Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/10/25/19:11:48
Hallo Martin,
Am 2001-10-24 um 10:10 schriebst du:
> Hi you,
> although the concern of my mail not actually within the topic of
> this mailing list, I think it will be of interest for you.
> After typing the following verses in a Linux shell you'll get the
> pod code within the pm's of your perl library transformed into
> html. The resulting HTML-document is being moved to
> /usr/local/doc/perl5, for instance. The directory tree there will
> parallel to that on /usr/lib/perl5 (or where ever you keep it).
> Requires: find, awk, tee, pod2html, a preinstalled destination
> directory.
> Lacks: Not all pm's contain pod code. There will be html-files with
> 0 bytes length, however.
> 1.) cd /usr/lib/perl5
> 2.) find -name \*.pm | awk '{dir=$1; html=gensub("\.pm","\.html","",dir);
> system("pod2html " $1 " | tee " html);
> sub("\.","\/usr\/local\/doc\/perl5",dir);
> sub("\/[[:alnum:]_-]*.pm","",dir);
> system("mkdir " dir);
> system("mv " html " " dir "/")}'
> Never mind the linefeeds in here, this is a one-liner. Always type the
> spaces exactly, as awk uses them for concatenation.
So why not write it down so we can copy and paste it?
And I suggest to use mkdir -p to get rid of the useless errors.
cd /usr/lib/perl5
find -name \*.pm |awk '{dir=$1; html=gensub("\.pm","\.html","",dir); \
system("pod2html " $1 " | tee " html); \
sub("\.","\/usr\/local\/doc\/perl5",dir); \
sub("\/[[:alnum:]_-]*.pm","",dir); \
system("mkdir -p " dir); \
system("mv " html " " dir "/")}'
# Happy Perl'ing;)
Gerrit P. Haase mailto:gp AT familiehaase DOT de
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