Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/05/09/07:55:06
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to setup an xml toolchain, you need the docbook dtd, the stylesheets,
libxml2 and libxslt packages. The packages contain xmllint - your xml
validator - and xsltproc - the processor that applies the xsl stylesheet
to your xml source to produce your output result.
For generating PDF output, I use passivetex together with xmltex which
require the tex packages as well. Note that PDF generation via the xsl
stylesheets is still in its early days and require a good deal of
stylesheet customization. You get better results for PDF when you use
the more mature dsssl stylesheets together with the sgml toolchain. The
sgml toolchain can also be used on xml source.
passivetex and xmltex is available via the following link:
I use the following script excerpt to install the pdf toolchain:
> update_tex()
> {
> #install xmltex and passivetex
> if [ -d /usr/share/texmf.local ]; then
> rm -R -f /usr/share/texmf.local
> fi
> if [ -d /usr/share/texmf-var ]; then
> rm -R -f /usr/share/texmf-var
> fi
> mkdir /usr/share/texmf.local
> mkdir /usr/share/texmf-var
> mkdir /usr/share/texmf.local/tex
> mkdir /usr/share/texmf.local/tex/xmltex
> unzip -d /usr/share/texmf.local/tex/xmltex
> unzip -d /usr/share/texmf.local/tex/xmltex
> cp -f DocbookXmltex.tex /usr/share/texmf.local/tex/xmltex/base/xmltex.tex
> patch -N -u /usr/share/texmf/web2c/fmtutil.cnf DocbookCygwinFmtutil.diff
> patch -N -u /usr/share/texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf DocbookCygwinTexmf.diff
> mktexlsr
> texconfig confall
> texconfig rehash
> texconfig init
> #install dbxml script
> if ! [ -d $HOME/bin ]; then
> mkdir $HOME/bin
> fi
> cp -f $HOME/bin/dbxml
> if ! [ -L /usr/local/bin/pdfxmltex.exe ]; then
> ln -s /usr/bin/pdftex.exe /usr/local/bin/pdfxmltex.exe
> fi
> }
I attached the patches for fmtutil.cnf and texmf.cnf. They are for the
following versions: XmlTex 2000-01-18, PassiveTeX 2000-05-06. You have
to check yourself whether newer versions of those distributions are
available and whether the patches still apply. The other 2 files
required for the script are attached as well. If those shouldn't come
through, feel free to mail me in private.
Make sure, $HOME/bin is in your path before you run the script, eg. edit
your personal /home/{username}/.profile to include the following lines:
export PATH
After the installation you can convert your xml file to html or pdf with
the following commands:
dbxml -t html filename.xml
dbxml -t pdf filename.xml
call dbxml -h for help
The problems you witnessed with processing entities are caused by
xsltproc. Cygwin's version of xsltproc is pretty old and does choke on
the latest xsl stylesheets. If you go back to the v1.52.1 xsl
stylesheets you should get the results that you're looking for. Unless
those require features that are only available via later versions of the
stylesheets, of course. Elfyn is currently updating the libxml2 and
libxslt packages, so once those are available, your entity problems
should go away.
More docbook help is available on the docbook and docbook-apps mailing
> Hello,
> I got some docbook sources and I am trying to set-up a docbook xml toolchain
> under cygwin. I read some package announcements months ago but they didnīt
> make it in the netdistro.
> Are those good souls still working on a release? Is there still work in
> progress?
> I am using Marcel Telkas approach [1] to generate html. It uses xmlto to
> generate different formats. Unfortunately it does not support the processing
> of entities.
> I find it quite hard to put the pieces together to come up with a printable
> document (pdf) toolchain which is up to date.
> Could someone with a wider horizon please share his/her experience in
> setting up such a thing?
> Any pointer would be highly appreciated!
> Thanks in advance,
> Andy
> [1] <>
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--- texmf.cnf Sun May 5 23:43:58 2002
+++ texmf.cnf.patched Sun May 5 23:52:30 2002
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% original texmf.cnf -- runtime path configuration file for kpathsea.
+% texmf.cnf -- runtime path configuration file for kpathsea.
% (If you change or delete `original' on the previous line, the
% distribution won't install its version over yours.)
% Public domain.
@@ -58,11 +58,11 @@
TEXMFMAIN = /usr/share/texmf
% A place for local additions to a "standard" texmf tree. For example:
-% TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/share/texmf.local
+TEXMFLOCAL = /usr/share/texmf.local
% If defined, teTeX's texconfig stores modifications here (instead of the
% TEXMFMAIN tree).
-% VARTEXMF = /usr/share/texmf-var
+VARTEXMF = /usr/share/texmf-var
% User texmf trees can be catered for like this...
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
% The braces are necessary. If you set VARTEXMF, you also have to
% - list $VARTEXMF in the TEXMF definition;
% - make sure that $VARTEXMF precedes $TEXMFMAIN in the TEXMF definition.
% The system trees. These are the trees that are shared by all the users.
@@ -166,6 +166,7 @@
TEXINPUTS.pdfmex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{mex,plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdftex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{plain,generic,}//
TEXINPUTS.pdftexinfo = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{texinfo,plain,generic,}//
+TEXINPUTS.pdfxmltex = .;$TEXMF/{pdftex,tex}/{xmltex,passivetex,plain,generic,}//
% pdfeTeX.
TEXINPUTS.pdfelatex = .;$TEXMF/{pdfetex,pdftex,etex,tex}/{latex,generic,}//
@@ -462,3 +463,28 @@
error_line = 79
half_error_line = 50
max_print_line = 79
+% hugelatex settings
+main_memory.hugelatex = 1100000
+param_size.hugelatex = 1500
+stack_size.hugelatex = 1500
+hash_extra.hugelatex = 15000
+string_vacancies.hugelatex = 670000
+pool_free.hugelatex = 47500
+nest_size.hugelatex = 500
+save_size.hugelatex = 32768
+pool_size.hugelatex = 700000
+max_strings.hugelatex = 100000
+font_mem_size.hugelatex = 400000
+% pdfxmltex settings
+main_memory.pdfxmltex = 2500000
+param_size.pdfxmltex = 1500
+stack_size.pdfxmltex = 1500
+hash_extra.pdfxmltex = 50000
+string_vacancies.pdfxmltex = 45000
+pool_free.pdfxmltex = 47500
+nest_size.pdfxmltex = 500
+save_size.pdfxmltex = 10000
+pool_size.pdfxmltex = 500000
+max_strings.pdfxmltex = 55000
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--- fmtutil.cnf Sun May 5 23:37:31 2002
+++ fmtutil.cnf.patched Sun May 5 23:40:58 2002
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
pdfelatex pdfetex language.dat *pdfelatex.ini
omega omega language.dat omega.ini
lambda omega language.dat lambda.ini
+hugelatex tex language.dat latex.ini
# The amstex format:
# amstex tex - amstex.ini
@@ -80,3 +81,6 @@
# Other formats:
# eplain tex language.dat eplain.ini
+# Formats that depend on previously created formats
+pdfxmltex pdftex language.dat &pdflatex pdfxmltex.ini
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%% xmltex.tex
%% Copyright 2000 David Carlisle, NAG Ltd.
%% This file is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License
%% (LPPL) as found at
%% Either version 1.0, or at your option, any later version.
