Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/10/21/04:26:33
> I have a question, excuse me if it has already been answered!
> Borland supplies a utility that converts Microsoft Visual C++ .lib
> library files into Borland compatible files. Is there something of
> that sort available for cygwin?? Can DLL files be used to extract
> libxxx.a files?? Is some command already available to do it?
> If something of that sort is available, It would be of great help
> in porting stuff that runs on "only windows!!".
> Thanks for your help in advance,
> --Piyush
> PS: If it has already been answered , or u know of a place where I
> could read about this stuff, could you please just send me a personal
> mail wihh a link in the reply email.
A few weeks ago I have started writing a demangler for msvc++ libraries.
The reason for this was to look how it is possible to link the windows native
qt 2.3.0 lib with a g++ compiled kde2.
I have used a flex scanner and a bison parser to build the demangling rules.
It demangles already about 35% of the symbols (I have used the qt 2.3.0 lib
with about 6000 symbols), but because of my small resources I has stopped
this task for the next time.
Generell the demangler works but the ms name mangling schema has very much
exceptions, which has to be emulated in the parser.
Additional there are some topic which has to be solved too:
1. Virtual table handling - This is incompatible between the different vendors.
A possible solution might be to create a specific import library (as used
for the auto-import feature) with thunks, which emulates the needed vtable
2. different register/stack layout
This could be solved too by specific thunks in the import library, but has to
figured out first.
3. RTTY - Run time type information
This has to be inspected because it's safe to say that there are differences
This might be solved too by specific thunks in the import library.
So if someone like to be involved in this task here are some links relating
using vendor specific c++ libs:
Where can I get information about the C++ compiler from {Borland, IBM,
Microsoft, Semantic, Sun, etc.}?[33.4]
3043 How to call a C++ member function in a DLL
Using Visual C++ DLLs in a C++Builder Project
Borland C++ Name-Mangling
Issue calling Com function(s)
Microsoft Fundamentals C++ Name mangling
COM-DLL with cygwin c++
Some aspects of Borland versus microsoft name mangling schema
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