Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/05/11/14:52:52
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Larry, et al --
=2E..and then Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc) said...
% At 10:14 AM 5/10/2002, David T-G wrote:
% >
% > A required DLL file, CYGINTL-1.DLL, was not found
% >Any ideas what I need to do next?
% Yes. Use standard procedure. Check the FAQ, documentation, and email=20
% archives (not necessarily in that order always). In this case, the FAQ
% provides the pointer for you to find your answer.
Actually, I also looked through the FAQ and the doc. It took me a while
to find the email archives.
% What packages should I download?
Ah, thanks. So I started here and actually got nothing; sure, I see
"what packages do I install" and the fact that now it's just a base,
but nothing about missing DLLs. Through an extended search throught the
archives, which didn't turn up "cygintl" either early or in any Subject:
in the first few pages, I saw that ncurses libs are in libncurses*, which
I do see in my setup list -- and I also saw that the cygintl dll can be
found in the libintl and libintl1 packages and that I should reinstall
them. I have not the faintest idea, however, where to find them; they're
not listed under Libs in setup.exe and if they're under another category
then I've just plain missed 'em.
Oh, no, wait a sec... By looking (thank heavens I have vim installed
separately, eh?) through setup.ini I find that libintl is in the Devel
section, so I go and look through there. Imagine my surprise at *still*
not seeing it. Further digging gives me the hint that it's part of the
gettext package, which I finally find and install. Yay. I should be
done, right?
Nope. Running bash and trying to cat a simple file still gives me the
same error. Looking in c:\windows and c:\utils\cygwin still doesn't find
it. AFAICT it didn't get installed.
I look forward to someone providing me some more information, preferably
which will require less than half an hour to sort out to get to the meat.
Thanks in advance.
% Larry Hall lhall AT rfk DOT com
% RFK Partners, Inc.
% 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
% Holliston, MA 01746 (508) 893-9889 - FAX
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) davidtg AT justpickone DOT org * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) davidtgwork AT justpickone DOT org Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
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