Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/05/09/15:29:26
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Now maybe this will get some attention on the second attempt. I posted this
last week with no response.
The read and write system calls return the incorrect error code in some
cases. Details for write are below. I have attached a patch that should
address this problem, but since the build of cygwin 1.3.10 is so broken I
have not been able to test it.
In answer to my previous question, there is a POSIX validation service which
might help catch more problems like this: the Federal Information Processing
Standard 151-2. It is available at
and seems to cover a lot more test cases than the ltp included with cygwin.
I ran most of the tests and there were many failures, but as I do not have
NTFS, anything that uses permissions is an invalid result. If anyone is
interested in running this, I may be willing to help, but I won't pursue
this problem any more until the read/write bug is fixed.
David F
>From: "david f" <davidf87 AT hotmail DOT com>
>To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
>CC: davidf87 AT hotmail DOT com
>Subject: write(2) return codes
>Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 13:17:01 -0700
>I've been doing some work on porting gnome to run on cygwin. One problem
>which I recently discovered in testing bonobo is that the write(2) system
>call seems to return the EACCES in the case where it should return EBADF.
>Here is a piece of code which demonstrates it:
>#include <unistd.h>
>#include <stdio.h>
>#include <fcntl.h>
>#include <errno.h>
>main () {
>int fd = open("/tmp/test1", O_RDONLY);
>int ret = write(fd, "foo", 3);
>fprintf(stderr,"%d\n", errno);
>And the strace output from it
> 98 342468 [main] a 4016 _open: 3 = open (/tmp/test1, 0x0)
> 125 342593 [main] a 4016 _write: write (3, 0x40104F, 3)
> 104 342697 [main] a 4016 fhandler_base::write: binary write
> 119 342816 [main] a 4016 seterrno_from_win_error:
>/cygnus/netrel/src/cygwin-1.3.10-1/winsup/cygwin/ errno 5
> 102 342918 [main] a 4016 geterrno_from_win_error: windows error 5 ==
>errno 13
> 95 343013 [main] a 4016 fhandler_base::write: -1 = write (0x40104F, 3)
> 95 343108 [main] a 4016 _write: -1 = write (3, 0x40104F, 3)
>Note that windows returns error code 5, access denied, which is mapped on
>to EACCES. Bonobo expects either EBADF (which solaris returns in this case)
>Perhaps the single global error map is not the right approach. It is
>clearly not the correct behavior to always map windows ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED
>on to either EACCES or EBADF.
>I'm not a cygwin hacker, but I'll make a patch if there is some consensus
>on how to fix this. There also used to be tools for testing POSIX
>compliance that might catch some other cases of this, but I don't have any
>info on that at the moment.
>Please CC me on any mail, as I'm not on the mailing list.
>David F
>>From: Steven O'Brien To: "david f" <davidf87 AT hotmail DOT com>
>>Subject: Re: bonobo and gal patches
>>Date: Wed, 1 May 2002 19:24:08 +0100
>>Hi David
>>I've had a look at SUSv2 which is the first reference point for cygwin,
>>and definitely in that specification write() *never* sets errno EACCESS.
>>I think EBADF, as used by solaris, is the correct errno according to
>>SUSv2. You may want to raise this on the cygwin mailing listl certainly
>>if you submit a patch there is a reasonable chance of it being accepted,
>>given cygwin's aim of susv2 compliance whereever sensible and practical.
>>A quick google search of the cygwin site for EACCESS does not show up
>>anything. In the meantime I would put a #ifdef __CYGWIN__ conditional in
>>the bonobo source to get the desired behaviour.
>>On Wed, 01 May 2002 10:52:22 -0700
>>"david f" <davidf87 AT hotmail DOT com> wrote:
>> > Hi,
>> >
>> > Thanks for the patches. I haven't tested the gal patches yet, but the
>> > bonobo patch is definitely an improvement over my first attempt.
>> >
>> > I have investigated the cause of the failure of the 1st test in
>> > bonobo, and I now have a partial answer. The fragment of the test that
>> > fails is a write to a file opened read-only. Bonobo expects this to
>> > return EBADF or EINVAL, but cygwin returns EACCES. I've attached a
>> > piece of strace output from a simple test case I wrote. Note the
>> > geterrno_from_win_error returns error code 5, which is
>> > "5L ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED Access is denied."
>> > according to MS. This is mapped on to EACCES.
>> >
>> > This is annoying, but it is not clear to me whether this should be
>> > fixed in cygwin or bonobo. Ideally, cygwin should return EBADF or
>> > EINVAL depending on whatever POSIX says (solaris seems to return
>> > EBADF), but maybe windows should return ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE instead
>> > of ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. If we fix this in bonobo, we'll probably run
>> > into this again. Maybe cygwin shouldn't map error codes from windows
>> > to unix on global basis, and provide function-specific mappings for
>> > greater compatibility.
>> >
>> > If you have any insight here let me know. I have only just realized
>> > this problem, and perhaps there has already been some discussion of
>> > this problem on cygwin mailing lists.
>> >
>> > Dave
>> >
>> > >From: Steven O'Brien <steven DOT obrien2 AT ntlworld DOT com>
>> > >To: davidf87 AT hotmail DOT com
>> > >Subject: bonobo and gal patches
>> > >Date: Sat, 27 Apr 2002 13:55:16 +0100
>> > >
>> > >David
>> > >Here are the 2 patches I promised you. As I said, bonobo test1 is
>> > >failing with a permission denied exception, and I have only tried
>> > >"make check", not run any other test program.
>> > >Gal does not perform so well in its tests, but it should give you a
>> > >start. Steven
>> > ><< bonobo-1.0.20-cygwin.patch >>
>> > ><< gal-0.19.1-cygwin.patch >>
>> >
>> >
>> > _________________________________________________________________
>> > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
>> >
>> >
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Content-Type: text/plain; name="cygwin-eacces.patch"; format=flowed
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="cygwin-eacces.patch"
diff -ur cygwin-1.3.10-1.orig/winsup/cygwin/
--- cygwin-1.3.10-1.orig/winsup/cygwin/ Tue Feb 19 19:25:00 2002
+++ cygwin-1.3.10-1/winsup/cygwin/ Wed May 8 17:08:54 2002
@@ -241,6 +241,11 @@
/* This is really EOF. */
bytes_read = 0;
+ /* Windows returns this when reading from a file opened O_WRONLY,
+ but POSIX expects EBADF. */
+ set_errno(EBADF);
+ return -1;
/* `bytes_read' is supposedly valid. */
@@ -614,6 +619,11 @@
__seterrno ();
if (get_errno () == EPIPE)
raise (SIGPIPE);
+ /* Windows returns E_ACCESS_DENIED when writing to a file
+ opened with O_RDONLY, but POSIX expects EBADF. */
+ if (get_errno () == EACCES) {
+ set_errno(EBADF);
+ }
/* This might fail, but it's the best we can hope for */
SetFilePointer (get_handle (), current_position, 0, FILE_BEGIN);
return -1;
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