Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/06/29/06:15:17
I've been avidly following any mention of inetd issues here
on the net, and people here have already helped me considerably.
I now have an inetd server running on my box. Unfortunately,
I'm still having trouble telneting into my cygwin NT box:
$ telnet $(uname -n)
Trying xx.xx.xx.xx...
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
This doesn't correspond to any of the symptoms I have seen mentioned
so far. On Unix, I'd look into /var/messages for a clue. I'd hoped
that - with all the debugging I've enabled in inetd.conf, I'd see
something in the logs, but my NT event log has no cygwin debugging or
error information.
Any help is appreciated.
The rest of this email contains the following:
- a checklist based on /usr/doc/cygwin/inetutils-1.3.2
- the output from cygcheck -s
- script recommend by (I think) Ms. Vinschen
In order to avoid getting into trouble with my employer, I have
consistently changed all potential identifiers to strings from
x1 to xN, where N is a small integer. This is understandable,
I think, due to the nature of the issue (i.e. maybe *I* don't
know how to telnet into my box, but somebody else might :)
This modification led to some confusion before, plus I had some
trouble getting onto the right thread, but I hope I have the mailing
issues worked out now. Thus the repost.
I created /etc/passwd with mkpasswd (as recommended to me).
It is otherwise not modified.
I hope I have fulfilled most of the requirements for a credible
user query.
This package is the actual port of inetutils-1.3.2 to Cygwin 1.3.x.
- Before starting any program, be aware that all neccessary configuration
files in /etc have to be generated first! Call
> total 59
> drwxrwxrwx 2 x3 Kein 0 Jun 3 08:05 RCS
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 x3 DomainUs 4839 Apr 16 18:50 enscript.cfg.default
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 x3 Kein 14 Apr 12 12:18 ftpusers
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 x3 Kein 49 Apr 12 12:18 ftpwelcome
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 x3 Kein 493 May 16 13:12 group
> -rwxr-xr-x 1 x3 Kein 1999 Jun 11 09:33 inetd.conf
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 x3 Kein 60 Apr 12 12:18 motd
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 Administ Kein 521 May 13 09:21 passwd
> drwxrwxrwx 2 Administ Kein 0 May 29 09:19 postinstall
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 Administ Kein 386 Apr 12 10:01 profile
> drwxrwxrwx 2 x3 DomainUs 0 May 23 07:50 profile.d
> drwxrwxrwx 2 Administ Kein 32768 Jun 5 08:55 setup
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 x3 Kein 68 Apr 12 12:18 shells
> -rwxrwxrwx 1 Administ Kein 12306 Apr 3 15:11 termcap
> /etc/inetd.conf
> ftp stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/in.ftpd in.ftpd -d -l -l
> telnet stream tcp nowait root /usr/sbin/in.telnetd in.telnetd -debug -D rep
- To start interactive telnet/rsh/rlogin sessions you need /bin/login.exe
which is a separate package (part of the Cygwin standard net distro).
> $ type login
> login is /cygdrive/d/cygwin/bin/login
- inetd:
Under W9X inetd can be started from a shell prompt or from the
autostart folder.
Under NT/W2K inetd must be started from service manager. It
must not be started via SRVANY but it has two new options
to install or remove it as service:
inetd --install-as-service
inetd --remove-as-service
When you already have an older version of inetd installed,
please remove the service before installing the new one.
After you have installed inetd it will be started automatically
on reboot. Manually starting and stopping is possible via
net start inetd
net stop inetd
Current caveat: inetd is visible twice in the process list.
This is currently needed to work correctly with the service
manager. This should be solved in a future release.
> $ ps -ef
> SYSTEM 141 1 ? 06:23:43 /usr/sbin/inetd
> SYSTEM 133 141 ? 06:23:43 /usr/sbin/inetd
> ...
> x3 312 298 0 11:12:27 /bin/ps
If you don't start inetd as service under LocalSystem but under
another account, you have to care that that account has several
user rights set in the user manager resp. local/domain security
policy mmc snap in:
"Act as part of the operating system"
"Replace process level token"
"Increase quotas"
"Logon as a service"
Note that administrators do not have all that user rights set
by default!
