Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/04/22/01:28:13
on Mon, Apr 21, 2003 at 07:41:58PM -0400, lhall AT pop DOT ma DOT ultranet DOT com (lhall AT pop DOT ma DOT ultranet DOT com) wrote:
> Karsten M. Self wrote:
> > on Mon, Apr 21, 2003 at 08:08:13PM +0100, Karsten M. Self
> > (kmself AT ix DOT netcom DOT com) wrote:
> >> On the 2K box, from within legacy MS Windows, I can access shares. I've
> >> "mapped" several of these via symlinks as /net/<host>/<share>/. Cygwin
> >> under windows can access these shares.
> >>
> >> Cygwin via remote ssh cannot access these shares. Cygwin via *local*
> >> ssh (ssh localhost; ls /net/<host>/<share> *does* work.
> >
> > In an offlist response, I was asked whether or not I was not using
> > password authentication. Indeed I wasn't, relying instead on RSAKEY
> > with ssh-agent for passwordless connections.
> > This is apparently a known bug with Cygwin's SSH:
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> No, an unavoidable consequence of Windows' authentication mechanism.
> > you can access the remote host but not shares
> > connected to it. Falling back on password auth avoids this issue,
> > though it reduces the convenience factor.
> Max.
> Yes, I'm in 100% agreement with what Max says here. If my previous
> response suggested otherwise, it is incorrect. This is a consequence
> of the Windows authentication mechanism.
Anyone have details on this or references to prior discussion? I have
to admit it was among my first thoughts, but don't know the specifics.
I've also received several off-list responses (and requests), which I
have to say rub me a bit the wrong way. I use lists for public
discourse. Unless there's a good reason for replying privately (off
topic, your ex will hunt you down and kill you), rollow up to list.
Don't ask me for private support unless you're willing to pay my rates
for same.
Karsten M. Self <kmself AT ix DOT netcom DOT com>
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