Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/05/07/13:34:17
On Wed, May 07, 2003 at 10:27:57AM -0700, Randall R Schulz wrote:
>You know how that goes:
>Patient: Doctor, doctor! It hurts when I go like this. [shows doctor
>when it hurts]
>Doctor: Don't do that.
>Most Cygwin apps don't tolerate Windows path names (exceptions exist).
>Use the provided "cygpath" command to translate between the various
>path name syntaxes of Cygwin (POSIX) and Windows.
True, but this isn't even that issue, however. "man tar" is informative
on how tar treats the files with colons which are arguments to -f or
>At 10:02 2003-05-07, Todd Gee wrote:
>>I'm encountering a bug w/ the current 'tar' command implementation in
>>it's parsing of Win-style paths (like other CYGWIN commands to).
>>Recreating this error is easy:
>>(assuming CYGWIN is installed in D:/cygwin and username is 'user' )
>>prompt> tar cf D:/cygwin/home/user/foo.tar *
>>tar: D\:/cygwin/home/user/foo.tar: Cannot open: I/O error
>>tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now
>>If anyone has any insight to this, please CC me on mail -- I'm not on
>>the 'cygwin' list. I'm not a C programmer and probably wouldn't be
>>of much help in fixing this....
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