> Hmmm, I don't know how to do that, or even to check it, and
> I doubt that I could anyway, because I have very few permissions.
For all application started via NT/W2K service manager under
LocalSystem account, the following restrictions apply:
- The environment variable CYGWIN must be either set in the system
environment to be active from start on or you can set CYGWIN thru
the registry:
Under the key HKLM\Software\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options
create a REG_SZ (String) named like the full DOS path to the application,
eg. "C:\usr\bin\inetd.exe" and with the value equal to the preferred
CYGWIN settings, eg "binmode tty ntsec".
> [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\Program Options]
> "D:\\cygwin\\usr\\sbin\\inetd.exe"="binmode tty ntsec"
- The system environment variable PATH must contain the path
to the directory which contains the cygwin1.dll.
> $ type cygwin1.dll
> cygwin1.dll is /cygdrive/d/cygwin/bin/cygwin1.dll
- No user mount point is valid anymore! You have to install all
your mount points in the system mount table. This doesn't
change after you have logged in to a normal user account eg.
via telnet/rlogin. It's possible that we can use the user
mounts as soon as somebody contributes a patch to login and
ftp that allows loading a user hive into the registry after
> d:\Programme\enscript-1.6.1\lib on /usr/local/share/enscript type user (textmode)
> d:\cygwin\usr\man on /usr/man type system (binmode)
> d:\usr\local\bin on /usr/local/bin type system (binmode)
> d:\usr\local\lib on /usr/local/lib type system (binmode)
> d:\cygwin\bin on /bin type system (binmode,cygexec)
> d:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
> d:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
> d:\Programme on /opt type system (binmode)
> d:\var\spool on /var/spool type user (binmode)
> d:\Desktop on /home type system (binmode)
> d:\cygwin on / type system (binmode)
> d:\tmp on /tmp type system (binmode)
> C: on /c type system (binmode)
> D: on /d type system (binmode)
> G: on /g type system (textmode)
> H: on /h type system (binmode)
> L: on /l type system (textmode)
> P: on /p type system (textmode)
> R: on /r type system (textmode)
> S: on /s type system (binmode)
> U: on /u type system (binmode)
> a: on /a type user (binmode)
> e: on /e type user (binmode)
Cygwin Win95/NT Configuration Diagnostics
Current System Time: Tue Jun 18 13:48:34 2002
Windows NT Ver 4.0 Build 1381 Service Pack 6
Path: d:\Desktop\lbin
SysDir: C:\WINNT\System32
WinDir: C:\WINNT
CYGWIN = `ntsec'
HOME = `d:\Desktop'
Home = `/home'
MAKE_MODE = `unix'
PWD = `/home'
USER = `x3'
Use `-r' to scan registry
a: fd N/A N/A
c: hd NTFS 6502Mb 30% CP CS UN PA FC
d: hd NTFS 10926Mb 38% CP CS UN PA FC
e: cd N/A N/A
g: net NTFS 198524Mb 86% CP CS UN PA FC Disk F:
h: net NTFS 23946Mb 63% CP CS UN PA FC Data
l: net NTFS 103577Mb 88% CP CS UN PA FC Disk M:
p: net NTFS 198524Mb 97% CP CS UN PA FC Disk F:
r: net NTFS 198524Mb 96% CP CS UN PA FC Disk G:
s: net NTFS 23946Mb 70% CP CS UN PA FC DATA
u: net NTFS 23946Mb 63% CP CS UN PA FC Data
a: /a user binmode
e: /e user binmode
d:\Programme\enscript-1.6.1\lib /usr/local/share/enscript user textmode
d:\var\spool /var/spool user binmode
. /cygdrive user binmode,noumount
d:\cygwin / system binmode
d:\cygwin\bin /bin system binmode,cygexec
C: /c system binmode
D: /d system binmode
G: /g system textmode
H: /h system binmode
d:\Desktop /home system binmode
L: /l system textmode
d:\Programme /opt system binmode
P: /p system textmode
R: /r system textmode
S: /s system binmode
d:\tmp /tmp system binmode
U: /u system binmode
d:\cygwin\bin /usr/bin system binmode
d:\cygwin/lib /usr/lib system binmode
d:\usr\local\bin /usr/local/bin system binmode
d:\usr\local\lib /usr/local/lib system binmode
d:\cygwin\usr\man /usr/man system binmode
. /cygdrive user binmode,noumount
Found: d:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe
Found: d:\cygwin\bin\cat.exe
Found: d:\Desktop\lbin\i686\cpp.exe
Found: d:\cygwin\bin\cpp.exe
Found: d:\Programme\rsimnt\cpp.exe
Found: l:\tools\cpp.exe
Found: d:\cygwin\bin\find.exe
Found: d:\cygwin\bin\gcc.exe
Not Found: gdb
Found: d:\cygwin\bin\ld.exe
