Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/10/29/02:37:20

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Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2001 08:29:15 +0100
From: "Gerrit P. Haase" <gp AT familiehaase DOT de>
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Reply-To: "Gerrit P. Haase" <cygwin AT cygwin DOT com>
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To: Stipe Tolj <tolj AT wapme-systems DOT de>
CC: cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Subject: Re: mysql-3.23.43 builds
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References: <131739715474 DOT 20011029023140 AT familiehaase DOT de>
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Hallo Stipe,

Am 2001-10-29 um 02:37 schriebst du:

>> Create a group cyg_mysql and a user mysql with NT's user-management.
>> Add them in the right files (/etc/group & /etc/passwd), rename user
>> cyg_mysql to mysql, then build from the sources (patch is attached).
>> Put the attached patch and the source package (
>> in your build tree (e.g. /src/database):

> congratulations to the successfull build.


> What cygwin version did you use? MySQL depends on pthread support?!

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-4.0 LORELEY 1.3.3(0.46/3/2) 2001-09-12 23:54 i686 unknown

> If this works I will package it to the CAMP distribution, ASAP.

$ ./run-all-tests
Benchmark DBD suite: 2.14
Date of test:        2001-10-29  2:08:35
Running tests on:    CYGWIN_NT-4.0 1.3.3(0.46/3/2) i686
Limits from:
Server version:      MySQL 3.23.43

alter-table: Total time: 3845 wallclock secs ( 0.88 usr  0.41 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys =  1.29 CPU)
ATIS: Total time: 105 wallclock secs (24.71 usr  7.18 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys = 31.89 CPU)
big-tables: Total time: 102 wallclock secs (21.40 usr 13.00 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys = 34.40 CPU)
connect: Total time: 678 wallclock secs (121.17 usr 74.33 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys = 195.50 CPU)
create: Total time: 3590 wallclock secs (36.92 usr 13.15 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys = 50.07 CPU)
insert: Total time: 6090 wallclock secs (1831.24 usr 557.79 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys = 2389.04 CPU)
select: Estimated total time: 2165 wallclock secs (184.04 usr 49.31 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00  csys = 233.36 CPU)
wisconsin: Total time: 43 wallclock secs (11.31 usr  5.12 sys +  0.00 cusr  0.00 csys = 16.42 CPU)

All 8 test executed successfully
Tests with estimated time have a + at end of line

