Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/04/30/10:33:56
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Igor Pechtchanski [mailto:pechtcha AT cs DOT nyu DOT edu]
> On Wed, 30 Apr 2003, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> >
> > So here's the survey, please everybody just one cross:
> >
[ ] Yes, please add perl support to the next Cygwin vim release.
[X] No, go away with that (*).
[ ] What's vim?
> (*) Personally, I think perl support in vim would be nice, but I'm
> absolutely against adding a perl dependence to the vim
> package. There's
> no reason to drag in yet another 6.5M of stuff if all I want
> is an editor.
> If that were desirable, I'd just install emacs.
> However, if it were possible to add perl support to vim in
> such a way that
> the perl runtime would be *optional* (i.e., vim would work
> without it, but
> lack some features), I'd be voting "Yes" with both hands.
In all honesty I have no idea what benefits adding perl support to vim would
give me (I'm not a perl user).
Like Igor, I'd have no objection to the addition of the perl support as long
as it didn't require me to have to install perl. The fact I install pretty
much everything when I install cugwin is besides the point. I liked the
recent thread on placing a minimal cygwin install on a pendrive, and for me
vim would be a requirement for such an installation, perl would not.
Hope this helps,
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