Found: d:\cygwin\bin\ls.exe
Found: d:\cygwin\bin\make.exe
Found: d:\cygwin\bin\sh.exe
58k 2002/05/07 d:\cygwin\bin\cygbz2-1.dll
54k 2002/01/27 d:\cygwin\bin\cygbz21.0.dll
621k 2002/05/17 d:\cygwin\bin\cygcrypto.dll
45k 2001/04/25 d:\cygwin\bin\cygform5.dll
35k 2002/01/09 d:\cygwin\bin\cygform6.dll
19k 2002/02/20 d:\cygwin\bin\cyggdbm.dll
17k 2001/06/28 d:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory4.dll
20k 2002/01/13 d:\cygwin\bin\cyghistory5.dll
22k 2001/12/13 d:\cygwin\bin\cygintl-1.dll
21k 2001/06/20 d:\cygwin\bin\cygintl.dll
81k 2000/12/05 d:\cygwin\bin\cygitcl30.dll
35k 2000/12/05 d:\cygwin\bin\cygitk30.dll
26k 2001/04/25 d:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu5.dll
20k 2002/01/09 d:\cygwin\bin\cygmenu6.dll
156k 2001/04/25 d:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++5.dll
175k 2002/01/09 d:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses++6.dll
226k 2001/04/25 d:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses5.dll
202k 2002/01/09 d:\cygwin\bin\cygncurses6.dll
15k 2001/04/25 d:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel5.dll
12k 2002/01/09 d:\cygwin\bin\cygpanel6.dll
40k 2001/11/21 d:\cygwin\bin\cygpcre.dll
39k 2001/11/21 d:\cygwin\bin\cygpcreposix.dll
171k 2002/05/07 d:\cygwin\bin\cygpng10.dll
175k 2002/05/24 d:\cygwin\bin\cygpng12.dll
170k 2002/01/21 d:\cygwin\bin\cygpng2.dll
108k 2001/06/28 d:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline4.dll
121k 2002/01/13 d:\cygwin\bin\cygreadline5.dll
156k 2002/05/17 d:\cygwin\bin\cygssl.dll
390k 2000/12/05 d:\cygwin\bin\cygtcl80.dll
5k 2000/12/05 d:\cygwin\bin\cygtclpip80.dll
10k 2000/12/05 d:\cygwin\bin\cygtclreg80.dll
623k 2000/12/05 d:\cygwin\bin\cygtk80.dll
50k 2002/03/12 d:\cygwin\bin\cygz.dll
751k 2002/02/25 d:\cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll
Cygwin DLL version info:
DLL version: 1.3.10
DLL epoch: 19
DLL bad signal mask: 19005
DLL old termios: 5
DLL malloc env: 28
API major: 0
API minor: 51
Shared data: 3
DLL identifier: cygwin1
Mount registry: 2
Cygnus registry name: Cygnus Solutions
Cygwin registry name: Cygwin
Program options name: Program Options
Cygwin mount registry name: mounts v2
Cygdrive flags: cygdrive flags
Cygdrive prefix: cygdrive prefix
Cygdrive default prefix:
Build date: Mon Feb 25 11:14:34 EST 2002
Shared id: cygwin1S3
Cygwin Package Information
Package Version
_update-info-dir 00005-1
ash 20020131-1
bash 2.05a-3
bc 1.06-1
binutils 20011002-1
bzip2 1.0.2-2
clear 1.0-1
cpio 2.4.2
cygrunsrv 0.95-1
cygutils 1.0.0-1
cygwin 1.3.10-1
cygwin-doc 1.0-1
diff 1.0-1
diffutils 2.8.1-1
enscript 1.6.3-2
file 3.37-1
fileutils 4.1-1
findutils 4.1.7-4
fortune 1.8-2
gawk 3.0.4-1
gcc 2.95.3-5
gdbm 1.8.0-4
ghostscript 6.51-4
grep 2.5-1
groff 1.17.2-1
gzip 1.3.2-1
inetutils 1.3.2-17
irc 20010101-1
less 374-1
libbz2_0 1.0.2-1
libbz2_1 1.0.2-2
libintl 0.10.38-3
libintl1 0.10.40-1
libncurses5 5.2-1
libncurses6 5.2-8
libpng 1.2.3-1
libpng10 1.0.13-3
libpng12 1.2.3-1
libpng2 1.0.12-1
libreadline4 4.1-2
libreadline5 4.2a-1
links 0.96-1
login 1.4-3
lynx 2.8.4-1
make 3.79.1-7
man 1.5g-2
mingw-runtime 1.3-2
ncurses 5.2-8
newlib-man 20001118-1
openssl 0.9.6d-1
patch 2.5-3
pcre 3.7-1
perl 5.6.1-2
popt 1.6.4-1
rcs 5.7-3
readline 4.2a-1
rxvt 2.7.2-10
sed 3.02-1
sh-utils 2.0-2
tar 1.13.19-1
tcltk 20001125-1
termcap 20020403-1
terminfo 5.2-3
texinfo 4.2-3
textutils 2.0.21-1
units 1.77-1
unzip 5.50-1
vim 6.1-2
w32api 1.4-2
wget 1.8.1-1
which 1.5-1
zip 2.3-2
zlib 1.1.4-1
Use -h to see help about each section
Mail the output of the following commands to the list:
$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-4.0 x2 1.3.10(0.51/3/2) 2002-02-25 11:14 i686 unknown
$ echo $CYGWIN
$ cat /etc/passwd
x3:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:x17:10513:Mellman Thomas,U-x9\x3,S-x16:/home/x3:/bin/bash
$ cat /etc/group
$ id
uid=57930(x3) gid=10513(DomainUsers) groups=0(Jeder),544(Administratoren)
$ mount
d:\Programme\enscript-1.6.1\lib on /usr/local/share/enscript type user (textmode)
d:\cygwin\usr\man on /usr/man type system (binmode)
d:\usr\local\bin on /usr/local/bin type system (binmode)
d:\usr\local\lib on /usr/local/lib type system (binmode)
d:\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
