Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/07/31/19:00:55
At 06:22 PM 7/31/2001, John Wiersba wrote:
>I'm having a problem with unlink(). I've scanned the FAQ and searched some
>in the newsgroup archives for information about the following problem. I
>did find a post (see
> but no apparent
>$ touch asdf
>$ perl -i -pe 1 asdf
>Can't do inplace edit on asdf: Permission denied.
>What perl is doing is equivalent to:
>$ perl -e '
> open A, "< asdf" or die "one $!"; # open asdf for read
> unlink "asdf";
> open B, "> asdf" or die "two $!"; # open asdf for write
> while (<A>) { print B } # copy from A to B
>two Permission denied at -e line 4.
>The problem: after the unlink(), I can't open the same filename for write
>as I can on unix. If I pause the program after unlinking asdf, it is still
>there and can be seen by ls, but can't be read by ls -l.
>Is there a workaround for this behavior? Is it considered a bug or is it
>just a quirk of the cygwin implementation of trying to implement unix
>filesystem semantics on top of windows?
The latter. This has been quite a day for this issue! This is the
third time it came up. Perhaps this qualifies as an FAQ now! ;-)
See my previous posts about this subject from earlier in the day:
There's also a related FAQ, although the message it mentions doesn't
seem to pop up anymore, which gives insight into the underlying
implementation. See:
Of course, the code is the "last word" on this subject in terms of the
actual implementation.
Larry Hall lhall AT rfk DOT com
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