Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/04/01/13:53:55
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: inline
On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 01:11:48PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> On Tue, 1 Apr 2003 pd AT world DOT std DOT com wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 01, 2003 at 12:17:12PM -0500, Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> > > On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Rolf Campbell wrote:
> > >
> > > > Igor Pechtchanski wrote:
> > > > > On Tue, 1 Apr 2003, Rolf Campbell wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >>Peter Davis wrote:
> > > > >>
> > > > >>>Ok. There ain't much worth cracking my system for anyway. Here's the
> > > > >>>/etc/passwd file from one machine below.
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>>Thanks for any help with this!
> > > > >>>
> > > > >>>-pd
> > > > >>>
> > ...
> > > > >>
> > > > >>Well, you seem to have 3 accounts, one with a space in it, and one with
> > > > >>different case. Do you really have 3 different accounts?
> > > > >
> > > > > Rolf,
> > > > >
> > > > > And what does this have to do with aliases not being exported? FWIW, the
> > > > > UIDs on all 3 accounts are different...
> > > > >
> > > > Well, if he *thinks* he's logging on as 'pdavis', but is really logging
> > > > on as 'Pdavis', then bash might be using the 'wrong' home dir.
> > >
> > > Ah. I didn't see that... Devious. :-)
> > >
> > > > Peter,
> > > > what happens if you ". /home/pdavis/.bashrc" (without using ~)
> > >
> > > Peter,
> > >
> > > Also, what is the output of "echo ~" and "cd ~ && /bin/pwd"?
> >
> > $ echo ~
> > /cygdrive/c/home
> >
> > $ cd ~ && /bin/pwd
> > /cygdrive/c/home
> >
> > Does that help?
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -pd
> Yes, it does. Your home directory is not correct. Now you have to find
> out why.
What should it be? I explicitly set HOME to be C:\home in Windows,
for the benefit of emacs, etc. I've done this for years, so it seems
to be unrelated to the current problem. In fact, I just checked, and
the results of these commands are the same on my old Win2000 machine,
where .bashrc worked.
> I think Rolf may have something there...
> Igor
> P.S. Did you ever attach the output of "cygcheck -svr"?
Not yet, but I will now. Thanks very much for your help in
trouble-shooting this.
Peter Davis
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Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=cygcheck-svr
Cygwin Win95/NT Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Tue Apr 01 11:51:47 2003
Windows XP Professional Ver 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 1
Path: C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin
c:\program files\imagemagick-5.5.6-q16
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Adaptec Shared\System
c:\Program Files\Rational\common
c:\Program Files\Common Files\Compuware\NMShared
c:\Program Files\Compuware\DevPartner Studio\Analysis
c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\bin\winnt
c:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\bin
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools\WinNT
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools
c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\bin
C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe output (nontsec)
UID: 11059(Pdavis) GID: 10513(mkgroup_l_d)
C:\cygwin\bin\id.exe output (ntsec)
UID: 11059(Pdavis) GID: 10513(mkgroup_l_d)
544(Administrators) 545(Users)
SysDir: C:\WINDOWS\System32
HOME = `c:\home'
MAKE_MODE = `unix'
PWD = `/cygdrive/c/home'
USER = `Pdavis'
ALLUSERSPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\All Users'
APPDATA = `C:\Documents and Settings\Pdavis.WINDOM\Application Data'
COMMONPROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files\Common Files'
COMSPEC = `C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe'
CVSROOT = `:pserver:pdavis AT mycompany-eng-linux DOT mycompany DOT com:/usr/local/cvsroot'
CVS_RSH = `/bin/ssh'
HOMEPATH = `\Documents and Settings\Pdavis.WINDOM'
HOSTNAME = `winbox-xpro'
INCLUDE = `C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\atl\include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\mfc\include;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include'
LIB = `C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDK\lib;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\mfc\lib;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\lib'
MANPATH = `:/usr/ssl/man'
MSDEVDIR = `C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98'
OLDPWD = `/usr/bin'
OS = `Windows_NT'
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER = `x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel'
PROGRAMFILES = `C:\Program Files'
PS1 = `\[\033]0;\w\007
\033[32m\]\u@\h \[\033[33m\w\033[0m\]
$ '
SHLVL = `1'
TERM = `cygwin'
USERNAME = `Pdavis'
USERPROFILE = `C:\Documents and Settings\Pdavis.WINDOM'
_ = `/usr/bin/cygcheck'
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HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Cygnus Solutions\CYGWIN.DLL setup\b15.0\mounts\00
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HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\CYGWIN.DLL setup\b15.0\mounts\1C
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\CYGWIN.DLL setup\b15.0\mounts\1D
a: fd N/A N/A
c: hd NTFS 76245Mb 24% CP CS UN PA FC
d: cd N/A N/A
m: net NTFS 69957Mb 92% CP CS UN PA FC raid5
q: net NTFS 71168Mb 88% CP CS UN PA FC
r: net NTFS 69957Mb 92% CP CS UN PA FC raid5
C:\cygwin / system binmode
C:\cygwin/bin /usr/bin system binmode
C:\cygwin/lib /usr/lib system binmode
/cygdrive system binmode,cygdrive
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe
Found: c:\bin\awk.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe hides c:\bin\awk.exe
Found: \bin\awk.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\awk.exe hides \bin\awk.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: c:\bin\bash.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe hides c:\bin\bash.exe
Found: \bin\bash.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe hides \bin\bash.exe
Found: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: c:\bin\cat.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe hides c:\bin\cat.exe
Found: \bin\cat.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe hides \bin\cat.exe
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Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe hides c:\bin\cp.exe
Found: \bin\cp.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\cp.exe hides \bin\cp.exe
Not Found: cpp (good!)