\catcode`\{=1 \catcode`\}=2 \catcode`\@=11 \catcode`\#=6
\gdef\XML AT tempa#1: #2.tex,v #3 #4 #5 #6 #7${
\def\xmltexversion{#4 v#3 (#6)}}
\XML AT tempa
$Id: xmltex.tex,v 1.8y 2000/09/07 davidc Exp $
% initial version
% \def\xmltexversion{2000-01-03 v0.01 DPC}
% initial setup so that xmltex independent of any existing format
% even if normally built on top of latex
\catcode`\|=14 %
\catcode`\~=13 %
\countdef\count AT 200 % fingers crossed
\countdef\XML AT ns@count201\relax
\expandafter\def\csname newcount\endcsname#1{}
\expandafter\def\csname newtoks\endcsname#1{}
\toksdef\toks AT 200\relax
\toksdef\XML AT catalogue201\relax
\toksdef\XML AT attribute@toks202\relax
\def\space{ }
\chardef\active13 %
\countdef\z AT 0 %
\countdef\@tempcnta202 % fingers crossed
\countdef\@tempcntb203 % fingers crossed
\gdef\strip AT prefix#1>{}
% set up 7bit range
\count AT 0
\gdef\XML AT tempa{
\ifnum\catcode\count@=11 %
\expandafter\edef\csname 8:\string^^@\endcsname{\string^^@}}
\ifnum\count@<127\advance\count AT 1 \expandafter\XML AT tempa\fi}
\XML AT tempa
\catcode`\/0 \catcode`\\=\active /gdef\(/utfeightay\)
\ifx\nfss AT catcodes\@undefined
\def\nfss AT catcodes{
\catcode`\^7 %
% This is standard in LaTeX.
\ifx\zap AT space\@undefined
\def\zap AT space#1 {#1}
\def\input#1{\@@input#1 }
\def\IfFileExists#1#2#3{\def\@filef AT und{#1 }#2}
\immediate\write20{xmltex version: \xmltexversion}
% set catcodes of low chars to 12 and hight 10 13.
\gdef\XML AT tempa#1#2{
\XML AT tempa{#1}{#2}
\count AT 0\relax
\XML AT tempa{`\^^K}{12}
\count AT 127\relax
\XML AT tempa{255}{13}
\def\XML AT catcodes{
% white
\catcode`\ \active
% xml
% tex
% and these are not catcodes
\let\XML AT ns@a@\XML AT ns@a AT xml
\let\XML AT ns\XML AT ns@xml
\catcode`\ 10
%% half baked bom and utf-16 support
% do this also in everyjob incase a <?xmltex dump?> has turned it iff.
\def\XML AT thisencoding{utf-16}}
\def\XML AT thisencoding{utf-16}}
%% warnings
\def\XML AT warnNI#1{
{\let\protect\string\utfeight AT protect@typeout\message{^^J#1}}}
\def\XML AT warn#1{
{\let\protect\string\utfeight AT protect@typeout\message{^^J\XML AT w@#1}}}
\let\XML AT trace@warn\XML AT warn
\let\XML AT trace@warnNI\XML AT warnNI
\let\XML AT trace@warnE\message
\let\XML AT w@\@empty
% quoted literals
% " or '
% #1 command to call, gets quoted string as #1
% #2 " or '
% " and ' assumed active
\def\XML AT quoted#1#2{
\ifx#2"\expandafter\XML AT qq
\else\ifx#2'\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XML AT q
\def\XML AT qq#1#2"{#1{#2}}
\def\XML AT q#1#2'{#1{#2}}
% < handler
% / ! ? assumed active
\def\XML AT lt@markup#1{
\catcode`\^^I=10 %
\catcode`\^^M=10 %
\catcode`\ =10 %
\ifx/#1\XML AT getend
\else\ifx!#1\XML AT getdecl
\else\ifx?#1\XML AT getpi
\else\XML AT getname#1\@}
\def\XML AT first@lt{
\let<\XML AT lt@markup
\XML AT lt@markup}
%% reset catcodes
\def\XML AT reset{
\nfss AT catcodes
\catcode`\ =10
% catcodes?
\let\XML AT ns@a@\XML AT ns@a AT tex
\let\XML AT ns\XML AT ns@tex}
%% begin tag
\catcode`\ \active
% #1 first char of name
% grab the name into an xdef so that derminating string can
% be any of whitespace / or >
\gdef\XML AT getname#1\@{
\catcode`\ \active
\def {\iffalse{\fi}\XML AT getname@}
\let^^M %
\let^^I %
\def/{\iffalse{\fi}\XML AT getname@/}
\def>{\iffalse{\fi}\XML AT getname@>}
\unrestored AT protected@xdef\XML AT tempa{\iffalse}\fi#1}
% finish the special group for the name xdef, start an XML AT begingroup
% for the element, and begin processing any attributes.
\def\XML AT getname@{
\XML AT begingroup
\edef\XML AT w@{ \XML AT w@}
\let\begintag\XML AT tempa
\let\XML AT parent\XML AT this@element
\XML AT attribute@toks{}
\XML AT getattrib}
% elements put in an \XML AT begingroup which is a not a group at the
% outer level to save save stack, but turns itself into a group
% for nexted elements.
\def\XML AT begingroup{
\def\XML AT begingroup{
\let\XML AT begingroup\begingroup
\let\XML AT endgroup\endgroup}}
\let\XML AT endgroup\@@end
%% attributes
% #1 first letter of attribute name, or / or > to finish.
\def\XML AT getattrib#1{
\expandafter\XML AT endempty
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XML AT startelement
\XML AT getattrib@a#1
\let\XML@@getattrib\XML AT getattrib
% restore normal XML whitespace regime
% namespace check element name (has to be done after attribute handling)
% trace the element start then `do' the element which might be
% noop, execute package code, or grab, depending.
\gdef\XML AT startelement{
\XML AT default@attributes
\catcode`\ \active
\XML AT ns\begintag
\edef\XML AT this@element{
\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\expandafter\endcsname\noexpand:
\XML AT this@local}
\XML AT trace@warn{<\XML AT this@element}
\XML AT checkknown
\XML AT attrib@trace
\XML AT doelement}
% This is a noop if tracing turned off, otherwise loop through
% attlist with a typeout on each.
\def\XML AT attrib@trace{
\let\XML AT doattribute\XML AT doattribute@warn
\utfeight AT protect@typeout
\the\XML AT attribute@toks
\XML AT trace@warnE{ >}
% execute package code for an element start.
\def\XML AT doelement{
E:\XML AT this@element
% grab element content into a token register.
% has to pass through xdef to normalise encodings.
\gdef\XML AT grabelement{
\catcode`\ \active\catcode`\^^M\active\catcode`\^^I\active
\expandafter<\XML AT this@element~}
% check if I can switch this just once, where grabelement switched.
\let\XML AT doattribute\XML AT grabattribute
\expandafter\let\csname XMLNS AT 0\endcsname\XMLNS@
\the\XML AT attribute@toks
\catcode`\ \active\catcode`\^^M\active\catcode`\^^I\active
% #1 namespace
% #2 local name
% #3 value
\gdef\XML AT grabattribute#1#2#3{
\protected AT xdef\XML AT tempa{\csname XMLNS@#1\endcsname:#2}
\XML AT tempa="#3" }}
% #1 should be empty, between the / and the >
% probably should put some internal form here rather than literally adding
% end tag to be reparsed, but this simplifies grab code.
\def\XML AT endempty#1>{
\expandafter\XML AT startelement
%% check we know what to do with an element
\def\XML AT checkknown{
% catcode :? \csname E:\XML AT this@element\endcsname
\csname E:\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname:\XML AT this@local\endcsname
\let\XML AT use\@empty
\ifnum0=\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname
\let\XML AT NAME\XML AT this@local
% prerun catalogue in this case which might coerce element into a new namespace
\the\XML AT catalogue
\edef\XML AT NAMESPACE{\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname}
\let\XML AT NAME\relax
\the\XML AT catalogue
\inputonce\XML AT use
\expandafter\ifx\csname E:\csname
XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname:\XML AT this@local\endcsname\relax
\XML AT trace@warnE{Undefined}
%% end tag
\def\XML AT getend#1\@#2>{
\catcode`\ \active
% removed by Peter Housel housel AT acm DOT org 2000/09/06
% \catcode`\^^M\active\catcode`\^^I\active
\XML AT getend@a#2 \@}
% namespace normalise element name in end tag.
