Mail Archives: cygwin/2003/02/17/10:04:32
On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, Charles Wilson wrote:
> Max Bowsher wrote:
> > Besides, this means altering the platform to suit libtool. Talk about the
> > tail wagging the dog!
> see below
> >>The only alternatives for this particular problem seem to be:
> >>
> >>1) punt.
> >
> > Well, it's not like we've got many complaints about this.
> >
> >>2) delay. --enable-runtime-pseudo-relocs will be the default **on
> >>cygwin** someday (never on mingw). Wait until then, or push it now.
> >>In any case, once it is the default, then we can simply dllize libuuid,
> >>and then -luuid will grab the import library, and libtool will be
> >>happy. But this can never be the solution for mingw.
> >
> > And, as I say above, is ridiculous. Libtool is supposed to assist
> > portability - no force platforms to redesign themselves.
> No, not really. You still have to conform to certain basic rules --
> libtool is not a magic black box ("dump all .c, .f, .C, and random .o or
> .a files here, turn crank, and I'll do the right thing").
> Fringe platforms -- like cygwin -- have always had to do strange things.
> In the 1.4.x libtools, you had to have special declarations in your
> header files. You had to entirely avoid backlinking. You had to include
> a special flag (LIBTOOL_DLL_WIN32. I think) in And
> "normal" platforms still have to follow certain rules.
> We've done a LOT of work over the past two years to hide these things
> from you. There have been countless changes in the cygwin kernel,
> libtool, autoconf, automake, binutils, and gcc to enable the present
> functionality -- and now, building dlls with the -devel autotools
> framework is so much like unix, that you think it should be *exactly*
> like unix. Even when accessing *windows-specific libraries* like
> w32api/libuuid.a!
Hmm. It seems us relative newcomers to Cygwin are fortunate to have never
experienced the bad old days!
> There's one big non-unixism I'd like to get rid of, but the solution is
> cygwin-specific. It won't be supported on mingw (or -mno-cygwin). And
> that non-unixism is the "difficulties" with data imports from a DLL,
> where the datatype has multiword storage. --pseudo-relocs solves that
> problem, but (in reality) it's only a viable solution for libtool
> purposes once it becomes the default setting in ld.exe. But, since
> pseudo-reloc exe's require runtime is unwise to enable it
> as the default on mingw, since mingw DLLs are supposed to be usable by
> standard windows tools (e.g. MSVC). DLLs which require pseudo-reloc
> support in the linker and runtime are NOT portable to standard windows
> tools. Since on a cygwin system, we *know* we will always have
> cygwin1.dll -- and because we don't support any other compiler than
> gcc/binutils -- we're safe in making our DLLs pseudo-reloc dependant, on
> the rare occasions where that becomes necessary. Thus, this is a
> cygwin-only, not mingw, solution.
> Anyway, I was talking about "rules" you must follow -- in any build
> environment (like libtool). One of the old, and still current, rules is
> that on windows/cygwin/mingw, you must use -no-undefined [and it better
> be true!] -- because you can't make a DLL with undefined symbols. Now,
> one of the NEW rules is "ensure that all dependencies are dynamic." If
> the are not, fine -- libtool won't *fail*. It will simply build a
> static lib. But because you haven't followed the rules for shared libs,
> libtool won't build a shared lib.
Yesss.. but, when building glib, if one of its components gets staticized,
the next one fails to link.
> the choice is simple: (1) figure out how to *modify the cygwin platform*
> to ensure that ALL system libs are available in shared form, or (2)
> modify libtool and weaken the existing policy.
> that's it.
(1) is not really an option, since w32api is an alternative implementation
of something essentially defined by Microsoft.
> In the past, we've done either -- I modified libtool so that it wouldn't
> complain about compiler runtime libs [dllized compiler libs, while a
> laudable goal, are WAY too hard without MASSIVE changes in the gcc
> sourcecode. Fortunately, Zack and Nathanael are gluttons for
> punishment. Their goal is converting gcc/binutils to use modern
> autotools -- and that's 95% -- 100% of the work, given the -devel
> autotools on cygwin] At other times, we dllized certain existing add-on
> libraries so that a new port of a different library could be added to
> the cygwin system in dllized form, straight from its very beginning.
> I hope that once Zack and Nathanael's work in the gcc and binutils tree,
> updating them to modern autotools, is done, that our gcc builds will
> suddenly include shared compiler runtimes...but I'm not holding my
> breath on that score. And *hopefully* that change won't require any
> work on cgf's part: it'll just "happen".
> Most of cygwin's runtime support libs are shared. [e.g. ALL of mine,
> and I provide a lot of 'em; other maintainers have been just as
> proactive]. Most of the w32api libs -- since they are derived from MS
> DLL's in the first place -- are shared. There are only a few -- six --
> exceptions.
