Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/02/18/14:14:26
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I just posted the attached mail to the docbook-apps list. Daniel
Veillard pointed out that libxml and libxslt are quite old and that this
bug has been fixed since then.
Indeed, verifying this with the Windows binaries provided by Igor
Zlatkovic at proved that the
segfault went away and my document gets smoothly transformed again.
E:\Temp\libxslt-1.0.26.win32\util>xsltproc -version
Using libxml 20503, libxslt 10026 and libexslt 717
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20503, libxslt 10026 and libexslt 717
libxslt 10026 was compiled against libxml 20503
libexslt 717 was compiled against libxml 20503
May I ask the libxml and libxslt package maintainer to upgrade the
packages to a newer version that fixes the crash. Are you still the
maintainer, Robert?
Thanks for your help,
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Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 16:58:21 +0100
From: Patrick Eisenacher <eisenacher AT fillmore-labs DOT com>
Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: xsltproc segfaults after upgrading to xsl stylesheets
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I just upgraded my XSL stylesheets from 1.50.1 to 1.60.1 and now
xsltproc complains about an undefined namespace and segfaults on one of
my documents. The culprit seems to be a fileref, on which xsltproc chokes.
Is this a stylesheet issue or an xsltproc issue? Can anybody help?
$ xsltproc -version
Using libxml 20423, libxslt 10013 and libexslt 705
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20417, libxslt 10013 and libexslt 705
libxslt 10013 was compiled against libxml 20417
libexslt 705 was compiled against libxml 20417
$ xsltproc -catalogs -o Specification.html
Error Undefined namespace prefix
xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
here's a doc to reproducce the segfault:
<?xml version="1.0" standalone='no'?>
<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN"
<article class="specification" lang="en" vendor="Fillmore Labs"
<section id="architecture">
<figure id="architecture-system">
<title>System Architecture</title>
fileref="Specification/ArchitectureSystem.jpg" format="JPG"
align="center" />
<phrase>System Architecture</phrase>
Exception: STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION at eip=6103E17D
eax=0000004B ebx=00000001 ecx=FFFFFFF9 edx=610C4F84 esi=00000001
ebp=0022F000 esp=0022EFE8 program=D:\Cygwin\bin\xsltproc.exe
cs=001B ds=0023 es=0023 fs=0038 gs=0000 ss=0023
Stack trace:
Frame Function Args
0022F000 6103E17D (10D83AC0, 103A62A0, 10A2DAB0, 00000000)
0022F030 6103EC46 (00000001, 103A6B20, 10A2E160, 10D83838)
0022F060 0041A67D (10D9A008, 0042BAA0, 103A6018, 6107A320)
0022F090 0041A6DB (10D99F88, 10A2DAB0, 0022F100, 004291B2)
0022F100 0042968D (10A2DAB0, 10A2E160, 103A6B20, 00000000)
0022F160 0041AB1A (10A2DAB0, 10D839F0, 103A5EA8, 10D83870)
0022F190 0041B797 (10A2DAB0, 103A5EA8, 103A6B20, 10D83838)
0022F1C0 0041B86E (10A2DAB0, 103A5EA8, 103A6B20, 00000000)
0022F200 0041BE2F (10A2DAB0, 103A6838, 00000000, 103CCB70)
0022F260 0042922D (10A2DAB0, 10A2E160, 103A68F0, 10392140)
0022F2A0 00428B44 (10A2DAB0, 10A2E160, 00000000, 6103EC46)
0022F330 0042C504 (10A2DAB0, 10A2DEE8, 10486818, 104850B8)
0022F390 004291B2 (10A2DAB0, 10A2DEE8, 104866F8, 00000000)
0022F3F0 0042C823 (10A2DAB0, 10A2DEE8, 10484538, 10484C58)
0022F450 004291B2 (10A2DAB0, 10A2DEE8, 10483BD8, 10490E48)
0022F4A0 0042BC41 (10A2DAB0, 10A2DEE8, 1048BC90, 1048B760)
End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)
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