\gdef\XML AT getend@a#1 #2\@{
\catcode`\ \active\catcode`\^^M\active\catcode`\^^I\active
\XML AT ns\endtag
\XML AT trace@warn{</\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname:\XML AT this@local>}
\XML AT doend
% execute package code for element end.
\gdef\XML AT doend{
E/:\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname:\XML AT this@local
\XML AT endgroup
% added by Peter Housel housel AT acm DOT org 2000/09/06
\catcode`\^^M\active \catcode`\^^I\active \catcode`\ \active}
% flag children: put \@empty after every child element
% used by \xmltextwochildren and friends
% need active and non active : and / so...
\gdef\XML AT grabend{
\ifx\XML AT this@level\XML AT w@
% end inner group to restore \XML AT doelement and friends
\XML AT trace@warn{Grabbed content}
E.*\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname
*\XML AT this@local
\XML AT trace@warn{End grabbed content}
\XML AT endgroup
% \XMLstring usage means catcode restoring varies
% must fix this one day, for now use ifnum avoidance
\catcode`\ \active\catcode`\^^M\active\catcode`\^^I\active
\xdef\XML AT tempa{\noexpand<\noexpand/
\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\expandafter\endcsname\noexpand:
\XML AT this@local
\ifx\XML AT next@level\XML AT w@\noexpand\@empty\fi}
\XML AT tempa}
\XML AT endgroup
% syntax for these will probably change.
\xmltexf AT rall#1#2< >\@empty}
\def\xmltexf AT rall#1#2<#3 #4>#5\@empty{
\def\xml AT name{#3}#1{<#3 #4>#5}
\expandafter\xmltexf AT rall\expandafter#1
% #1 entity name (or tex macro holding same, eg from an attrbute)
% #2 #3 inserted before each compontent
% so #2{GIF}#3{xxx/yyy.gif}
\XML AT ndataentity\csname+\endcsname}
\gdef\XML AT ndataentity#1#2#3#4{
% this relies on = being catcode 13.
\gdef\XML AT getattrib@a#1\fi\fi#2={
\XML AT set@this AT attribute#1#2 \@
\XML AT quoted\XML AT attribval}
%% remove trailing space from `foo ='
\def\XML AT set@this AT attribute#1 #2\@{
% should probably do an edef at this point, and optimise
% later code
\def\XML AT this@attribute{#1}}
% #1 = attribute value
\def\XML AT attribval#1{
% allow for arbitrary catcodes.
\xdef\XML AT tempa{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT this@attribute}
\ifx\XML AT tempa\XML AT ns@decl
\XML AT ns@uri{}{#1}
\XML AT ns\XML AT this@attribute
% catcode avoidance
\edef\XML AT this@prefix{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT this@prefix}
\ifx\XML AT this@prefix\XML AT ns@decl
\XML AT ns@uri\XML AT this@local{#1}
% check if this still needed with protect setting?
% \def"{\noexpand"}
\utfeight AT protect@internal
\xdef\XML AT tempa{
\the\XML AT attribute@toks
\noexpand\XML AT doattribute{\XML AT this@prefix}{\XML AT this@local}{#1}}
\XML AT attribute@toks\expandafter{\XML AT tempa}
\XML AT getattrib}
%% activate attributes
% this seems over complicated and perhaps I should re-implement.
% currently tries to avoid making a csname for each attribute.
% declaration of attributes provides a normal tex command name
% to access the value in the element code, could have instead
% just had declaration of attribute name and default and used something
% like \attributevalue{html:href} but would need to work out a way
% of resolving prefixes at definition time if this was embedded in
% the element code. (The prefix such as `html' used in the definition
% file isn't known by the time the code is run.)
\def\XML AT doattribute@warn#1#2#3{
\XML AT trace@warn{\@spaces\csname XMLNS@#1\endcsname:#2 = \string"#3\string"}}
% #1 element specific attribute defaults, first token is
% macro for namespace-global attributes (hence \expandafter)
\def\XML AT setattributes#1{
\the\expandafter\XML AT attribute@toks#1\relax\relax
% #1 prefix
% #2 local name
% #3 value
\def\XML AT doattribute#1#2#3{
\xdef\XML AT tempa##1{\noexpand##1{
\noexpand\XML AT attrib\csname XMLNS@#1\endcsname:#2\relax}}
\XML AT tempa\XML AT attrib@x{#3}
\XML AT tempa\XML AT attrib@y}
% #1 \XML AT attrib qname\relax
% #2 value given in document instance
\def\XML AT attrib@x#1#2{
\gdef\XML AT tempb##1#1##2##3##4\relax\relax{
% #1 \XML AT attrib qname\relax
% #2 original attribute defaults
\def\XML AT attrib@y#1#2\relax\relax{
\XML AT tempb#2#1\XML AT temp@l{6}\relax\relax}
% if default is inherit, set it to \relax the first time, otherwise
% let whatever value it has drop through. Note this is inheritance of the
% tex csname declared as the internal access, not of the xml attribute name.
% #1 = junk
% #2 = tex csname
% #3 = attribute default (should be encoding neutral: not normalised)
\def\XML AT attrib#1\relax#2#3{
\ifx\inherit#3\relax% #3 might be empty
% any distinguishing value would do...
\let\inherit\XML AT attrib
\newtoks\XML AT attribute@toks
%%%%% namespace declarations
\newcount\XML AT ns@count
% need to protect against active chars
\def\XML AT ns@decl{xmlns}
\edef\XML AT ns@decl{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT ns@decl}
% #1 prefix (or empty)
% #2 uri
% globally allocate number to uri if new
% locally alocate prefix to number
% globally allocate number as a prefix (canonical form)
\def\XML AT ns@uri#1#2{
\utfeight AT protect@chars
\XML AT ns@alloc{#2}
\expandafter\edef\csname XMLNS@#1\endcsname
{\csname XML:#2\endcsname}
\XML AT trace@warn{xmlns:#1 = \csname XMLNS@#1\endcsname}
\unprotect AT utfeight
% and the same without any prefix
% always use in scope of utfeight protect
% #1 uri
\def\XML AT ns@alloc#1{
\expandafter\ifx\csname XML:#1\endcsname\relax
\global\advance\XML AT ns@count\@ne
\expandafter\xdef\csname XML:#1\endcsname{\the\XML AT ns@count}
\global\expandafter\let\csname A:\the\XML AT ns@count\endcsname\@empty
\XML AT trace@warnNI{URI: \csname XML:#1\endcsname\space = #1}
\expandafter\xdef\csname XMLNS@\the\XML AT ns@count\endcsname
{\the\XML AT ns@count}
% and version for xmt files
\let\DeclareNamespace\XML AT ns@uri
%% namespace support
%% : is active in xml state but inactive in tex state, so need to do
%% this twice, grrr...
