Mail Archives: cygwin/2001/05/03/10:50:02
At 09:27 AM 5/3/2001, Martin Oberhuber wrote:
>since cygwin-1.3, Windows *.lnk files are treated as UNIX
>symbolic links by default.
>We rean into a problem where we wanted to use the "cp"
>command to copy a Windows *.lnk shortcut to a new place.
>This worked alright with previous cygwin versions, but
>with 1.3, the file referenced was copied instead of the
>*.lnk file.
>One problem with this behavour is that additional attributes
>of the *.lnk file (like parameters passed to the program
>referenced, or an icon associated) are not copied in that
>Looking at options of the CYGWIN environment variable as
>well as options of the "cp" command, I found NO WAY of
>copying the *.lnk file instead of the file referenced!
>Even "cp -d", which is documented to preserve symbolic
>links (and works like that on Linux) did not work.
>Setting CYGWIN=nowinsymlinks only affects link creation,
>but not link interpretation by "cp".
>Taking into account that Windows Shortcuts are more than
>UNIX symbolic links, and that thus a one-to-one mapping
>is always problematic, I would suggest the following to
>preserve a clean environment as well as backward
>1.) Only *.lnk files created by Cygwin (with the special
> cygwin header), should be treated as symbolic links when
> they are read. If the *.lnk file is not a "cygwin *.lnk"
> with its special header, it should be treated as a plain
> file.
> If this is not observed, important information may be lost
> (also think about programs like tar that cannot reproduce
> an exact image of the original file system if *.lnk files
> are not completely copied).
Since the goal of making Cygwin symbolic links use the Windows short-cut
mechanism was to allow Windows and Cygwin to interoperate in this area, I
don't see any benefit to trying to break this with your suggestion.
Certainly, this is the way things worked prior to this change since short-cuts
were not understood by Cygwin and Cygwin symbolic links were not understood
by Windows. If you need this division, you want to use the old mechanism.
>2.) If CYGWIN=nowinsymlinks is set, not only symbolic link
> creation but also symbolic link interpretation should
> be "classical", i.e. *.lnk files are treated as files.
This may be indicative of a bug.
>Please keep me informed on your plans regarding this issue.
Watch the list and you'll see any discussion of this. Or send in a patch for
(2) for consideration.
Larry Hall lhall AT rfk DOT com
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