> And you are arguing *against* improving our platform by making all libs
> available as shared, simply because it's driven by a libtool
> requirement? sheesh.
Not exactly. w32api currently more-or-less follow the file layout of the
Platform SDK. That's what I'm arguing against changing.
> >>3) kludge. Put a special-case exception for -luuid and libuuid.a --
> >>and the other four !@#$!@# static libs in w32api -- into the libtool code.
> >
> > Messy.
> Yes, quite. But it's still better than...
> >>4) revoke the libtool policy; DLLs with static dependencies are just
> >>dandy.
> >
> > I like it.
> You may like it, but IMNSHO, you're wrong. Think about libpng, for
> instance -- which depends on libz.
> Now, suppose I ship a libpng.dll which was linked with a static libz.a,
> and further suppose that there's some global static symbol in libz --
> call it, "encryption_key". Now, libpng.dll doesn't RE-EXPORT that
> symbol; why should it? "encryption_key" belongs to libz. But if
> libpng.dll were linked dynamically to libz.dll -- and my application
> were linked dynamically to both libz.dll and libpng.dll -- then my app
> would ALSO have access to the *public symbol* exported by libz.dll,
> which libpng.dll uses.
> However, I then write a problem, chuck.exe, which links against
> libpng.dll. Now, if I don't use any libz routines *myself*, I don't
> need to link chuck.exe against libz, because libpng.dll has had its
> dependencies satisfied *statically*. (In real life, cygpng.dll is
> linked dynamically against cygz.dll, so chuck.exe DOES need to add '-lz'
> even if chuck.exe doesn't access zlib functions itself. But that's real
> life. Back to the fairytale:) However, suppose further that chuck.exe
> DOES use zlib directly. But now, zlib has changed. There's a new
> version which the "encryption_key" is double, instead of int.
> Now what? (a) which version of encryption_key gets used by chuck.exe?
> double, or int? (b) since it's a "global static' you would think that
> if chuck.exe changed its value, chuck.exe could reasonable expect that
> change to affect how the libpng routines work. but it won't -- because
> cygpng has its own private copy.
> For instance: chuck.exe sets encryption_key to "4.234123" -- but libpng
> saves an encrypted file using some other, random key [that I don't know
> the value of, and which in this context is a CONSTANT probably equal to
> ZERO, because I have no ability, from chuck.exe, to change libpng's
> private copy of that variable!!]
> Okay, so maybe we let libpng re-export "encryption_key". Fine -- if
> that's the ONLY thing I need from libz, all is well. I link against
> only -lpng, I can access the re-exported (private static copy of)
> "encryption_key". But what if I also need to compress/uncompress other
> zlib streams? Then I need to link against -lz -- and I'll get a symbol
> conflict. [I'm glossing over some things here like "static symbols
> override dynamic imports" -- but then you'd be right back in the
> situation described above.]
> Okay, so libpng's re-exported version of encryption_key is exported
> under a different name. Now, there's no symbol conflict. It'll work --
> but look what you've done; you've basically forked the zlib interface.
> You might as well snarf all of the zlib code into libpng itself, and
> drop any dependency whatsoever on the "real" zlib. This is not progress.
> It's a silly example, of course -- but you could probably find a real
> life example if you looked hard enough. And that's why I think the
> libtool policy change is a GOOD one. Shared libs, in general, should
> not have static dependencies.
Aargh! At least I now have a little more insight into *why* this policy
> > But it's not going to happen. So:
> > How about a flag, like -no-undefined ?
> > For example: -i-know-what-i-want-to-link-dont-interfere-please :-)
> --shoot-self-in-foot-with-unpredictable-consequences ?
> I've noticed that most of the time (but not always) when folks complain
> about libtool being too smart for its own good, they don't understand
> WHY libtool makes the decisions it does. Sometimes, most of the time,
> libtool *really does know best*. Or at least, libtool knows better than
> the wet-behind-the-ears developer who can't get it to act like she wants
> it to.
Ok - I concede the point that, most of the time, when libtool does
something unwanted, it's because no-one has bothered to teach it about the
peculiarities of the platform.
> I trust that you will not bring up those numerous occasions where *I*
> have complained about libtool being too smart. Thanks. <g>
> >>All four alternatives suck. #4 is the worst; it won't happen. #2
> >>won't help mingw. That leaves #1 and #3 -- and I hate kludges. How
> >>important is this? Is "punting" really such a bad idea?
> >
> > Punting is acceptable, if necessary. What do you think about my flag idea?
> It's just another way around the rules -- and these are rules I happen
> to agree with. I'd rather put special-case in there specifically for a
> small set of [4!] known libs, because I know those won't be abused.
> "Gee it's too hard to build libsilly as a dll, I'll just link my
> cygsillier.dll against libsilly.a, and use Max's --shoot-self-in-foot
> flag..."
Ok. Makes sense. Maybe I'll get round to making patch for this.
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