /usr/local/bin/pdfxmltex.exe
> > fi
> > }
> I attached the patches for fmtutil.cnf and texmf.cnf. They are for the
> following versions: XmlTex 2000-01-18, PassiveTeX 2000-05-06. You have
> to check yourself whether newer versions of those distributions are
> available and whether the patches still apply. The other 2 files
> required for the script are attached as well. If those shouldn't come
> through, feel free to mail me in private.
> Make sure, $HOME/bin is in your path before you run the script, eg. edit
> your personal /home/{username}/.profile to include the following lines:
> PATH="$PATH:$HOME/bin"
> export PATH
> After the installation you can convert your xml file to html or pdf with
> the following commands:
> dbxml -t html filename.xml
> dbxml -t pdf filename.xml
> call dbxml -h for help
> The problems you witnessed with processing entities are caused by
> xsltproc. Cygwin's version of xsltproc is pretty old and does choke on
> the latest xsl stylesheets. If you go back to the v1.52.1 xsl
> stylesheets you should get the results that you're looking for. Unless
> those require features that are only available via later versions of the
> stylesheets, of course. Elfyn is currently updating the libxml2 and
> libxslt packages, so once those are available, your entity problems
> should go away.
> More docbook help is available on the docbook and docbook-apps mailing
> lists:
> HTH,
> Patrick
> > Hello,
> >
> > I got some docbook sources and I am trying to set-up a docbook
> xml toolchain
> > under cygwin. I read some package announcements months ago but
> they didn´t
> > make it in the netdistro.
> > Are those good souls still working on a release? Is there still work in
> > progress?
> >
> > I am using Marcel Telkas approach [1] to generate html. It uses xmlto to
> > generate different formats. Unfortunately it does not support
> the processing
> > of entities.
> >
> > I find it quite hard to put the pieces together to come up with
> a printable
> > document (pdf) toolchain which is up to date.
> > Could someone with a wider horizon please share his/her experience in
> > setting up such a thing?
> > Any pointer would be highly appreciated!
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Andy
> >
> > [1] <>
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