Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/03/06/08:44:44
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Corinna Vinschen [mailto:cygwin AT cygwin DOT com]
> Sent: Wednesday, March 06, 2002 10:19 AM
> To: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
> Subject: Re: Suggestion for setup
> On Wed, Mar 06, 2002 at 10:01:22AM +0100, Bernard Dautrevaux wrote:
> > On the same ground, it would be nice if, when creating
> /etc/passwd and
> > /etc/group, setup.exe pass the "-d" flag to
> mkpasswd/mkgroup; otherwise,
> > ntsec is almost unusable for the (vast majority of)
> NT/2k/XP users that
> > happen to be in a Windows domain.
> >
> > I don't know what happens if "mkpasswd -d" is used on 9x/Me
> if not in a
> > domain, but this seems harmless on NT/2k/XP, so always
> passing -d seems
> > harmless in these cases.
> It's not harmless. mkpasswd -d will result in an error message on
> stand alone systems.
Oh yes, I forgot that... By saying "harmless" I just wanted to say that it
doesn't break anything, so you can ignore the error message altogether,
something I actually do :-)
> It's actually the other way around. mkpasswd -l
> is harmless on domain members and domain controllers.
Yes but it doesn't give th eexpected result... What if we add a "-a"
argument (saying generate all possible entries, either local or from the
domain), that in fact will just avoid th eerror message and return code that
"-d" generates if it can't found a domain controller?
Would a patch on these lines be acceptable, as a first step to allow
automatic generation of complete /etc/passwd and /etc/group files during
cygwin install?
> > In fact for our own use, we package cygwin on the same CD
> as our own product
> > (with full source of course) and our own install procedure
> just overwrites
> > (after asking the user) the cygwin-setup generated files by calling
> > mk{passwd,group} with "-d".
> So you have a solution and it's published in this mailing list.
> We could add a FAQ entry. That should be enough, IMHO.
A FAQ entry indicating that "ntsec" expects correct and complete
passwd/group files is surely useful, although I don't know if it's not
alreay present: I discover the cure for my fiel access problems myself quite
quickly, before even looking at the FAQ, but maybe I'm not the average user
Bernard Dautrevaux
Microprocess Ingenierie
97 bis, rue de Colombes
Tel: +33 (0) 1 47 68 80 80
Fax: +33 (0) 1 47 88 97 85
e-mail: dautrevaux AT microprocess DOT com
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