d:\cygwin\bin on /bin type system (binmode,cygexec)
d:\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
d:\Programme on /opt type system (binmode)
d:\var\spool on /var/spool type user (binmode)
d:\Desktop on /home type system (binmode)
d:\cygwin on / type system (binmode)
d:\tmp on /tmp type system (binmode)
C: on /c type system (binmode)
D: on /d type system (binmode)
G: on /g type system (textmode)
H: on /h type system (binmode)
L: on /l type system (textmode)
P: on /p type system (textmode)
R: on /r type system (textmode)
S: on /s type system (binmode)
U: on /u type system (binmode)
a: on /a type user (binmode)
e: on /e type user (binmode)
$ pwd
$ strace chmod 644 ~/.profile
Program name: d:\cygwin\bin\chmod.exe (384)
App version: 1001.8, api: 0.34
DLL version: 1003.10, api: 0.51
DLL build: 2002-02-25 11:14
OS version: Windows NT-4.0
Date/Time: 2002-06-18 16:11:36
1082 1946 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010420: APPENV=/home/.apprc
189 2135 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010438: ARCH=i686
154 2289 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010448: AUTHORCOPY=/home/notes/postings
149 2438 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010470: BASH_ENV=/home/.kshrc
146 2584 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010490: BDC=x4
147 2731 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA0104A8: CDPATH=:..:../..:../../..:/home
147 2878 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA0104E0: CMSUITE=C:\PROGRA~1\CMSuite
146 3024 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010500: COLORFGBG=0;default;15
149 3173 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010520: COLORTERM=rxvt-xpm
147 3320 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010538: COLUMNS=80
145 3465 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010548: COMPUTERNAME=x2
148 3613 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010568: COMSPEC=C:\WINNT\system32\cmd.e
160 3773 [main] chmod 384 parse_options: ntsec 1
150 3923 [main] chmod 384 parse_options: returning
83 4006 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010590: CYGWIN=ntsec
147 4153 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA0105B8: D3CLIENT=C:\x1\d3client
145 4298 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA0105E0: DEBUG=0
144 4442 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA0105F0: DISPLAY=:0
144 4586 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010600: DOWNLOAD=\\x6\vf_d2\download
146 4732 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010628: EDITOR=vi
144 4876 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010638: ENSCRIPT=-j -2r -DDuplex:true
145 5021 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010660: ENV=/home/.kshrc
169 5190 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010678: EXINIT=set ts=8
set redraw ai sw=4 ic magic
map #3 :e#
map #5 :w !diff - %
map #6 :set wm=10
map OA
map OB
map [A
map [B
map #
map = $
map g 1G
map q
map v
map V
map ]R /^Re:
map [R ?^Re:
map ]S
map [S
map ]T :set ts=8
map [T :set ts=4
map [d :1,.-1d
map ]d :.,$d
map [f G:r !pwdIset tags=f2r0A/tags"tdd:@t
map ]m :set noai wm=0
map [m :set ai
map ]s
map [s
map ]t
map [t
map [w :1,.-1w
map ]w :.,$w
ab Ymd $ymd
166 5356 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010840: FCEDIT=vi
145 5501 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010850: GEBAEUDE=7201
145 5646 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010868: GS_DEVICE=laserjet
148 5794 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010880: HISTSIZE=500
147 5941 [main] chmod 384 getwinenv: can't set native for HOME= since no environ y
161 6102 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\D
esktop, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
93 6195 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\Desktop = normalize_win32_path
109 6304 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home = conv_to_posix_pa
th (d:\Desktop)
215 6519 [main] chmod 384 win_env::add_cache: posix /home
82 6601 [main] chmod 384 win_env::add_cache: native HOME=d:\Desktop
81 6682 [main] chmod 384 posify: env var converted to HOME=/home
