Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/06/04/20:44:39
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Hi, all --
Sorry I couldn't get to this yesterday... Anyone remember where we were? =
=2E..and then Andrew Markebo said...
% / David T-G <davidtg-cygwin AT justpickone DOT org> wrote:
% |=20
% | I have a shell script "" which I run to collect metadata
% | after I burn an MP3 CD. I cd into the source directory and run
% |=20
% | ../ cdname
% >From where? The bash script?? command/cmd??=20
=46rom a bash prompt which was fired off directly from a Start menu shortcut
that calls bash.exe.
% What does the first lines of look like, what about
% dos/unix newlines..=20
When I ran file on it this evening I was surprised to find that it had
CR/LF endings and so I fixed that, but that didn't cut it.
BASH-2.05a$ ./
BASH: ./ No such file or directory
BASH-2.05a$ !fil
file ./
./ ASCII text
BASH-2.05a$ head -5 !$
head ./
[ -z "$1" ] && { echo "" ; echo "Whoa; gimma a disc ID like calix-01" ; e=
cho "" ; exit 1 ; }
echo ""
BASH-2.05a$ df -k .
Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
e: 2096832 128832 1968000 7% /e
BASH-2.05a$ mount
c:\utils\cygwin\bin on /usr/bin type system (binmode)
c:\utils\cygwin\lib on /usr/lib type system (binmode)
c:\utils\cygwin on / type system (binmode)
c: on /c type user (binmode,noumount)
d: on /d type user (binmode,noumount)
e: on /e type user (binmode,noumount)
% What does it say if you do 'file', ls -l of it?
Oh, right.
BASH-2.05a$ ls -l ./
-rw-r--r-- 1 david unknown 907 Jun 4 19:30 ./
So I tried adding a /bin/sh at the top but that didn't work:
BASH-2.05a$ head -2 !$
head -2 ./
[ -z "$1" ] && { echo "" ; echo "Whoa; gimma a disc ID like calix-01" ; e=
cho "" ; exit 1 ; }
BASH-2.05a$ !$
BASH: ./ /bin/sh: bad interpreter: No such file or
So I changed it to bash and finally got somewhere:
BASH-2.05a$ head -2 ./
[ -z "$1" ] && { echo "" ; echo "Whoa; gimma a disc ID like calix-01" ; e=
cho "" ; exit 1 ; }
BASH-2.05a$ ./
Whoa; gimma a disc ID like calix-01
Great; now we're moving! Having paid attention over the past few days,
as I write this it occurs to me that perhaps playing with chmod will let
me hit ../m and <tab> when I'm in a CD dir...
Sure enough, a simple a+x does! I still have to have the shebang line
in there, though, and so I have some other scripts to fix, but I'm on
the way.
Thanks so much, everyone!
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) davidtg AT justpickone DOT org * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) davidtgwork AT justpickone DOT org Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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