Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/05/05/11:40:09
On Mon, 5 May 2003, Sam Edge wrote:
> Ronald Landheer-Cieslak <ronald AT landheer DOT com> wrote in
> <Pine DOT LNX DOT 4 DOT 44 DOT 0305051420030 DOT 843-100000 AT localhost DOT localdomain>
> in gmane.os.cygwin on Mon, 5 May 2003 14:26:12 +0200 (CEST):
> > I'm thinking "autorun".. don't know why (yet)..
> Nice idea.
Thanks ;)
> > > The whole shebang is initiated by simply putting the CD into any Windows
> > > machine and "Run"ing the command
> > This is where I start thinking "autorun"
> > Would it be possible (my guess is that it certainly would) to make an
> > autorun.ini file that runs a simple Windows program (compiled, say, with
> > the -mno-cygwin option) that
> > a. looks which drive it is on (in argv[0])
> > b. runs mount
> > c. runs rxvt
> This sounds eminently plausible. (Autorun.inf, by the way, not
> autorun.ini.)
Ah - guess I'm showing how little I'm used to Windows ;)
> It should probably set CYGWIN and add x:\cygwin\bin to PATH in the
> environment passed to mount and rxvt and should detect and warn about
> any existing Cygwin mount tables before overwriting. (A tool or command
> line switch to use umount.exe to remove all the mount settings it has
> generated would also be good.)
If there's already an installed Cygwin installation, the autorun shouldn't
do anything, IMHO - unless it restores the mountpoints when it's done: you
wouldn't want to break a perfectly good Cygwin installation just by
putting a CD-ROM in your CD drive..
> > > mount: /: permission denied
> > I *think* that is a question of the permissions you have in the registry -
> > you'll need to use user mounts to take care of that (WAG)
> For this application, it'd probably be best to put the whole mount table
> in HKEY_CURRENT_USER e.g. to use the "--user" mount.exe switch. That
> should prevent any permission problems.
Yup (that's basically the same WAG as I had). Just remember the registry
keys are not there to stay (but there will always be a way to find out
where Cygwin lives, because Setup needs to know that too).
I think it would be a very good idea to remove the mount table once you're
done (and perhaps put the old one back if there was one). If the autorun
program runs the bash or rxvt, it should be easy enough to clean up once
it's done..
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