Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/08/02/03:59:40
I think you all need to chill out for a while.
Paul, what's wrong with just trying in a bash
$ type cygcheck
cygcheck is /usr/bin/cygcheck
$ cygcheck --help
Usage: cygcheck [OPTIONS] [program ...]
-c, --check-setup check packages installed via setup.exe
-s, --sysinfo system information (not with -k)
-v, --verbose verbose output (indented) (for -s or programs)
-r, --registry registry search (requires -s)
-k, --keycheck perform a keyboard check session (not with -s)
-h, --help give help about the info (not with -c)
-V, --version output version information and exit
You must at least give either -s or -k or a program name
And then try
$ cygcheck hw.exe
and figure if anything is wrong with the executable.
Also, what is fundamentally wrong with
$ cp hw.* /tmp
$ cd /tmp
$ gdb hw
You have, for whatever reason, the impresson that spaces in the path
are something that gdb cannot cope with. Fine, my first approach would
be to do the copy thing and cross-check. Maybe you did that, but as far
as I have read your mail, you gave no indication you really did.
Also, on getting a hint about cygcheck you mails would be much better
reacted on if you just
1) looked if it may be already installed
2) send the output to the list
instead of ranting around "what the fuck is cygcheck?"
Another interesting fact:
For the first time you gave the commandline how you built the executable.
I am not sure if gcc does not care about option order (it does for
one thing *I* would
try is
gcc -g -o hw.exe hw.c
(Note different order and omission of optimizer).
I have no idea if this makes a difference, but it is worth a shot.
Just my $0.02
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Derbyshire [SMTP:derbyshire AT globalserve DOT net]
> Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 9:35 AM
> To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
> Subject: Re: Mysterious gdb behavior.
> On 31 Jul 2002 at 16:45, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> > >Not knowing whether it was a cygwin-specific problem or not I was leery
> > >of going to a bug submission page to report what might be a general gdb
> > >problem. Plus, I suspected a misconfiguration of some kind, or perhaps
> > >a Winblows hiccup that might go away with a reboot or an update patch.
> >
> > So what is it then? Am I an expert whose advice you are soliciting or
> > someone to argue with and ignore when I offer suggestions? I said that
> > cygcheck output might be useful. You chose not to provide it. This
> > is a trend.
> What's cygcheck? I still haven't heard where to download it or how to
> use it. I suppose it's a utility for diagnosing configuration
> problems with cygwin? IIRC there's something like that for djgpp.
> > >Nice theory, but it just doesn't fit the facts.
> >
> > I'm not convinced. I'll bet if you specifically rebuild the file in
> question
> > with cygwin gcc it will probably be debuggable.
> I doubt it will behave differently after being rebuilt with the
> cygwin gcc compared to after merely being built for the first time
> with the cygwin gcc.
> I build the "hw" test by typing "gcc hw.c -o hw.exe -g -O2" at the
> bash prompt. It's already been verified that "gcc" at the bash prompt
> invokes the correct (Cygwin) gcc.
> Also, the executables that debug fine were built the same way. They
> weren't built before djgpp was installed (in fact djgpp was installed
> before Cygwin was), nor before any configuration change involving
> paths. I don't see any way a problem causing the wrong gcc to be used
> could affect only some of the executables built with it.
> > >Also, how long have you suspected it might be using the wrong gcc?
> >
> > Now you're questioning my motives, huh?
> Just wondering why you've spent the last several days beating around
> the bush instead of getting to the point.
> > No, I've been "hinting" that you should try a couple of things with gdb.
> > You've never done them, AFAICT (how many times have I mentioned this
> > now?).
> Try a couple of things like what? Don't hint, TELL ME! I can't read
> your mind and a hint that might be meaningful to a unix expert will
> not typically be recognized by the average newbie with a question.
> > Actually, I had this brainstorm after I saw your cron posting where you
> > (re)mentioned DJGPP. Once I thought of it, I did a google search,
> > confirmed that the Windows debug interface might not be able to debug 16
> > bit executables, and sent my message.
> DJGPP makes 32 bit executables. I don't think anyone uses 16 bit
> compilers anymore. (DJGPP executables may have a 16 bit stub on them -
> - I'm not sure if that's true of recent versions but it's true of
> v1.x, which is long since obsolete.)
> However the Windows debug interface is another red herring. The same
> error appears with gdb -nw hw as I reported before so anything
> specific to the Windows interface isn't it.
> --
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