% #1 = qname to be split on :
\gdef\XML AT ns@xml#1{
\expandafter\XML AT ns@a AT xml#1:\@:\\}
% #1 = prefix (or empty)
% #2 = local name or \@ if no prefix
\gdef\XML AT ns@a AT xml#1:#2:#3\\{
\XML AT ns@b{}{#1}
\XML AT ns@b{#1}{#2}
% same with inactive :
% #1 = qname to be split on :
\def\XML AT ns@tex#1{
\expandafter\XML AT ns@a AT tex#1:\@:\\}
% #1 = prefix (or empty)
% #2 = local name or \@ if no prefix
\def\XML AT ns@a AT tex#1:#2:#3\\{
\XML AT ns@b{}{#1}
\XML AT ns@b{#1}{#2}
\let\XML AT ns@a@\XML AT ns@a AT tex
\let\XML AT ns\XML AT ns@tex
% nullnamespace
\expandafter\def\csname XML:\endcsname{0}
\expandafter\let\csname A:0\endcsname\@empty
\expandafter\gdef\csname XMLNS AT 0\endcsname{0}
% xml namespace
\expandafter\def\csname XML:\endcsname{1}
\expandafter\let\csname A:1\endcsname\@empty
\def\XMLNS AT xml{1}
\expandafter\gdef\csname XMLNS AT 1\endcsname{1}
\XML AT ns@count1
% #1 = prefix or empty
% #2 = local name
\def\XML AT ns@b#1#2{
\utfeight AT protect@chars
\xdef\XML AT tempa{#1}
\xdef\XML AT tempb{#2}
\let\XML AT this@prefix\XML AT tempa
\let\XML AT this@local\XML AT tempb
% pi
\catcode`\ \active
\gdef\XML AT getpi#1\@{
\utfeight AT protect@chars
\catcode`\ \active
\let \endcsname
\expandafter\XML AT getpi@\csname
\def\XML AT getpi@#1{
\catcode`\ \active
\expandafter\XML AT getpi@x
\def\XML AT getpi@x#1#2?>{
\XML AT dopi{Undefined}{}}
% currently ? not reset by XML AT reset
\expandafter\def \csname Q:xmltex\endcsname{
\XML AT reset
\XML AT xmltexpi}
\gdef\XML AT xmltexpi#1?>{
\XML AT dopi{xmltex}{#1}}
% #1 = piname or `piname Undefined'
\def\XML AT dopi#1#2{
\XML AT trace@warn{\string<?#1?>}
\gdef\XML AT grabpi#1#2{
%% XML and declarations
% only care about encoding. Ignore version and standalone.
% #1 content
% #2 end of test code
\expandafter\gdef \csname Q:xml\endcsname{
\catcode`\ 10 %
\XML AT xmldecl}
\gdef\XML AT xmldecl#1?>{
\catcode`\ \active
\XML AT encoding#1 e="utf-8"\relax}
% actually encoding supposed to be after version if it comes at all
% so I could simplify this and get rid of the loop.
\gdef\XML AT encoding#1 #2{
\expandafter\XML AT encoding@aux
\expandafter\XML AT encoding
\gdef\XML AT encoding@aux#1={
\XML AT quoted\XML AT setenc}
% do nothing if newly specied encoding is same as old one
% #1 is name of encoding (upper or lower case, and dubious catcodes
% #2 is junk
\def\XML AT setenc#1#2\relax{
\lowercase{\gdef\XML AT tempa{#1}}
\xdef\XML AT tempa{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT tempa}
\ifx\XML AT tempa\XML AT thisencoding
\ifx\XML AT utfeight\XML AT tempa
\XML AT setutfeight
\let\XML AT thisencoding\XML AT tempa
\XML AT trace@warnNI{Encoding = \XML AT thisencoding}
\XML AT reset\input{\XML AT thisencoding DOT xmt}
% public version of same
\XML AT setenc{#1}\relax}
% catcode neutral lowercase utf-8
\def\XML AT utfeight{utf-8}
\edef\XML AT utfeight{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT utfeight}
%% internalise utf8 encoding as needed before every file include.
\expandafter\uppercase\XML AT tempa
\gdef\XML AT setutfeight{
\ifx\XML AT utfeight\XML AT thisencoding
\let\XML AT thisencoding\XML AT utfeight
\XML AT trace@warnNI{Encoding = \XML AT thisencoding}
\gdef\XML AT tempa{{
\gdef\XML AT tempa{{
\gdef\XML AT tempa{{
{\expandafter\XML AT xmlinput\expandafter
\XML AT setenc\expandafter{\XML AT thisencoding}\relax
}{\XML AT warn{No file: #1}}}
\def\XML AT xmlinput{
\def^^ff^^fe{\XML AT setenc{utf-16}\relax}
\def^^fe^^ff{\XML AT setenc{utf-16}\relax}
% in principle a parsed entity might just be text with no markup
% but the utf16 is so broken anyway don't worry about that.
\let<\XML AT first@lt
\XML AT setutfeight
\@@input\@filef AT und\relax}
%% declarations
% made safe against active chars.
% #1 = rest of if test
% #2#3 = first two characters after <!
\def\XML AT getdecl#1\@#2#3{
\if-\noexpand#2\XML AT comment % --
\else\if N\noexpand#3\XML AT entity% EN TITY
\else\if L\noexpand#3\XML AT dec@e% EL EMENT
\else\if A\noexpand#2\XML AT dec@a% AT TLIST
\else\if D\noexpand#2\XML AT doctype% DO CTYPE
\else\if C\noexpand#3\XML AT cdata% [C DATA
\else \XML AT dec@n% NO TATION
% could also pick up [IGNORE/[INCLUDE
% but they not allowed in internal subset.
%% Just skip element declarations
% #1 = rest of \if
% #2 ELEMENT declaration
\def\XML AT dec@e#1@#2>{
\XML AT checkend@subset}
% attribute declarations
% #1 = rest of if test + TLIST
% #2 = element name
\def\XML AT dec@a#1 #2 {
\protected AT xdef\XML AT tempa{#2}
\XML AT dec@a AT x}
\gdef\XML AT dec@a AT x#1 #2{
\protected AT xdef\XML AT tempb{#1}
\expandafter\XML AT dec@a AT brack
\expandafter\XML AT dec@a AT type
% #1 = enumerated attribute type tokens, up to )
\gdef\XML AT dec@a AT brack#1){
\XML AT dec@a AT hash}
% #1 = junk up to next space token
\def\XML AT dec@a AT type#1 {
\XML AT dec@a AT hash}
% #1 = nextchar after space, if it is # step to next space
% otherwise look for possible " or ' or >
\gdef\XML AT dec@a AT hash$1{
\expandafter\XML AT dec@a AT type
\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\XML AT checkend@subset
\let\ERROR\XML AT dec@a AT nodef
\XML AT dec@a AT def$1
\gdef\XML AT dec@a AT nodef#1\fi\fi#2{
\XML AT dec@a AT x#1}
\def\XML AT dec@a AT def#1\fi\fi{
\XML AT quoted\XML AT dec@a AT default#1}
\def\XML AT dec@a AT default#1#2{
\XML AT warn{Default: \XML AT tempa\space\XML AT tempb="#1"}
\ifx\XML AT default@attributes\relax
\let\XML AT default@attributes\@empty
\toks@\expandafter{\XML AT default@attributes}
\protected AT xdef\XML AT default@attributes{
\the\toks@\noexpand\XML AT add@attrib{\XML AT tempa}{\XML AT tempb}{#1}}
% reusing this wastes some tests but only done in local subset
\XML AT dec@a AT hash#2
\let\XML AT default@attributes\relax
% this comparison is encoding normalised, but namespace unaware, grr.
\def\XML AT add@attrib#1#2#3{
\gdef\XML AT tempa{#1}
\ifx\XML AT tempa\begintag
\def\XML AT this@attribute{#2}
% stop getattrib looking for nexted xml syntax attribute setting.
