Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/07/27/13:01:04
>On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 12:12:12PM -0400, Peter Buckley wrote:
>>An RFE? I don't think cygwin really operates with that business model.
>>If you would like cygwin to have a feature, AFAIK SOP is that you write
>>a patch or create a package and become the maintainer. You also would
>>need approval for the patch/package. Cygwin is a maintained by a
>>community effort.
>Since I'm not interested in doing this and (I assume) Corinna is not
>interested in doing this, that leaves a couple of other Cygwin
>developers who are familiar with the path handling code in cygwin.
>If you can get them interested, then maybe they'll tackle this.
I apologize if I offended anyone with my terminology. What you say is exactly
how I had intended it -- if anyone familiar with the code decides to tackle this
issue, I'd greatly appreciate it; otherwise I'm out of luck since I really doubt
I'll have bandwidth to tackle this myself. Just in case, though, can someone
let me know where I can get the source (ie, which tarball it's in)?
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