Totals per operation:
Operation             seconds     usr     sys     cpu   tests
alter_table_add                     2232.00    0.47    0.14    0.61     992
alter_table_drop                    1555.00    0.30    0.16    0.46     496
connect                              150.00   23.93   19.95   43.88   10000
connect+select_1_row                 180.00   27.78   21.41   49.19   10000
connect+select_simple                167.00   26.61   20.48   47.09   10000
count                                 43.00    0.24    0.04    0.28     100
count_distinct                        66.00    1.19    0.33    1.52    1000
count_distinct_2                      64.00    1.47    0.41    1.88    1000
count_distinct_big                   262.00   18.54    5.47   24.00     120
count_distinct_group                 142.00    3.42    0.95    4.37    1000
count_distinct_group_on_key           64.00    1.37    0.37    1.74    1000
count_distinct_group_on_key_parts    142.00    3.69    1.10    4.79    1000
count_distinct_key_prefix             57.00    1.07    0.26    1.33    1000
count_group_on_key_parts              59.00    2.99    0.84    3.84    1000
count_on_key                         657.00   46.33   11.40   57.73   50100 +
create+drop                          201.00   10.34    3.62   13.97   10000
create_MANY_tables                   821.00    7.10    1.86    8.96   10000
create_index                          31.00    0.00    0.00    0.00       8
create_key+drop                      210.00   10.68    3.68   14.35   10000
create_table                           0.00    0.02    0.02    0.04      31
delete_all                            16.00    0.00    0.00    0.00      12
delete_all_many_keys                 116.00    0.04    0.02    0.06       1
delete_big                             0.00    0.01    0.00    0.01       1
delete_big_many_keys                 116.00    0.04    0.02    0.06     128
delete_key                            12.00    2.29    1.40    3.70   10000
drop_index                            25.00    0.01    0.00    0.01       8
drop_table                             0.00    0.02    0.01    0.03      28
drop_table_when_MANY_tables          794.00    4.57    1.87    6.44   10000
insert                               407.00   86.09   47.66  133.77  350768
insert_duplicates                     95.00   22.45   12.43   34.88  100000
insert_key                           492.00   53.07   21.88   74.95  100000
insert_many_fields                    30.00    1.76    0.57    2.33    2000
insert_select_1_key                    9.00    0.00    0.00    0.00       1
insert_select_2_keys                  16.00    0.00    0.00    0.00       1
min_max                               27.00    0.10    0.01    0.11      60
min_max_on_key                       327.00   67.27   17.51   84.78   85000
multiple_value_insert                  7.00    0.99    0.02    1.01  100000
order_by_big                         135.00   54.02   16.85   70.87      10
order_by_big_key                      95.00   55.96   16.12   72.08      10
order_by_big_key2                     90.00   54.12   16.31   70.43      10
order_by_big_key_desc                 97.00   54.76   16.98   71.74      10
order_by_big_key_diff                125.00   53.84   16.38   70.22      10
order_by_big_key_prefix               91.00   53.37   16.86   70.23      10
order_by_key2_diff                    12.00    5.19    1.40    6.59     500
order_by_key_prefix                    6.00    2.77    0.73    3.50     500
order_by_range                        12.00    3.01    0.96    3.98     500
outer_join                            81.00    0.02    0.01    0.03      10
outer_join_found                      79.00    0.01    0.00    0.01      10
outer_join_not_found                  46.00    0.00    0.00    0.00     500
outer_join_on_key                     52.00    0.02    0.00    0.02      10
select_1_row                          10.00    1.94    1.44    3.38   10000
select_2_rows                         15.00    2.79    1.74    4.54   10000
select_big                            92.00   54.23   16.49   70.72      80
select_big_str                       138.00   34.13    6.70   40.83   10000
select_column+column                  12.00    2.50    1.51    4.02   10000
select_diff_key                      188.00    0.75    0.16    0.91     500
select_distinct                       22.00    4.46    1.11    5.57     800
select_group                          84.00    4.62    0.93    5.55    2911
select_group_when_MANY_tables       1564.00    4.24    2.11    6.35   10000
select_join                            5.00    1.23    0.37    1.60     100
select_key                           446.00  184.02   46.49  230.51  200000
select_key2                          441.00  191.93   48.38  240.31  200000
select_key2_return_key               419.00  170.11   46.60  216.70  200000
select_key2_return_prim              429.00  185.10   46.31  231.40  200000
select_key_prefix                    485.00  191.38   48.72  240.09  200000
select_key_prefix_join                29.00   10.21    2.98   13.19     100
select_key_return_key                434.00  181.32   43.44  224.76  200000
select_many_fields                    72.00   19.62   12.43   32.05    2000
select_query_cache                   138.00   11.49    2.64   14.13   10000
select_query_cache2                  139.00   13.46    3.26   16.72   10000
select_range                         210.00   20.49    6.39   26.88     410
select_range_key2                     49.00   17.11    3.89   21.01   25010
select_range_prefix                   50.00   16.76    4.81   21.58   25010
select_simple                          6.00    1.47    1.08    2.55   10000
select_simple_join                     5.00    1.79    0.40    2.19     500
update_big                            30.00    0.00    0.01    0.01      10
update_of_key                         72.00   14.70    7.81   22.51   50000
update_of_key_big                     33.00    0.24    0.05    0.29     501
update_of_primary_key_many_keys       43.00    0.09    0.09    0.18     256
update_with_key                      342.00   75.04   42.25  117.29  300000
update_with_key_prefix                98.00   22.83   12.57   35.40  100000
wisc_benchmark                         9.00    3.83    1.07    4.91     114
TOTALS                              16622.00 2207.22  712.72 2920.00 2667247 +

Now I'm building mysql-4.0.0 with shared libs;)


Gerrit P. Haase                            mailto:gp AT familiehaase DOT de

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