\let\XML AT getattrib\relax
\XML AT attribval{#3}
\let\XML AT getattrib\XML@@getattrib
%% comment
% - is active
% #1 = rest of if test
% #2 = comment text
\def\XML AT comment#1@#2-->}{
\catcode`\ \active
\XML AT trace@warn{\string<!-- -->}
\XML AT comment@}
\def\XML AT comment@{
\XML AT checkend@subset}
\def\XML AT grabcomment@{
%% entity defs
% #1 = rest of \if test + TITY
% #2 = % or entity name
\gdef\XML AT entity#1 #2 {
\def\XML AT input{
\ifx\XML AT use\XML AT SYSTEM\expandafter\@gobble\else
\expandafter\XML AT p@ent
\def\XML AT input{\noexpand\xmlinput}
{\utfeight AT protect@chars\xdef\XML AT ename{}}
\XML AT trace@warn{\XML AT ename; = }
\expandafter\XML AT ent
% input some file at most once (and ignore arguments that
% expand to empty)
% done in a local group
\expandafter\ifx\csname xmt:#1\endcsname\relax
\global\expandafter\let\csname xmt:#1\endcsname\@ne
\XML AT reset
% package files should have their own namespace declarations
% don't want to inherit from some random point when file is loaded.
% in principle should clear all prefix assignments in local scope
% but I don't currently maintain a list of those, and not needed as long
% as package files declare all prefixes used. But do set the default
% namespace back to the null namespace.
% should force utf-8 as well.
% ignore include of empty filename
\expandafter\let\csname xmt:\endcsname\@ne
% \noexpand protect against active ascii
\gdef\XML AT p@ent#1 #2{
{\utfeight AT protect@chars\xdef\XML AT ename{%#1}}
\XML AT trace@warn{\XML AT ename; = }
\if\noexpand#2P\XML AT E@public
\else\if\noexpand#2S\XML AT E@system
\else\XML AT E@internal#2}
% #1 = next char( P or S for external entities)
\def\XML AT ent#1{
\if\noexpand#1P\XML AT E@public
\else\if\noexpand#1S\XML AT E@system
\else\XML AT E@internal#1}
% special `prefix' that just removes following colon.
\expandafter\gdef\csname XMLNS@*\endcsname#1{}
%#1 = " or '
\gdef\XML AT E@internal#1{
\let\XML AT trace@warn\@gobble
\let\XML AT endgroup\endgroup
\let\XML AT begingroup\begingroup
% make " or ' close the grab `element'. the nameless close tag is completed
% by the > coming from the ENTITY declaration syntax.
% Using a mangled grab code is a bit complicated but it allows
% catcode 10 simplification in the normal case of element handling
% and allows characters to be correctly normalised to utf8.
\afterassignment\XML AT E@internal AT x
\expandafter\gdef\csname+\XML AT ename\endcsname}
% stop xmlns `attribute' being recognised
\let\XML AT ns@decl\relax
\let\XML AT this@local\@empty
% set up special prefix to gobble colon
\def\XML AT this@prefix{*}
% disable these as nothing will be known until namespaces reenabled
\let\XML AT checkknown\relax
\let\XML AT attrib@trace\relax
% hobble namespace code to put all name in local part.
\def\XML AT ns##1{
\protected AT edef\XML AT this@local{##1}
\def\XML AT this@prefix{*}}
% expandafter away an \else clause in grabelement then check for ]
\def\XML AT E@internal AT x{
\aftergroup\XML AT trace@warn
\expandafter\aftergroup\csname+\XML AT ename\endcsname
% this hack has to undo the one above moarked by
% % \XMLstring usage means catcode restoring varies
% must fix this as well one day
\def\fihack#1\fi{\expandafter\XML AT checkend@subset}
% need to add (somewhere) a replacement of " to " so that
% xxx='a"b"c' doesn't end up as xxx="a"b"c"
% #1 replacement text
% #2 white space and >
\def\XML AT E@internal@#1#2>{
\expandafter\protected AT xdef\csname+\XML AT ename\endcsname{#1}
\XML AT trace@warn{\@spaces\string"#1\string"}
\XML AT checkend@subset}}
%% check for ]> that ends internal subset
% #1 is next token in local subset (normally < or >)
% after subset finishes % stops being markup, and the package
% relating to any external entity in the doctype is loaded.
\gdef\XML AT checkend@subset{
\catcode`\ 10 %
\XML AT checkend@subset@}
% #1 = next character
\gdef\XML AT checkend@subset@#1#2#3#4{
\let\XML AT w@\@empty
\XML AT trace@warn{]}
\let\XML AT checkend@subset\relax
\expandafter\XML AT loaddoctype
%% #1#2 just gobble ]>
\def\XML AT loaddoctype#1#2{
\catcode`\ \active
\ifx\XML AT D@dtd\relax\else
\XML AT trace@warn{Doctype Package: \XML AT D@dtd}
\inputonce\XML AT D@dtd
% #1 = rest of \if test + PUBLIC
\def\XML AT E@public#1 {
\XML AT quoted\XML AT E@pubid}
% #1 = FPI
\def\XML AT E@pubid#1{
\def\XML AT PUBLIC{#1}
\edef\XML AT PUBLIC{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT PUBLIC}
\XML AT quoted\XML AT E@systemid}
% #1 = rest of if test up to SYSTEM
\def\XML AT E@system#1 {
\XML AT quoted\XML AT E@systemid}
% #1 URL
% #2 next token, N or >
\def\XML AT E@systemid#1#2{
\def\XML AT SYSTEM{#1}
\XML AT trace@warn{\@spaces Public: \XML AT PUBLIC}
\XML AT trace@warn{\@spaces System: \XML AT SYSTEM}
\the\XML AT catalogue
\expandafter\XML AT E@ndata
\XML AT E@internal@{\XML AT input{\XML AT use}}#2
% NDATA token terminated by > or white space
% #1 = DATA
% #2 ndata token with possible extra space
\def\XML AT E@ndata#1 #2>{\XML AT ndata@#2 >}
% #1 = ndata toke
% #2 = junk
\def\XML AT ndata@#1 #2>{
\XML AT E@internal@{{#1}{\XML AT use}}>}
% #1 rest of \if test + OCTYPE
% #2 document element name
% #3 P or S or [ or >
% noexpand for P and S, [ assumed active
\gdef\XML AT doctype#1 #2 #3{
\let\XML AT D@dtd\relax
\XML AT trace@warn{Document Element: \documentelement}
\if\noexpand#3P\XML AT D@public
\else\if\noexpand#3S\XML AT D@system
\else\ifx#3[\XML AT D@internal
\else%must be > the end
\XML AT D@empty
\gdef\XML AT D@empty @{
% #1 = rest of \if test + UBLIC
\gdef\XML AT D@public#1 {
\XML AT quoted\XML AT pubid}
% #1 = FPI
\gdef\XML AT pubid#1{
\def\XML AT PUBLIC{#1}
\edef\XML AT PUBLIC{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT PUBLIC}
\XML AT quoted\XML AT systemid}
% #1 = rest of \if test + YSTEM
\gdef\XML AT D@system#1 {
\XML AT quoted\XML AT systemid}
% #1 = URI
\gdef\XML AT systemid#1{
\protected AT edef\XML AT SYSTEM{#1}
\edef\XML AT SYSTEM{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT SYSTEM}
\XML AT trace@warn{Doctype Public: \XML AT PUBLIC}
\XML AT trace@warn{Doctype System: \XML AT SYSTEM}
\let\XML AT use\@empty
\the\XML AT catalogue
\let\XML AT D@dtd\XML AT use
\XML AT D@internal@}
% #1 = rest of if test
\gdef\XML AT D@internal#1@{
\XML AT D@internal@[}
% #1 = [ for local subset or > for the end.