148 6830 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA0108B0: HOME=/home
147 6977 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010898: HOMEDRIVE=H:
147 7124 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA0109E8: HOMEPATH=\
148 7272 [main] chmod 384 getwinenv: can't set native for HOME= since no environ y
149 7421 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (/hom
e, no-keep-rel, no-add-slash)
83 7504 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: \home = normalize_win32_path (/hom
92 7596 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home = conv_to_posix_pa
th (/home)
247 7843 [main] chmod 384 normalize_posix_path: src /home
92 7935 [main] chmod 384 normalize_posix_path: /home = normalize_posix_path (/hom
322 8257 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: conv_to_win32_path (/hom
112 8369 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_win32_path: src_path /home, dst d:\D
esktop, flags 0xA, rc 0
506 8875 [main] chmod 384 symlink_info::check: not a symlink
132 9007 [main] chmod 384 symlink_info::check: 0 = symlink.check (d:\Desktop, 0x24
0F610) (0xA)
93 9100 [main] chmod 384 path_conv::check: root_dir(d:\), this->path(d:\Desktop),
89 9189 [main] chmod 384 win_env::add_cache: posix /home
86 9275 [main] chmod 384 win_env::add_cache: native HOME=d:\Desktop
84 9359 [main] chmod 384 posify: env var converted to HOME=/home
153 9512 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010A08: HOME=/home
152 9664 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA0109F8: LANG=en
147 9811 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA0109D0: LESS=XSMiqex8
149 9960 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010C28: LINES=25
146 10106 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010C38: LOGONSERVER=\\x4
146 10252 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010C58: LPDEST=//x7/x11$
146 10398 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010C78: MAC=x5
144 10542 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010C90: MAIL=/usr/spool/mail/x3
144 10686 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010CB8: MAILCHECK=60
146 10832 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010CD0: MAKE_MODE=unix
145 10977 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010CE8: MANPATH=/home/man:/home/doc/man
147 11124 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010D28: NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS=1
145 11269 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010D48: OS2LIBPATH=C:\WINNT\system32\os
146 11415 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010D78: OS=Windows_NT
145 11560 [main] chmod 384 environ_init: 0xA010D90: PAGER=less
174 11734 [main] chmod 384 getwinenv: can't set native for PATH= since no environ y
196 11930 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\D
esktop\lbin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
90 12020 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\Desktop\lbin = normalize_win32_
path (d:\Desktop\lbin)
92 12112 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/lbin = conv_to_pos
ix_path (d:\Desktop\lbin)
88 12200 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\D
esktop\lbin\i686, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 12285 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\Desktop\lbin\i686 = normalize_w
in32_path (d:\Desktop\lbin\i686)
90 12375 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/lbin/i686 = conv_t
o_posix_path (d:\Desktop\lbin\i686)
86 12461 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\D
esktop\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 12546 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\Desktop\bin = normalize_win32_p
ath (d:\Desktop\bin)
86 12632 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/bin = conv_to_posi
x_path (d:\Desktop\bin)
85 12717 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\D
esktop\bin\i686, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 12802 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\Desktop\bin\i686 = normalize_wi
n32_path (d:\Desktop\bin\i686)
87 12889 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/bin/i686 = conv_to
