Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/10/30/18:53:36
Hello from Gregg C Levine
Chris, can you contact the manager of the mirror site for Cygwin, that's
hosted at ? And the one at ?
For the first one, it has a nasty habit of not allowing me to complete a
download, at normal dialup speeds. For the second one, it has a bad habit of
taking six to ten times as long, as all of the other mirror sites I've used.
I am allowing for the usual problems of massive downloads over a http link,
but for RCN's hardware, I think there is something wrong with them.
Planetmirror just has more issues then we do as people. I just would like
you to speak to them, regarding those issues. And you can see the reasons,
regarding my complaints regarding RCN. If you would like to take this
statement to an off list discussion, go right ahead.
Gregg C Levine drwho8 AT worldnet DOT att DOT net
"Oh my!" The Second Doctor's nearly favorite phrase.
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