\gdef\XML AT D@internal@#1{
\XML AT trace@warn{Internal Subset[}
\let%\XML AT pcent
\edef\XML AT w@{ \XML AT w@}
\expandafter\XML AT checkend@subset
| it had better be the closing >
%% catalogue support
\newtoks\XML AT catalogue
%% should rationalise this code
% #1 = FPI
% #2 = xmltex package file
\xdef\XML AT tempa{#1}
\xdef\XML AT tempa{\noexpand\the\XML AT catalogue\noexpand\XML@@PUBLIC
{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT tempa}}
\global\XML AT catalogue\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{
\XML AT tempa{#2}}}
% #1 = URI
% #2 = xmltex package file
\xdef\XML AT tempa{#1}
\xdef\XML AT tempa{\noexpand\the\XML AT catalogue\noexpand\XML@@SYSTEM
{\expandafter\strip AT prefix\meaning\XML AT tempa}}
\global\XML AT catalogue\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{
\XML AT tempa{#2}}}
% #1 = namespace URI
% #2 = xmltex package file
\utfeight AT protect@chars
\XML AT ns@alloc{#1}
\edef\@tempa{{\csname XML:#1\endcsname}}
\global\XML AT catalogue\expandafter{\the\expandafter\XML AT catalogue
\unprotect AT utfeight}
% #1 = unprefixed element name
% #2 = xmltex package file
\global\XML AT catalogue\expandafter{\the\XML AT catalogue\XML@@NAME{#1}{#2}}}
% #1 = unprefixed element name
% #2 = namespace URI
\utfeight AT protect@chars
\XML AT ns@alloc{#2}
\edef\@tempa{{#1}{\csname XML:#2\endcsname}}
\global\XML AT catalogue\expandafter{\the\expandafter\XML AT catalogue
\unprotect AT utfeight}
\gdef\XML AT tempa{#1}
\def\XML AT use{#2}
\ifx\@tempa\XML AT SYSTEM
\def\XML AT use{#2}
\ifx\@tempa\XML AT NAMESPACE
\def\XML AT use{#2}
\ifx\@tempa\XML AT NAME
\def\XML AT use{#2}
\ifx\@tempa\XML AT NAME
\edef\XML AT this@element{
\XMLNS@\noexpand:\XML AT this@local}
\XML AT trace@warn{ \XML AT this@element}
% entity refs
\gdef\XML AT amp@markup$1$2;{
\XML AT charref$2;
\XML AT tempa
\begingroup\utfeight AT protect@chars
\let&\XML AT amp@markup
\gdef\XML AT pcent#1;{
\XML AT checkend@subset}
% predefined definitions
%% character refs
% longwinded way so can share code later, also need to do d case.
% this does up to x1F FFFF which is higher than needed for XML
% (x10 FFFF)
% definition is of form
% \utfeightX <non active char>+
% except for non active chars below 128 which are just def of catcode 12 version.
\gdef\XML AT charref#1#2;{
\uppercase{\count@\if x\noexpand#1"\else#1\fi#2}\relax
\gdef\XML AT tempa{\utfeightay~}
\gdef\XML AT tempa{~}
\XML AT utfeight@a,
\XML AT utfeight@b C\utfeightb.,
\XML AT utfeight@a;
\XML AT utfeight@a,
\XML AT utfeight@b E\utfeightc.{,;}
\XML AT utfeight@a;
\XML AT utfeight@a,
\XML AT utfeight@a!
\XML AT utfeight@b F\utfeightd.{!,;}
% while I support mixed tex/xml files I need to have a version
% of { that always fetches the definition even if
% character is currently non active
\global\let\XML@@charref\XML AT charref
\gdef\XML AT charref@tex#1#2;{
\uppercase{\count@\if x\noexpand#1"\else#1\fi#2}\relax
\gdef\XML AT tempa{\utfeightay~}}
\XML AT utfeight@a,
\XML AT utfeight@b C\utfeightb.,
\XML AT utfeight@a;
\XML AT utfeight@a,
\XML AT utfeight@b E\utfeightc.{,;}
\XML AT utfeight@a;
\XML AT utfeight@a,
\XML AT utfeight@a!
\XML AT utfeight@b F\utfeightd.{!,;}
\gdef\XML AT utfeight@a#1{
\divide\count AT 64
\multiply\count AT 64
\gdef\XML AT utfeight@b#1#2#3#4{
\uppercase{\gdef\XML AT tempa{#2#3#4}}}
% #1 unicode slot, either 123 decimal or xA23 hex
% #2 tex definition of character when used as character data.
% code for chars below 127 somewhat experimental
% suppress active test in charref
\XML AT charref#1;
\gdef\XML AT tempa{#2}
\let\XML AT this@level\XML AT w@
\edef\XML AT next@level{ \XML AT w@}
\let\XML AT doelement\XML AT grabelement
\let\XML AT doend\XML AT grabend
\let\XML AT docdata\XML AT grabcdata
\let\XML AT comment@\XML AT grabcomment@
\let\XML AT dopi\XML AT grabpi
\utfeight AT protect@internal
\xdef\XML AT tempa{\iffalse}\fi}
\global\XMLgrabtoks\expandafter{\the\expandafter\XMLgrabtoks\XML AT tempa}
\XML AT lt@markup}
%% cdata
% #1 = DATA
\gdef\XML AT cdata #1[{
\catcode`\ \active
\XML AT cdata@a}
% #1 = CDADA section text
\gdef\XML AT cdata@a#1]]>{
\XML AT trace@warn{CDATA}
\XML AT docdata{#1}}
% #1 = CDADA section text
\def\XML AT docdata#1{#1\endgroup}
% #1 = CDADA section text
\def\XML AT grabcdata#1{
\utfeight AT protect@internal
\xdef\XML AT tempa{#1}
\expandafter\XMLgrab@\XML AT tempa}
% notation
% parse past the public and system ids
% in case they contain a >.
% unlike entities PUBLIC need not have a system id
% #1 junk
% #2 notation name
\def\XML AT dec@n#1N #2 #3 {
\XML AT trace@warn{NOTATION #2}
\XML AT quoted\XML AT notation
\def\XML AT notation#1#2{
\expandafter\XML AT checkend@subset
\XML AT quoted\XML AT notation#2
%% xmt definitions
%% #1 element, may use prefix : using prefixes in current scope
%% #2 attlist
%% #3 begin code
%% #4 end code
%% if #3 is \xmlgrab, #4 may access the content of the element as #1
\XML AT ns{#1}
\xdef\XML AT tempc{:\csname
XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname:\XML AT this@local}
% attlist
\toks@\expandafter{\csname A:\csname
XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname\endcsname}
\expandafter\gdef\csname E\XML AT tempc\expandafter\endcsname
\expandafter{\expandafter\XML AT setattributes\expandafter{\the\toks@}#3}
\gdef\XML AT tempa{#3}
\ifx\XML AT tempa\XML AT xmlgrab
\expandafter\gdef\csname E\string/\XML AT tempc\endcsname##1
\expandafter\gdef\csname E\string/\XML AT tempc\endcsname
\def\XML AT xmlgrab{\xmlgrab}
%% #1 attribute, may use prefix : using prefixes in current scope
%% #2 macro to access attribute in begin or end code
%% #3 default
\XML AT ns{#1}
\xdef\XML AT tempa{\noexpand\XML AT attrib
\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname
:\XML AT this@local\relax\noexpand#2}}
\toks@\expandafter{\the\expandafter\toks@\XML AT tempa{#3}}}
\XML AT ns{#1}
\xdef\XML AT tempa{\noexpand\XML AT attrib
\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname
:\XML AT this@local\relax\noexpand#2}}
\toks@\expandafter{\the\expandafter\toks@\XML AT tempa{#3}\utfeight AT chardef#2}}
\def\utfeight AT chardef#1{
\utfeight AT protect@chars
\xdef\x AT temp{#1}
\let#1\x AT temp}
% version for namespace global attributes, used at top level.