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Found: c:\bin\find.exe
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Found: \bin\find.exe
Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\find.exe hides \bin\find.exe
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Found: \bin\gdb.exe
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Found: c:\bin\grep.exe
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Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\grep.exe hides \bin\grep.exe
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Found: \bin\ld.exe
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Found: c:\bin\ls.exe
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Found: \bin\make.exe
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Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\rm.exe hides \bin\rm.exe
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Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe hides \bin\sh.exe
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Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe hides c:\bin\tar.exe
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Warning: C:\cygwin\bin\tar.exe hides \bin\tar.exe
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"cygbz2-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/5/7 2:33
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"cygcrypto-0.9.7.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/3/19 15:24
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"cygcrypto.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/3/19 15:35
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"cygform5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:28
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19k 2003/03/22 C:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cyggdbm.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/2/19 22:05
17k 2001/06/28 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory4.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cyghistory4.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/1/6 23:34
20k 2002/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cyghistory5.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/10/10 13:28
929k 2002/06/24 C:\cygwin\bin\cygiconv-2.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygiconv-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/6/24 14:24
22k 2001/12/13 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygintl-1.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/12/13 4:28
28k 2002/09/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-2.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygintl-2.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/9/19 23:13
21k 2001/06/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cygintl.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygintl.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/6/20 13:09
119k 2002/02/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygjpeg6b.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygjpeg6b.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/2/9 0:19
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"cygmenu5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:27
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"cygmenu6.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 1:03
48k 2003/03/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygmenu7.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/3/9 15:51
156k 2001/04/25 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygncurses++5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:29
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"cygncurses++6.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 1:03
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"cygncurses5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:17
202k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygncurses6.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 1:03
284k 2003/03/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygncurses7.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/3/9 15:50
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"cygpanel5.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/4/25 1:27
12k 2002/01/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel6.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygpanel6.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/9 1:03
31k 2003/03/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygpanel7.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/3/9 15:50
40k 2001/11/21 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpcre.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygpcre.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/11/21 17:15
39k 2001/11/21 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpcreposix.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygpcreposix.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/11/21 17:15
168k 2003/02/23 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpng10.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygpng10.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/2/23 18:02
173k 2003/02/23 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpng12.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygpng12.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/2/23 17:02
170k 2002/01/21 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpng2.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygpng2.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/20 20:05
22k 2002/06/09 C:\cygwin\bin\cygpopt-0.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygpopt-0.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/6/9 1:45
108k 2001/06/28 C:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline4.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygreadline4.dll" v0.0 ts=2001/1/6 23:34
127k 2002/10/10 C:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline5.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygreadline5.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/10/10 13:28
177k 2003/03/19 C:\cygwin\bin\cygssl-0.9.7.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygssl-0.9.7.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/3/19 15:24
165k 2003/03/19 C:\cygwin\bin\cygssl.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygssl.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/3/19 15:35
281k 2003/02/24 C:\cygwin\bin\cygtiff3.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygtiff3.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/2/23 23:58
41k 2002/01/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cygXpm-noX4.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygXpm-noX4.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/20 13:49
46k 2002/01/20 C:\cygwin\bin\cygXpm-X4.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygXpm-X4.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/1/20 13:50
50k 2002/03/12 C:\cygwin\bin\cygz.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygz.dll" v0.0 ts=2002/3/11 23:38
948k 2003/03/18 C:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll - os=4.0 img=1.0 sys=4.0
"cygwin1.dll" v0.0 ts=2003/3/18 9:20
Cygwin DLL version info:
DLL version: 1.3.22
DLL epoch: 19
DLL bad signal mask: 19005
DLL old termios: 5
DLL malloc env: 28
API major: 0
API minor: 78
Shared data: 3
DLL identifier: cygwin1
Mount registry: 2
Cygnus registry name: Cygnus Solutions
Cygwin registry name: Cygwin
Program options name: Program Options
Cygwin mount registry name: mounts v2
Cygdrive flags: cygdrive flags
Cygdrive prefix: cygdrive prefix
Cygdrive default prefix:
Build date: Tue Mar 18 09:20:11 EST 2003
CVS tag: dontuse-21
Shared id: cygwin1S3
Cygwin Package Information
Last downloaded files to: c:\cygwin\packages
Last downloaded files from:
Package Version
_update-info-dir 00158-1
ash 20020731-1
base-files 1.1-1
base-passwd 1.1-1
bash 2.05b-9
bzip2 1.0.2-2
compface 1.4-5
crypt 1.0-1
cygutils 1.1.3-1
cygwin 1.3.22-1
cygwin-doc 1.3-2
diffutils 2.8.1-1
exim 4.12-3
fetchmail 6.2.2-1
fileutils 4.1-1
findutils 4.1.7-4
gawk 3.1.2-2
gdbm 1.8.0-5
grep 2.5-1
groff 1.18.1-2
gzip 1.3.3-4
jpeg 6b-7
less 378-1
libbz2_1 1.0.2-2
libgdbm 1.8.0-5
libgdbm-devel 1.8.0-5
libiconv2 1.8-2
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mktemp 1.4-1
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mutt 1.4-1
ncurses 5.2-8
newlib-man 20020801
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openssl096 0.9.6i-3
pcre 3.7-1
perl 5.6.1-2
pine 4.53-1
procmail 3.22-7
readline 4.3-2
rxvt 2.7.9-4
sed 4.0.5-1
sh-utils 2.0.15-3
sharutils 4.2.1-2
ssmtp 2.38.7-3
tar 1.13.25-1
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termcap 20020930-1
terminfo 5.3-1
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vim 6.1.300-1
which 1.5-1
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zip 2.3-2
zlib 1.1.4-1
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