Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/11/19/14:33:52
Toggling the setup.exe 'browser' to 'full' mode, then scrolling through the
list of packages reveals that the "Editors vim: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi
editor" package's New column is set to 'skip.' By which I make the
assumption that this is an optional package for users who like the extended
features of vim over the standard features of vi. Implied in the above
statement is that there is a vi/view/ex utility that is part of the shell
It just seems that the new setup.exe 'assumes' a lite installation (e.g. gcc
is set to 'skip', nearly everything is set to 'skip').
Note that I did attempt one installation where I selected all packages to
install (cycled from skip to the version number) and still vi would not
work. While I cannot absolutely rule out changes to my system, I did perform
an install on a system where I had successfully installed two weeks ago.
OK I applied a 'little' brain to it, here's my situation:
Installed using setup.exe, as noted above vim package was set to skip.
typing "vi test" results in: bash: vi: command not found.
Using find, cannot find vi or any derivative (vim, vi.exe, vim.exe, etc) any
where. ls'd /usr/bin, no vi.
Ran setup again. Specifically selected vim package for install.
Type "vi test" results in a dialog box: "vim.exe - Entry Point Not Found:
The procedure entry point bind_textdomain_codeset could not be located in
the dynamic link library cygintl.dll."
Find on cygintl.dll found /bin/cygintl.dll and /usr/bin/cygintl.dll.
Just to make sure I copied cygintl.dll into the system32 directory and tried
the above test again. Same results.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Larry Hall (RFK Partners, Inc)" <lhall AT rfk DOT com>
To: "Daniel Meier" <dmeier AT crosstrust DOT com>; <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com>
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2001 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: Setup.exe Revisited
> At 12:23 PM 11/19/2001, Daniel Meier wrote:
> >I've seen a couple of complaints but no real response to the question:
setup.exe used to be (like, last week) real easy to run and install most
things needed, but now it doesn't.
> >
> >I mean after installing with setup.exe I can't even run vi! None of the
cygwin directories are in the path. Even if I add them to the path it still
can't find vi.
> Well, where is 'vi' on your system? On my system, it's in /usr/bin/vi...
> >I note that in the new install vim is not default. I assume there is a
difference between vi and 'new improved vi' - vim. The most important
difference being vi IS part of the default environment?
> I'm not sure what you mean when you say 'vim' is "not default". I'm also
> not sure why you assume 'vi' and 'vim' are different. You really
> do allot of assuming. It doesn't help resolve any problems generally.
> vi and vim are the same thing.
> >
> >It used to take a brainless cluck to install and use cygwin. Now you've
raised the entry requirement - must have a functional brain as well as a few
> Perhaps you'll need to debug what's causing the problem on your end.
> This is certainly not typical behavior and the first thing to rule out
> is a local configuration issue. If you can provide details that indicate
> that the problem is within setup itself, that would be a big help (a
> patch would be even better! ;-) )
> Good luck,
> Larry Hall lhall AT rfk DOT com
> RFK Partners, Inc.
> 838 Washington Street (508) 893-9779 - RFK Office
> Holliston, MA 01746 (508) 893-9889 - FAX
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