%% #1 prefix for namespace this is for. using prefixes in current scope
%% #2 attribute, may use prefix : using prefixes in current scope
%% #3 macro to access attribute in begin or end code
%% #4 default
\toks@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname A:\csname
\expandafter\xdef\csname A:\csname
\toks@\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{\csname A:\csname
\expandafter\xdef\csname A:\csname
%% #1 QName, may use prefix : using prefixes in current scope
%% #2 macro to access attribute in begin or end code
\XML AT ns{#1}
\csname XMLNS@\XML AT this@prefix\endcsname
\noexpand:\XML AT this@local}}}
\let\XML AT endgroup\endgroup
\let\XML AT this@local\@empty
\let\XML AT this@prefix\@empty
\XML AT catcodes
\let\XML AT endgroup\endgroup
\let\XML AT this@local\@empty
\let\XML AT this@prefix\@empty
\XML AT catcodes
\utfeight AT protect@chars
%% #1 name
%% #2 code, gets data as #1
\expandafter\gdef\csname P:#1\endcsname##1{#2}}
%% xmltex format support
\immediate\write20{xmltex version: \xmltexversion:}
\def^^ff^^fe{\XML AT setenc{utf-16}\relax}
\def^^fe^^ff{\XML AT setenc{utf-16}\relax}
\ActivateASCII{45}% -
\let<\XML AT first@lt
\XML AT reset
\@@input\@filef AT und
\endgroup}{\XML AT warn{No File: xmltex.cfg}}
\XML AT reset
\@@input\@filef AT und
\endgroup}{\XML AT warn{No File: \jobname.cfg}}
%% not currently used
%\def\XML AT setlatexcodes{
% \let\XML AT restore\XML AT catcodes
% \let\XML AT setlatexcodes\relax
%\let\XML AT restore\relax
%% allow package and class loading with normal latex catcodes
\def\@fileswith AT pti@ns#1[#2]#3[#4]{
\XML AT reset
\catcode`\^^M5 %
\let\@fileswith AT pti@ns\@@fileswith AT pti@ns
\@@fileswith AT pti@ns{#1}[{#2}]{#3}[{#4}]
\XML AT catcodes
\let\@fileswith AT pti@ns\XML@@fileswith AT pti@ns}
\let\XML@@fileswith AT pti@ns\@fileswith AT pti@ns
% and similar for input of aux files
\XML AT reset
\let\XML AT charref\XML AT charref@tex
\IfFileExists{#1}{\@@input\@filef AT und}{\typeout{No file #1.}}
\XML AT catcodes
\let\XML AT charref\XML@@charref
% and end doc
\if AT filesw
\let\@newl AT bel\@testdef
\XML AT reset
\let\XML AT charref\XML AT charref@tex
\makeatletter \input\jobname.aux
\ifdim \font AT submax \string>\fontsubfuzz\relax
\@font AT warning{Size substitutions with differences\MessageBreak
up to \font AT submax\space have occured.\@gobbletwo}
\if AT filesw
\ifx \@multiplelabels \relax
\if AT tempswa
\@latex AT warning@no AT line{Label(s) may have changed.
Rerun to get cross-references right}
%% protected write
\long\def \protected AT write#1#2#3{
\utfeight AT protect@external
\let\protect\@unexpandable AT protect
\edef\reserved AT a{\write#1{#3}}
\reserved AT a
\if AT nobreak\ifvmode\nobreak\fi\fi
%% typeout etc
\def\set AT display@protect{
\utfeight AT protect@typeout}
% xmltex namespace
\expandafter\let\csname A:2\endcsname\@empty
\expandafter\gdef\csname XMLNS AT 2\endcsname{2}
\XML AT ns@count2
% this is some currently used code aiming at having an aux file
% in xml syntax using commands from the xmltex namespace.
% this would avoid some of the problems involved in having
% mixed xml/tex aux files.
<2:contentsline level="#2">
\protected AT write\@auxout
{\let\label\@gobble \let\index\@gobble \let\glossary\@gobble}
{<2:@writefile ext="#1">#2</2:@writefile>}}
% end of xml-aux code.
% tracing
\global\let\XML AT doelement\relax
\global\let\wrong AT fontshape\relax
\expandafter\gdef\expandafter\XML AT catcodes\expandafter{\XML AT catcodes
\gdef\unprotect AT utfeight{
\let<\XML AT lt@markup
\let&\XML AT amp@markup
\unprotect AT utfeight}
\gdef\XML AT doend{\XML AT endgroup}
\gdef\XML AT docdata##1{\endgroup}
\global\let\XML AT dopi\@gobbletwo
\global\let\XML AT trace@warn\@gobble
\global\let\XML AT trace@warnNI\@gobble
\global\let\XML AT trace@warnE\@gobble
\global\let\XML AT attrib@trace\relax}
%% xmltex PI
%% <?xmltex tracingall ?>
%% <?xmltex typeout {hello world!} ?>
%% content of pi may be a latex command.
%% Arguments may be given in {} as usual
%% Do not use \ . First `word' (ignoring white space) taken as a tex
%% command name. May be a standard latex command, as here,
%% or some special command defined in a cfg file or package.
\XML AT pi#1{\relax}]
\gdef\XML AT pi#1{#2}[
\csname\zap AT space#1 \@empty\expandafter\endcsname
\XML AT pi@b\csname\zap AT space#1 \@empty\endcsname[#2]
\gdef\XML AT pi@b#1{#2}[
\XML AT pi@b#1[#2]
%% unicode support
% \utfeighta#1 1 byte utf8 char
% \utfeightb#1#2 2 byte utf8 char
% \utfeightc#1#2#3 3 byte utf8 char
% \utfeightd#1#2#3#4 4 byte utf8 char
\def\unprotect AT utfeight{
\let<\XML AT lt@markup
\let&\XML AT amp@markup
\csname 8:\string##1\endcsname}
\csname 8:##1\string##2\endcsname}
\csname 8:##1\string##2\string##3\endcsname}
\csname 8:##1\string##2\string##3\string##4\endcsname}}
\unprotect AT utfeight
% do this also in everyjob
\let<\XML AT first@lt
% for moving internal arguments (not writes)
\def\utfeight AT protect@internal{
% for external files (expands one in an edef and once in a write
\def\utfeight AT protect@external{
\let\utfeightay\utfeighta AT ref
\let\utfeightaz\utfeighta AT ref
% for typeouts and immediate writes and messages
%\def\utfeight AT protect@typeout{
% \let\utfeightax\noexpand
% \let\utfeightay\noexpand
% \let\utfeightaz\utfeighta AT ref
% \let<\relax\let&\relax
% \def\utfeightb##1##2{##1\string##2}
% \def\utfeightc##1##2##3{##1\string##2\string##3}
% \def\utfeightd##1##2##3##4{##1\string##2\string##3\string##4}}
% plan b
\def\utfeight AT protect@typeout{
\utfeight AT protect@chars
% for csname (will fall over < or & but they should not be there)
\def\utfeight AT protect@chars{
\def\utfeighta AT ref#1{
%% mapping input encodings to unicode.
\XML AT charref#2;
\count@"0\if\noexpand x#1\relax\else\count@#1\fi\relax
\global\let~\XML AT tempa}
% default encoding
%% need to change this default if hit BOM or xml or text decl,
\XML AT setutfeight
% adding xmltex style protection to standard latex commands.
% if xmltex being used with other formats this does no harm
% except take up a bit of space.
\utfeight AT protect@internal
\let\protect\@unexpandable AT protect
\let\label\relax \let\index\relax \let\glossary\relax
\mark{\@themark}}\if AT nobreak\ifvmode\nobreak\fi\fi}
\gdef\markright#1{{\let\protect\@unexpandable AT protect
\utfeight AT protect@internal
\let\label\relax \let\index\relax \let\glossary\relax
{#1}\mark{\@themark}}\if AT nobreak\ifvmode\nobreak\fi\fi}
% this one not safe, restore not complete
\def\protected AT edef{
\let\protect\@unexpandable AT protect
\utfeight AT protect@internal
\afterassignment\restore AT protect
\def\protected AT xdef{
\utfeight AT protect@internal
\let\protect\@unexpandable AT protect
\def\unrestored AT protected@xdef{
\utfeight AT protect@internal
\let\protect\@unexpandable AT protect
% should really save and restore, not always back to markup
\def\restore AT protect{\let\protect\@@protect
\unprotect AT utfeight
%%%%% stop this doing damage, also stops it working
% support for making 7bit characters active
\uppercase{\count@"0\if x\noexpand#1\relax\else\count@#1\fi\relax}
\toks@\expandafter{\nfss AT catcodes}
\xdef\nfss AT catcodes{
\toks@\expandafter{\XML AT catcodes}
\xdef\XML AT catcodes{
% some of these should not be active by default, but OK for now.
