Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/09/01/04:20:53
On Mon, Aug 26, 2002 at 10:10:56PM -0700, you [Peter A. Castro] wrote:
> Hi All,
> Well, it's about time to release a new Z-Shell with *Bigger* *Bolder*
> *Brighter Colors* and a *Shine You Can See Yourself In*! ... :-D
> (Ok, so I haven't had enough sleep...)
> Anyhoo, before I release the new version I'd like to get some input from
> users. Specifically, I'd like to see what you've done for your
> /etc/zprofile, or if you've made any mods to /etc/profile or added a zsh
> specific script to /etc/profile.d that you think would benefit everyone.
> After the last round of "profile" goings on, I though I'd try any add
> some pre-canned startup profiles (and skeletons) to make zsh the best
> shell ever on Cygwin! I might even through in a desktop icon. But
> rather than write this stuff in a vacuum, I'd really like to know just
> what others find useful to setup so that they won't have to re-code their
> precious profiles after updating the package.
I really appreciate your efforts.
zsh is simply the best things since sliced bread.
Here are things extracted from my .zshrc (I'm lazy enough to slice
generalish stuff to zprofile on the machines I use).
tty -s
stty cs8 -istrip -parenb
bindkey '\e[A' up-line-or-history
bindkey '\e[B' down-line-or-history
bindkey '\e[C' forward-char
bindkey '\e[D' backward-char
bindkey '\eOA' up-line-or-history
bindkey '\eOB' down-line-or-history
bindkey '\eOC' forward-char
bindkey '\eOD' backward-char
bindkey '^[h' backward-delete-word
bindkey '^@' forward-word
# these may make sense for cygwin users?
alias dir=ls
alias type=less
alias copy=cp
alias del=rm
alias cd..='cd ..'
alias ..='cd ..'
# Common aliases
export PAGER=/usr/bin/less
alias f='finger'
alias j='jobs'
alias l='ls -FA --color=tty' # different usable ls(1)
alias ll='ls -F --color=tty'
alias lt='ls -aFt'
alias L='ls -lFA --color=tty'
alias LL='ls -lF --color=tty'
alias LT='ls -latF'
alias env='printenv'
alias die='kill -9'
alias m='less'
alias mx='less -X'
zless() { zcat $* | $PAGER; }
# set rxvt title
precmd() {
export ZSH=`basename $SHELL` [[ -t 1 ]] || return
case $TERM in
sun-cmd) print -Pn "\e]l%~\e\\"
xterm-color) print -Pn "\e]2;%n@%m:%/ - [$ZSH]\a"
xterm) print -Pn "\e]2;%n@%m:%/ - [$ZSH]\a"
export ZSH=`basename $SHELL`
print -Pn "\e]2;%n@%m:%/ - [$ZSH]\a"
export prompt="%B%n%b@%U%m:%/%u>"
# helpers
# I use bk (short for backwards) extensively, at least as much as
# back button in browsers
alias bk=popd
# this I use extensively
function calc () { perl -e "print \"$* = \\n\", ($*), \"\n\"" }
# helper to try C one liners
function c-exec
echo $* > $FNAME.c &&
gcc -o $FNAME $FNAME.c &&
echo --- Exit value was $?.
rm -f $FNAME.c $FNAME
function mcd { mkdir "$@"; cd "$@" }
# perhaps someone has better one? I don't stand the light blue/light green
# default scheme though
export LS_COLORS='no=00:fi=00:di=01;34:ln=04;35:pi=40;33:so=01;35:bd=40;33;01:cd=40;33;01:or=01;05;37;41:mi=01;05;37;41:ex=01;16:*.cmd=01;32:*.exe=01;32:*.com=01;32:*.btm=01;32:*.bat=01;32:*.sh=01;32:*.csh=01;32:*.tar=01;31:*.tgz=01;31:*.arj=01;31:*.taz=01;31:*.lzh=01;31:*.zip=01;31:*.z=01;31:*.Z=01;31:*.gz=01;31:*.bz2=01;31:*.bz=01;31:*.tz=01;31:*.rpm=01;31:*.cpio=01;31:*.jpg=01;35:*.gif=01;35:*.bmp=01;35:*.xbm=01;35:*.xpm=01;35:*.png=01;35:*.tif=01;35:'
# cygwin stuff
# use ="cd /cygdrive/$i" is you haven't bound /c to C: like I
foreach i in a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z; do
alias $i:="cd /$i"
alias expl='EXPLORER /e,/idlist'
function start { CMD /c `cygpath -w "$1"` }
compctl -g '*(/)' cd pushd popd
compctl -g '*.zip' pkzip pkunzip
compctl -g '*.mak' nmake
compctl -g '*.hlp' winhlp32
compctl -l '' which where
echo `ps -W | grep -i $1 | gawk '{print $1}'`
ps -lW | grep -i $1
# completition stuff copied from somewhere
compctl -g '*.(tgz|gz)' -x \
's[--]' -k '(stdout to-stdout decompress uncompress force help list license no-name quiet recurse suffix test verbose version fast best)' - \
's[-S][--suffix]' -X '<file_name_suffix>' - \
's[-]' -k "(c d f h l L n q r S t v V 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 -)" -\
