Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/10/02/16:01:39
Soren A wrote:
> "Max Bowsher" <maxb AT ukf DOT net> wrote around 21 May 2002
>> The attached shell script contains the steps I used to build
>> rpm-4.0.3 (with its included db) on an up-to-date cygwin. It is
>> heavily based on the instructions by Mario Schmidt at
> Max, Hey, thanks for posting this. I am wondering if you could provide
> more information re. porting 'rpm' to Cygwin. Even tho this posting is
> months old.
I've moved on to rpm-4.0.4 since then, but haven't yet tried rpm-4.1
> The url above (~mario ...) is bad now. And I went to the official rpm
> site and then burrowed into,
> installed the source tree.
> I ran the script and it didn't quite finish installing stuff (LOTS of
> stuff) before it ('make') died with some hard to understand error but
> it did get far enough that I have a working rpm setup, good enough at
> least to run 'rpm2cpio FOO.rmp | cpio -i...'.
Oh. Try rpm-4.0.4 w/ script I posted today. Here it is again:
### BEGIN pre-configure script ###
echo Adjusting db3/configure...
perl -i.orig -pe 's/\`echo \$\* \| sed -e \
\"s\% --cache-file=\.\*\$\%([^%]*)\%\"\`/$1/;s/--enable-rpc/--disable-rpc/;'
echo Removing -lrt from and rpmio/
for file in rpmio/; do
perl -i.orig -pe 's/^(LIBS\s*=\s*(?:\S+\s+)*)-lrt(\s+.*)/$1$2/;' $file
### END pre-configure script ###
> Do you have any plans to propose rpm as an official Cygwin package?
No, at least not soon, as although I got it building, I didn't go further.
I've since been distracted into some other things (including setup.exe).
> And are you interested in making the build more simple? Now that db3
> is available for Cygwin, most of the dependencies that are shipped as
> bundled sources with rpm-4.0.3 can be satisfied by already-installed
> cygwin packages, if one can figure out the linking details and so
> forth.
Unfortunately, rpm-4.0.4 has moved on to db-4.0.14, not yet available for
> Last observation: providing a build script like that is really a nice
> contribution, probably beats heck out of merely providing a verbal
> description of "how you did it".
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