% could use \ActivateASCII for most if not all of these now.
% should probably use \UnicodeCharacter for these now
% activateacii would use ax code, want ay code so ^ not written to aux files
% and clash with tex usage. so locally lie and make it a letter
\ActivateASCII{94}% ^ for tex ^^ notation in aux files
\ActivateASCII{x5C}% \
\ActivateASCII{x5F}% \
\ActivateASCII{123}% {
\ActivateASCII{125}% {
% white space
\UnicodeCharacter{13}{ \ignorespaces}
\UnicodeCharacter{32}{ \ignorespaces}
\UnicodeCharacter{9}{ \ignorespaces}
\expandafter\def\csname 8:\string^^M\endcsname{\leavevmode\hfil \break\null}}
\expandafter\def\csname 8:\string^^M\endcsname}
\expandafter\def\csname 8: \endcsname{\nobreakspace}}
% tabs just do whatver the current space does.
\expandafter\def\csname 8:\string^^I\expandafter\endcsname
\expandafter{\csname 8: \endcsname}
% tex conventions
\XML AT reset
\@@input\expandafter\@filef AT und\expandafter\relax
\expandafter\XML AT setenc\expandafter{\XML AT thisencoding}\relax
}{\XML AT warn{No File: xmltex.cfg}}
% get xmltex in catcode 12, for comparing with \jobname
\gdef\XML AT tempa#1>{}
\gdef\XML AT tempb{xmltex}
\xdef\XML AT tempb{\expandafter\XML AT tempa\meaning\XML AT tempb}
\gdef\XML AT tempc{pdfxmltex}
\xdef\XML AT tempc{\expandafter\XML AT tempa\meaning\XML AT tempc}
\xdef\XML AT tempa{\lowercase{\gdef\noexpand\XML AT tempa{\jobname}}}
\XML AT tempa
% if jobname is xmltex or pdfxmltex dump the format, otherwise
% try to load \jobname.cfg and input \xmlfile
% put white space back so the filename can be read off the command line
\ifx\XML AT tempa\XML AT tempc
\let\XML AT tempb\XML AT tempc
\ifx\XML AT tempa\XML AT tempb
\def\XML AT tempa{
\catcode`\ =10\relax
\@@input\expandafter\@filef AT und\expandafter\relax
\expandafter\XML AT setenc\expandafter{\XML AT thisencoding}\relax
}{\XML AT warn{No File: \jobname.cfg}}
\def\XML AT tempa{\catcode`\-12\relax}
\def\XML AT tempa{\catcode`\-12\relax\input\xmlfile\relax}
\endlinechar`\^^M \expandafter\XML AT catcodes\XML AT tempa
Content-Type: text/plain;
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# dbxml - creates formatted output from XML documents
# code was tested on WinNT/Cygwin but should run on Linux/Unix as well
# Markus Hoenicka <hoenicka_markus AT compuserve DOT com> 2001-10-10
# $Id$
# OPTIONS: -d (stylesheet) -h (invoke help), -p (processor), -t (output format)
# relies on these external programs: SUN JRE, xerces/xalan, xp/xt, xsltproc, passivetex, xmltex
### start user-customizable section
# stylesheets; you can define additional driver files here
# the default processor: xalan, xt, saxon, or xsltproc
# the path to the Java class repository. This assumes that all necessary .jar
# files are in this directory
### end user-customizable section
# some defaults
# function definitions
# creates fo output from xml. Arguments: input_filename out_filename
process_fo () {
case $processor in
xalan ) java -cp "$classpath" org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in $1 -xsl $jfosheet -out $2;;
xt ) java -cp "$classpath" com.jclark.xsl.sax.Driver $1 $jfosheet > $2;;
saxon ) java -cp "$classpath" com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet $1 $jfosheet -o $2;;
xsltproc ) xsltproc $fosheet $1 > $2;;
# creates html output from xml. Arguments: input_filename out_filename
process_html () {
case $processor in
xalan ) java -cp "$classpath" org.apache.xalan.xslt.Process -in $1 -xsl $jhtmlsheet -out $2;;
xt ) java -cp "$classpath" com.jclark.xsl.sax.Driver $1 $jhtmlsheet > $2;;
saxon ) java -cp "$classpath" com.icl.saxon.StyleSheet $1 $jhtmlsheet -o $2;;
xsltproc ) xsltproc $htmlsheet $1 > $2;;
# read the command line options
while getopts ":d:hi:p:t:" opt; do
case $opt in
d ) stylesheet=$OPTARG;;
h ) echo "creates formatted output from a DocBook XML source"
echo 'usage: dbxml [-d style] [-h] [-i name] [-p prefix] [-t outformat] file1 [file2...]'
echo "Options: -d select stylesheet (d=default, m=m4, s=dbslide)"
echo " -h print this help and exit"
echo " -p specify processor: xalan, xt, saxon, or xsltproc"
echo " -t select the output format. Possible values are html, rtf, pdf."
exit 0 ;;
p ) processor=$OPTARG;;
t ) outformat=$OPTARG;;
\? ) echo 'usage: dbxml [-d style] [-h] [-p processor] [-t outformat] file1 [file2...]'
echo 'type dbxml -h to invoke help'
exit 1;;
# correct the index so the filename argument is always $1
shift $(($OPTIND - 1))
# pick stylesheet; the case 'm' shows how you could include your own driver files here
case $stylesheet in
d ) htmlsheet=$htmldb
# m ) htmlsheet=$htmlm4
# fosheet=$printm4;;
\? ) echo 'usage of the -d switch: d selects stock DocBook'
exit 1;;
# test for valid arguments
if [ ! $outformat = html ] && [ ! $outformat = rtf ] && [ ! $outformat = pdf ]; then
echo "specify one of 'html', 'rtf', 'pdf' with the -t option"
exit 1
if [ ! $processor = "xalan" ] && [ ! $processor = "xt" ] && [ ! $processor = "xsltproc" ] && [ ! $processor = "saxon" ]; then
echo "specify one of 'xalan', 'xt', 'saxon', 'xsltproc' with the -p option"
exit 1;
# on Win32-cygwin, the native Win32 tools want the DOS path
if [ $OSTYPE = "cygwin" ]; then
# get the full dos path of the classpath root
osclasspath_root=$(cygpath -w $classpath_root)
jfosheet=$(cygpath -w $fosheet)
jhtmlsheet=$(cygpath -w $htmlsheet)
for filename in $*; do
if [ $OSTYPE = "cygwin" ]; then
# get the full dos path of the file
mypath=$(cygpath -w $filename)
# extract the basename from the argument
case $outformat in
rtf ) java -cp "$classpath" ch.codeconsult.jfor.main.CmdLineConverter $ $basename.rtf;;
html) process_html $mypath $basename.html;;
pdf ) process_fo $mypath $
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
if [ ! -e $basename.aux ]; then
touch $basename.aux
cp $basename.aux $basename.aux.$$
pdfxmltex $
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
exit 1
until diff --brief $basename.aux $basename.aux.$$; do
cp $basename.aux $basename.aux.$$
pdfxmltex $
rm $basename.aux.$$;;
exit 0
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