Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/07/08/01:33:11
Hello Business Associates,
Summer Super Sale, Prices Good Through July 29, 2001!
We are offering for a limited time, Internet Enterpreneurs the
opportunity to obtain 1 - 3 CD-ROM's full of Email Names List,
Bulk Email Products, and Software. These CD's are compiled out
of a variety of Email Names, Software, Reprint Information,
Code sites, and much more. It's not for everyone, but for the
true Internet Entrepreneur, this is pure Gold. This is the
largest reprint, software, email names list, information
package ever put together...
Here are just some of the items:
Over 6,000 (Not 200 or 300) Camera-Ready Money Making Reports
(You receive the reprint rights, each can sell for $10 to $50)!
Over 100,000,000 Email Names (To send your advertisement to,
or sell as you like. Many Email List houses, sell their names
for $45.00 and up, per 100,000 email names)! Domains such as:
Hotmail - 8,000,000
Aol - 10,000,000
Yahoo - 2,000,000
Earthlink - 2,000,000
Msn - 3,000,000
Delphi - 2,000,000
USA - 2,000,000
Mailexcite - 500,000
Netcom - 350,000
Compuserve - 2,000,000
Netscape - 200,000
Rocketmail - 200,000
General Names - 12,000,000
Remove Names - 15,000,000
& Many, Many More!
Interested, Please Visit Our Website Below And Place Your Order!
* Unlimited Reprint Rights!
* Unlimited Marketing Rights!
* Over 15 Software titles. Many that cost over $300.00, several
in the $600.00 range. This is software to collect email names,
send email advertisements, post classifieds. Many are free, as
a bonus, for you purchasing this package, some are demos. For
education only, there are many unknown code cracking and patch
sites included. These guys break codes to any and every software
package on the internet. Please remember, use their sites for
educational purposes only! Just a few titles to give you a hint:
First Class Mail
Net Contact
Desktop Super Server
Super Sonic
List Check
GeoList Pro
Express Mail Server
Dynamic Mail Pro
URL Scrambler
IP Cloak
and much more!
* You get software to sort, clean and validate the addresses you
to use!
* You get over 20,000,000 remove email names. These are names you
shouldn't send to!
As mentioned above, this software features money-making
reports, ideas, opportunities, sources, businesses, and much
You can sell over the internet or via postal mail. All the
reports can
be printed out on paper, or sent directly to a floppy disk. Each
sell for $10.00 to $50.00, or $149 (to as much as $249 for any 25
30 software titles)!
People will purchase copies of this software (from you) because
will also get the Rights to copy the software and resell them to
We'll show you several ways to market this software via mail
internet, give-aways, wholesaling, and more!
Unfortunately, we are only going to offer our deal to the first
2000 who reply to this Special Offer.
All foreign orders gladly accepted.
Now is the perfect time to market this software. Owning a
mail order or internet business is the dream of millions. Now
than ever people are flocking to grab their fare share of the
dream. This product appeals to all of those people, and also to
millions of mail order businesses and network marketers already
existence! Think about it. Do you know of any other product like
out there? Well, guess what then? You can make a lot of money
marketing this software!
Interested, Please Visit Our Website Below And Place Your Order!
We guestimate the value of our Small Package to be $599.00
We guestimate the value of our Medium Package to be $949.00
We guestimate the value of our Ultra Package to be $1,700.00
When you add everything up, you will agree also!
Small Package (Was $99.95, Now $59.95) Includes:
* Over 3000 Camera Ready How To & Money Making Reports!
* Over 25,000,000 Email Addresses Less Than 2 Month Old!
* Over 20,000,000 Remove Email Addresses!
* Over 5 Software Titles!
Medium Package (Was $149.95, Now $79.95) Includes:
* Over 4000 Camera Ready How To & Money Making Reports!
* Over 50,000,000 Email Addresses Less Than 2 Month Old!
* Over 20,000,000 Remove Email Addresses!
* Over 8 Software Titles
* & Much More!
Ultra Package (Was $249.95, Now $99.95) Includes:
* Over 6000 Camera Ready How To & Money Making Reports!
* Over 100,000,000 Email Addresses Less Than 1 Month Old!
* Over 20,000,000 Remove Email Addresses!
* Over 15 Software Titles!
* & Much More!
Your CD's will be shipped certified mail within 48 hours after
order has been processed. Each CD is tested before shipping. We
will contact you via your email address when your CD are being
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Debt Cards, Money
Orders, and Checks. You may order directly from our website
(URL given below), or send payment via postal mail to the address
All The Best In Your Business Endeavors!
To Order by postal mail, please send your payment to the address
below. Make payable to Grant Gold 2001.
___Small Software Package, $59.95
___Med. Software Package, $79.95
___Ultra Software Package, $99.95
***Please Add The Below Shipping Fee:
___$5.79 (U.S.A.) Shipping & Handling.
___$10.79 (Foreign) Shipping & Handling.
Total Cost_______________.
Merchant's Paradise
4132 Pompton Ct.
Dayton, Ohio 45405
If you would like to order via Fax, please include your credit
card number, expiration date, and your email address.
OUR 24 HOUR FAX NUMBER: (775) 878-1892
Important Credit Card Information! Please Read Below!
* Credit Card Address, City, State and Zip Code, must match
billing address to be processed.
AmericanExpress___ Debt Card___
(As it appears on Check or Credit Card)
(As it appears on Check or Credit Card)
City,State,Zip(As it appears on Check or Credit Card)
(Credit Card Number)
Expiration Month_____ Year_____
Email Address (Please Write Neat)
Authorized Signature
Due To Much Misuse of Customers Copying The Information, Then
Requesting A
Refund, All sales final on CD's. You cannot receive a refund
from Merchant's
Paradise for the email names, reports or software, nor will you
receive a
refund by requesting a "chargeback" from your Credit Card
Company. All CD's
Will Be Shipped Via Certified or Registered Postal Mail. If you
receive a defective CD, we will replace it at no extra charge.
Unsubscribe info:
Bug reporting:
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