Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/10/11/03:31:38
Setup: Win XP, DirectCD, cywin, CVS.
My CVS repository is on CD-RW, which I access via DirectCD. This allows
me to work efficiently both at home and at work; I just carry a CD and I
don't depend on a network connection. Even if I forget the CD-RW, I
still have CVS to reconcile later. This worked great when I was running
on Win 2K, with DirectCD 3.05. I have recently upgraded to Win XP, and
DirectCD 5.3. When I try to check in a file, I get:
aviatic> cvs commit -m '' index.xml
Checking in index.xml;
/cygdrive/e/cvsrepository/foo/index.xml,v <-- index.xml
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4
cvs [commit aborted]: cannot rename file
/cygdrive/e/cvsrepository/foo/,index.xml, to
/cygdrive/e/cvsrepository/foo/index.xml,v: Permission denied
(The CD drive is of course on E: and my CVS repository is in
cvsrepository). All other functions seem to ok, including moving files:
aviatic> cat > /cygdrive/e/foo
aviatic> ls /cygdrive/e
cvsrepository foo
aviatic> mv /cygdrive/e/foo /cygdrive/e/bar
aviatic> ls /cygdrive/e
bar cvsrepository
Of course, I suspect DirectCD to behave slightly differently from
before, and CVS/cygwin to depend on that difference. I have not tried
to ask Roxio, but I suspect it's not going to help much. Any suggestion
from this group? Any suggestion on how to achieve the same goal (working
at two places without depending on a network connection)?
By the way, cygwin is just great. Thank you very much to all involved in
developing it.
Thanks in advance for any help,
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