Mail Archives: cygwin/2002/01/11/01:37:04
I have try another method to "cd" to another server
rather than using "mount" or "net use".
In my case, I want to get/put files from w2k advanced
server to/from HP-Unix Server.
--------------- ----------------
Cygwin in w2k HP-Unix
<--User Mapping by SFU -->
/home/UserA /upload/UserA
Owner=UserA:GroupA Owner=UserA:GroupA Mode:755
Under /upload/UserA,
755 UserA:GroupA FileOne
755 UserA:GroupA DirOne
--------------- ----------------
I installed a software "Service For Unix 2.0" (SFU)
which is used to map userid and group between w2k and
The Unix Server acts as NFS server. I telnet to w2k
using Cygwin, logon as UserA and type
$cd "\\\UnixServer\\upload\\UserA"
$ls -l
rw-r--r-- UserA:GroupA FileOne
rwxr-xr-x UserA:GroupA DirOne
The ownership is correct, but the mode go wrong. When
I type
$chmod 755 FileOne
The mode of FileOne also 644 shown in Cygwin. 755
shown in Unix.
UserA can delete FileOne in Cygwin. Thus I think the
ownership is mapped between w2k and Unix correctly.
What's wrong with the "mode" ? Did it related to
"mapping leak" ?
How to shown 755 in Cygwin when I type `chown 755
FileOne` in `\\UnixServer\upload\UserA` ?
Would you mind to help me ? Thanks a lot !
>Re: telnet cannot see mount drive
>From: Corinna Vinschen <cygwin at cygwin dot com>
>To: cygwin at cygwin dot com
>Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 13:45:12 +0100
>Subject: Re: telnet cannot see mount drive
<20020110095916 DOT 28228 DOT qmail AT web21203 DOT mail DOT yahoo DOT com>
>On Thu, Jan 10, 2002 at 09:59:16AM +0000, Tiffany
Chan wrote:
>> I mapped network drive (h:) in network
>> in w2k SP2 advanced server. The network drive (h:)
>> be accessed in both w2k "My computer" , w2k command
>> line "cd" and also in shortcut of Cygwin in w2k
>> desktop.
>> But when I telnet to the w2k server using Cygwin ,
>> type "mount". I cannot see h: or /cygdrive/h:, I
>> try to use mount -s h: \\server\folder, but it does
>> not work. I cannot cd to h:
>> I telnet using w2k telnet server. I see that the
>> network drive is mapped by typing "mount", but it
>> the status is "not available". also cannot "cd" to
>> Would you mind to help me ? Thanks
>That's how it works, unfortunately. When telnetting
into the box
>you're running in another logon session. You have no
>to the mapped drives of the same user when logged on
in a
>desktop session.
>Workaround: Create a new drive mapping *inside* your
telnet session
>using another drive letter:
> net use J: ....
>But *DON'T FORGET* to release the drive mapping
before logging
>out that very telnet session. Otherwise this drive
>is never ever usable as long as the machine isn't
> net use J: /delete
>Corinna Vinschen Please, send mails
regarding Cygwin to
>Cygwin Developer
mailto:cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
>Red Hat, Inc.
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