Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/05/06/13:22:05
At 01:06 PM 5/6/2002, Scott Fell 1-0546 wrote:
>I'm new to Visual Studio (please don't hate me for using MS products), so
>I could be doing something fundamentally wrong (I've done c++ on unix for
>4ish years, and I just transitioned over to PC-land)...
>I have cygwin1.dll, nothing else.
Why? Just run setup and pick the Cygwin package. This will give you the
DLL, the import library, and some other stuff. You can use that import
library if you want.
>I want to link some code in VSC++ to the cygwin1.dll file, but I don't
>have an improt library (cygwin1.lib) file to go with it. As I understand
>it, I *MUST* have the lib to make the link work.
>I tried doing an 'nm cygwin1.dll....' command w/sed & all that, BUT it
>seemed to respond as though cygwin1.dll had been stripped.
>SO: I am left wondering: Is there a DEF and a LIB out there for
>cygwin1.dll? If not, how do I generate them myself without having to
>re-compile the cygwin1 dll?
>Any help would be much appreciated...
I can't say whether any of this will work for you or not, based on the
information you've given. However, I will caution you that using Cygwin
in the way that you describe requires great care and perhaps some advanced
knowledge to do anything but the most basic of tasks. In other words, you
should consider what you're doing as an "advanced topic". You may want to
review discussions in the email archives on the idea of mixing VC++ libs
and Cygwin. You may need to become familiar with Cygwin internals to
understand what problems you might have and their possible solutions.
Again, how much of this is relevant is dependent on your intended use.
Also, keep in mind that Cygwin is licensed under the GPL so any application
you link with it will be too, in case that affects your efforts.
Good luck,
Larry Hall lhall AT rfk DOT com
RFK Partners, Inc.
838 Washington Street (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
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