_posix_path (d:\Desktop\bin\i686)
86 12975 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\D
esktop\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 13060 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\Desktop\bin = normalize_win32_p
ath (d:\Desktop\bin)
86 13146 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/bin = conv_to_posi
x_path (d:\Desktop\bin)
86 13232 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\D
esktop\bin\i686, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
86 13318 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\Desktop\bin\i686 = normalize_wi
n32_path (d:\Desktop\bin\i686)
87 13405 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /home/bin/i686 = conv_to
_posix_path (d:\Desktop\bin\i686)
84 13489 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\c
ygwin\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
86 13575 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\cygwin\bin = normalize_win32_pa
th (d:\cygwin\bin)
85 13660 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/bin = conv_to_posix
_path (d:\cygwin\bin)
85 13745 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (c:\w
innt\system32, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 13830 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: c:\winnt\system32 = normalize_win3
2_path (c:\winnt\system32)
88 13918 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /c/winnt/system32 = conv
_to_posix_path (c:\winnt\system32)
85 14003 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\u
sr\local\bin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
86 14089 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\usr\local\bin = normalize_win32
_path (d:\usr\local\bin)
84 14173 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /usr/local/bin = conv_to
_posix_path (d:\usr\local\bin)
87 14260 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (c:\s
ws4\PF2VW\NTBIN, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
85 14345 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: c:\sws4\PF2VW\NTBIN = normalize_wi
n32_path (c:\sws4\PF2VW\NTBIN)
86 14431 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /c/sws4/PF2VW/NTBIN = co
nv_to_posix_path (c:\sws4\PF2VW\NTBIN)
87 14518 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\P
rogramme\OpenOffice.org1.0\program, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
87 14605 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\Programme\OpenOffice.org1.0\pro
gram = normalize_win32_path (d:\Programme\OpenOffice.org1.0\program)
87 14692 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /opt/OpenOffice.org1.0/p
rogram = conv_to_posix_path (d:\Programme\OpenOffice.org1.0\program)
98 14790 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (d:\P
rogramme\rsimnt, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
88 14878 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: d:\Programme\rsimnt = normalize_wi
n32_path (d:\Programme\rsimnt)
87 14965 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /opt/rsimnt = conv_to_po
six_path (d:\Programme\rsimnt)
87 15052 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (l:\t
ools, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 15136 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: l:\tools = normalize_win32_path (l
86 15222 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /l/tools = conv_to_posix
_path (l:\tools)
86 15308 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (c:\s
ws4\NTBIN, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
86 15394 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: c:\sws4\NTBIN = normalize_win32_pa
th (c:\sws4\NTBIN)
85 15479 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: /c/sws4/NTBIN = conv_to_
posix_path (c:\sws4\NTBIN)
85 15564 [main] chmod 384 mount_info::conv_to_posix_path: conv_to_posix_path (c:\s
ws4\startrace\ntbin, keep-rel, no-add-slash)
84 15648 [main] chmod 384 normalize_win32_path: c:\sws4\startrace\ntbin = normaliz
e_win32_path (
Ooops, got cut off ...
Thomas Mellman
thomas AT mellman DOT net
Tel. +49/8233/781-438 (Germany)
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