Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/09/15/10:44:26
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On Sun, Sep 15, 2002 at 06:49:48AM -0700, Nicholas Wourms wrote:
> --- Raphael <raphael AT oninet DOT pt> wrote:
> > Great but without any C knowledge I wouldn't even know where to
> > start. I'm=20
> > wondering, if Corinne is reading this, if the patch might not be
> > standarized=20
> > for Cygwin considering the interchangability between Cygwin and
> > Windows.
> > Ofcourse only if there is really no security issue.
> >=20
> > > Boy, I get to quote the source a lot these days... Not that I'm
> > > complaining or anything... :-D
> =20
> > I'm sure everyone is very greatfull for you sharing this
> > information. It's
> > considarably more informative than a blunt ?Use vi.exe? some people
> > try
> > to kill a thread with. Thank you very much.
1st. I hereby ask you kindly and publicly, to refrain from sending any=20
more mails to my personal address. If you want to reply to the list thats
fine by me, but stop cc-ing to my personal address. That said....
> Paul Vixie last released cron in freakin' 1994 (or thereabouts)! Not
> much has been done to modify it since then. I'm sure his design was
> quite appropriate at the time, when the thought of using a gui editor
> to edit cron jobs was unheard of.
Makes you think doesn't it. Might anything have changed since then?
> The point is: why make life
> difficult for yourself? If you want a lazy editor, use nano or pico
> for crying out loud!
> They're so easy my grandmother could use them.
Your assumptions are based on extreme prejudice.=20
> Trying to use Windows NotePad, which introduces the whole \r\n deal,
> is friggin' crazy!
Your reading is 'friggin crazy'. In fact I'm using TextPad, a fine editor
that has no problems whatsoever with \r\n as it is very able to recognise
what kind of file it is editing.
> Why should Corinna, or anyone else for that
> matter, patch the *working* cron sources just for *you* when there
> are perfectly good tools already available?
I don't know, I was under the impression that the interoperabilty between
Windows programs and Cygwin where of high priority. If I'm not mistaken
I have seen several times statements written here that cygwin is no *nix
and has no intention to become one. In fact thats logical becouse then one
might better take the step to any *nix instead of bothering with a hybrid.
> I'm sorry my friend,
I'm not your friend, nor is it very likely that I will ever become one.
> but
> this isn't Burger King, where you can have it your way right away.
What gave you the impression I would like to have my way right away?
> I
> applaud Igor for being generous and doing the research for you, but I
> don't think you should expect it every time. I think you read too
> much into "use vi". It was simply providing a sensible alternative
> to Windows NotePad which provides the same functionality without the
> need for modifing *working* sources. If that doesn't suit you,
> TextPad looks like a viable alternative...
How thick are you anyway? Haven't you understood anything of=20
Igor's splendid explanation. You who are preaching the most about reading
and research on this list seem to fail the exercise completely. Might=20
highschool be a good advise? It might help you to prevent more of these
painfull mistakes.
> Cheers,
> Nicholas
Sure blame it on the alcohol.
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