's[-d][--(de|un)compress]' -g '*.{gz,Z,z,zip,taz,tgz}' - \
-- gzip
compctl -g '*.(tgz|gz)' -x \
's[-S][--suffix]' -X '<file_name_suffix>' - \
's[-d][--(de|un)compress]' -g '*.{gz,Z,z,zip,taz,tgz}' - \
's[-]' -k "(c d f h l L n q r S t v V -)" -\
's[--]' -k '(stdout to-stdout force help list license no-name quiet recurse suffix test verbose version )' - \
-- gunzip
compctl -k '(accounts computer config continue file group help helpmsg
localgroup name pause print send session share start statistics stop time use user view)' -x \
'c[-1,config]' -k '(server workstation)' - \
'n[-1,/user:]' -k '(domain1\\amold domain2\\amold)' -\
'c[-1,help]' -k '(accounts computer config continue file group help help msg localgroup name pause print send session share start statistics stop time use user view) ' -\
'c[-1,view]' -k servers -\
'c[-1,use]' -P "\* " -k shares -\
'c[-1,\\*]' -k shares -\
-- net
if [ $NTZSH ]; then
compctl -g '*.(c|cpp)' -x \
'n[1,-O]' -k '(1 2 a b d g i p s t w x y)' -\
'n[1,-G]' -k '(3 4 5 B d r z e s f y h X)' - \
'n[1,-F]' -k '(a A d e m o p r R)' - \
'n[1,-Z]' -k '(i 7 d p a e g l z)' - \
'n[1,-M]' -k '(T D L)' - \
'n[1,-]' -k (O G F C D E P U u I X v Z \? c H J nologo T V w W Y M L link) -\
'c[-1,-link]' -s 's -1 d:/lang/msdev/lib' -\
-- cl
compctl -f -x\
's[--]' -k '(backup force interactive update verbose suffix version-control help version)' -\
's[-S][--suffix]' -X '<suffix>' -\
's[-V][--version-control]' -k '(t numbered nil existing never simple)' - \
's[-]' -k '(b f i u v S V -)' -\
-- mv
# n/-/f/ N/-/d/ p/1/f/ p/2/d/ n/*/f/
compctl -f -x\
's[--]' -k '(archive backup no-dereference force interactive link preserve symbolic-link update verbose parents one-file-system recursive suffix version-control help version)' -\
's[-]' -k '(a b d f i l p r s u v x P R S V -)' -\
's[-*r]' -g '*(/)' -\
's[-S][--suffix]' -X '<suffix>' -\
's[-V][--version-control]' -k '(t numbered nil existing never simple)' -\
-- cp
autoload -U compinit
zstyle ':completion:*' matcher-list 'm:{a-z}={A-Z}'
# personal preference
mount -b --change-cygdrive-prefix /
# xfree stuff
if [ "$XFREE86" != "yes" ]; then
export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0
Not all of that is applicable (or clean enough) to generic distribution but
I hope it gives you some ideas.
Then I use this in a shortcut key:
"C:\cygwin\bin\cygrun.exe /home/vherva/script/zsh-run"
and zsh-run is:
DIR="`cat /dev/clipboard`"
cd "$DIR"
HOME=/home/vherva TERM=rxvt \
/bin/rxvt.exe -sl 2000 -fn "Lucida Console-11" \
-bg \#ffffe9 -fg \#000000 -cr \#777700 -geometry 80x70 -e /bin/zsh
So it jumps to the directory I have copied to clipboard (if any). I've bound
it to a HP multimedia keyboard additional key and there's an option to not
use "restore existing instance". Is that btw at all possible with the
windows ctrl-alt-shortcuts?
(Off topic, but I also have explorer and browser shortcuts:
URL="`cat /dev/clipboard | egrep '^(ftp|http|nntp)'`"
/e/program\ files/opera6/opera.exe "$URL"
URL="`cat /dev/clipboard | egrep '^(ftp|http|nntp)'`"
DIR="`cat /dev/clipboard`"
if [ "$URL" == "" ]; then
DIR="`cygpath -w -s "$DIR"`"
if [ ! -d "$DIR" ]; then SEL=",/select"; fi
cd "$DIR"
explorer "$ARG"
these are really useful eg. when reading mail in rxvt and encountering an
URL or \\share\dir\foo.)
Then there is the explorer "zsh prompt here" dir context menu entry. I think
better versions than the one I use (hacked up from old nt powertoy command
prompt here .reg) have been posted to cygwin ml, but here's mine anyway (I
should REALLY clean it up, but it works...):
@="Zsh &Prompt Here"
@="c:\\script\\zshhere.cmd \"%1\""
@="Zsh &Prompt Here"
@="c:\\script\\zshhere.cmd \"%1\""
@echo off
echo %1> c:\tmp\cd
cmd.exe /c start /min C:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe -c '. /script/cd; HOME=/home/vherva TERM=rxvt /bin/rxvt -sl 2000 -fn "Lucida Console-11" -bg \#ffffe9 -fg \#000000 -geometry 80x70 -e /bin/zsh'
# should use cygpath (but I think I wrote this before cygpath appeared)
/bin/tr '\\' / < /c/tmp/cd |/bin/tr -d \"'\n\r' > /c/tmp/cd2
cd "`/bin/cat /c/tmp/cd2`"
/bin/rm /c/tmp/cd /c/tmp/cd2
-- v --
v AT iki DOT fi
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