Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/09/23/16:06:47
I am having the same problem with rsync 2.5.5-1. I am
trying to rsync a couple of short text files between a linux server and
Win2k Professional boxes with cygwin. About 20% of the time, rsync freezes
at the end of the transfer, and I can't kill the rsync process in
cygwin even if I give it a 9 (SIGTERM) signal. This happens mostly on dual-processor
machines but it did happen once on the single proc machine as well.
I rummaged through the mailing list and saw messages as old as Nov.
2001 (version 2.4.x) but did not find any announcement about a fix. Is
this a known bug in 2.5.5-1, and if so, is there a fix. I can provide
additional debugging info. if needed.
Sudheer T
> I have problem with rsync that hangs.
> This is the last lines from the log-file.
> WebServices/jwsdp-1_0_01/xsl/textFormatForVerifierSS.xsl is
> total: matches=0 tag_hits=0 false_alarms=0 data=0
> wrote 94043 bytes read 20 bytes 4.02 bytes/sec
> This is the script i'm using
> #! /bin/sh
> #uncoment next line for testing
> #set -x
> LOCAL=/cygdrive/d/gb
> REMOTE=/cygdrive/g/gb
> LOG=/cygdrive/h/log/rsyncgb.log
> echo rsync of $LOCAL to $REMOTE started `date` > $LOG
> cd $LOCAL
> for DIR in *
> do
> echo sync $DIR started >> $LOG
> rsync --archive --verbose --verbose --delete $DIR $REMOTE
>> "$LOG"
> echo sync $DIR done >> $LOG
> done
> echo rsync of $LOCAL to $REMOTE done `date` >> $LOG
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