Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/06/25/11:57:54
An exchange on the xemacs-nt mailing list: ben wing asked:
> you should at least clarify your recommendation by saying
> "we discourage setting your root to C:\ if you are or ever
> will be using another Unix toolkit, such as UWin or MKS"
> rather than just a blanket "no".
See thread below for context; I just thought I'd pass this along.
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 05:22:30 -0700
From: Ben Wing
To: "Charles S. Wilson"
CC: "David A. Cobb" Xemacs-WinNT AT xemacs DOT org,
Craig Lanning , Nedko Arnaudov ,
Andy Piper
Subject: Re: mingw and xemacs
"Charles S. Wilson" wrote:
> Ben Wing wrote:
> >
> > "David A. Cobb" wrote:
> >>
> >>OK. The "really bad news" is that the Cygwin folk pretty
consistently say
> >>that mounting root at "C:\" is a BAD IDEA. I know that wouldn't
> >>creating a C:\usr\src and mounting it at /usr/src, but it looks
kludgy and,
> >>anyway, there's not room on my C: drive to do any serious building
> >>
> >
> > i think this is utterly bogus.
> >
> > i have consistently been mounting cygwin root at c:\ ever since
> > and i'm constantly mixing cygwin and non-cygwin tools and uses, and
i've never
> > run into any problems.
> >
> But Ben, do you mix cygwin tools with *other unix emulation environment*
> tools like UWin and mks ? On the cygwin list, we got so fraggin' tired
> of people blaming our installation for breaking other toolkits that we
> made the default install topdir be _:\cygwin, instead of _:\ You can
> still choose _:\ as your root if you like, but it's discouraged because
> of the UWin/mks compatibility issues. If you don't use those other
> toolkits -- you should have no problems. But we will continue to
> recommend against it.
ah, i see.
well, you should at least clarify your recommendation by saying "we
setting your root to C:\ if you are or ever will be using another Unix
such as UWin or MKS" rather than just a blanket "no".
> Now, to address Craig's complaint, you can still do a "spot-mount" to
> get matching native and cygwin paths, if you have installed cygwin into
> _:\cygwin as recommended. For instance, if you have your cygwin
> installation in D:\cygwin, and your xemacs sources in D:\xemacs\sources,
> then in cygwin, you can do this:
> cd \
> mkdir -p /xemacs/sources
> mount -b D:/xemacs/sources /xemacs/sources
> I make no judgements here about the necessity of doing this, however;
> I'm not sure I understand Craig's argument.
> --Chuck
-- ben I'm sometimes slow in getting around to reading my mail, so if
you want to reach me faster, call 520-661-6661. See for the hell I've been through.
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